GT Sport's Next Content Update is On Its Way

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Uh huh... 👍:cheers:
Good news...hope that LeMans Circuit will come. But we need a lot new tracks, IMO till today GTS biggest Lack is the Lack of real live tracks. Hope also that we will become real race classes. GT3, GT4, LMP1 and not this fake group races which have nothing to do with real live racing. Come on, a Bugatti in a Race against a Porsche 919 Hybrid. You need to drive GTS to believe that it's possible to create such ****** groupes. Funny thing is...I have nothing against GTS but I cant believe how Kaz, who also attended the N24 h race etc. Knows so less about Motorsport to do such stupid mistakes.
It sounds like you and your friend hate the game maybe you should start writing a list with everything you want done for the next game and send it to them I’m sure they will listen to your very impressive feedback.
You people will never be satisfied...For months I have been hearing when they released awesome cars "WHERE ARE THE TRACKS THO???" Now that they actually release a highly requested track for FREE on top of legendary race cars, you guys still bitch and complain? C'mon man...We all agree PD can be weird and awkward sometimes but at least credit them when they do good, like this free DLC support.
This is PD's excuse to get out of a night mode.

They dont have a true night racing mode right?

How we miss the 24 mins of Le mans and the power of CELL.