GT Sport's Next Content Update is On Its Way

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I hope that they will change the "teaser system" from silhouettes to a photo of a part of the car. I never see anything in these dark silhouettes and don#t want to bright it up always. One pic of every car would be nice or even a short teaser with the bumper cam and just the sound.

Anyway, these possible Group C cars raise my hope for Le Mans circuit.
Looks pretty clear to me, what cars they are. Look at the details marked in red....

Sweet more cars to play with, I still haven't gotten all of the other 50 additions yet. Don't know why but doesn't the first car look like the Evo 7-9, could be wrong but looks awfully familiar. Sauber C9 is back, oh my, the neighbors are going to be annoyed(assuming PD has the right engine sounds), I played PJC with that car exclusively through the home theater on 20, lol. Nothing but huge V8 turbo roaring, sweet music. Right now I play with the Corvette Gr.3 since it has a sweet beefy throaty sound (the Camaro too but it handles like a horror show on wheels.)
next additions.. Subaru 360 and Citroen 2CV ... or

( :nervous:.. your own risk .. :mischievous: .. click the spoiler)

Daihatsu Midget '63 (from GT4

I'd love me some oddball cars :lol:
I remember someone kept posting a GT6 Daihatsu Midget. I don't see it now but everytime I see that car, no matter the context, I can't help but laugh. Maybe it's the PS2 model or that the car itself looks funny and out of place in a racing game
Or maybe I'm weird :dopey:
Now Group C is coming perhaps in the future the Car in my avatar could come perhaps. Make it happen PD.
Interesting piece of (stillborn :() artwork; would be nice to know how it would stack up if it actually raced :)
I'd love me some oddball cars :lol:
I remember someone kept posting a GT6 Daihatsu Midget. I don't see it now but everytime I see that car, no matter the context, I can't help but laugh. Maybe it's the PS2 model or that the car itself looks funny and out of place in a racing game
Or maybe I'm weird :dopey:

Interesting piece of (stillborn :() artwork; would be nice to know how it would stack up if it actually raced :)

It is a shame actually that it never raced but oh well at least the Alfa Group C car was not scrapped or destroyed it would have been even more awful if that happened. Alfa has really grown on me even becoming my favourite Group C racecar alongside the Lancia LC2 and the Toyota TS010.
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It is a shame actually that it never raced but oh well at least the Alfa Group C car was not scrapped or destroyed it would have been even more awful if that happened. Alfa has really grown on me even becoming my favourite Group C alongside the Lancia LC2 and the Toyota TS010.
Whoah it wasn't?! Where is it residing now? From what I can recall its engine was used on another stillborn project; the 164 Procar. Glad to hear it's all good and in one piece! Just like how art should be preserved :)
Since I'm a fan of these vintage iconic econoboxes, I'd love to see any of them. However, what would be better see return than the 1963 Midget would be the 1915 Ford T or...

Yes, the 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen from GT4. The worlds first patented automobile and extremely important in history.

That vehicle was so weak it couldn't go round Monaco.
Looks pretty clear to me, what cars they are. Look at the details marked in red....

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D’oh, Evo IX makes so much sense now you point it out haha. I was thinking maybe 3rd gen Impreza STI but after seeing your comparison, I can see more Evo in it now. Body shape fits almost perfectly and that explains why the lights are squarer than what they would be if it was indeed the Impreza.
It is a shame actually that it never raced but oh well at least the Alfa Group C car was not scrapped or destroyed it would have been even more awful if that happened. Alfa has really grown on me even becoming my favourite Group C alongside the Lancia LC2 and the Toyota TS010.
A modified LC2 (SE047) was actually used as a test mule for the SE048.


One of my favourite ones as well.

Whoah it wasn't?! Where is it residing now?
Alfa's historic museum.
I agree with the criticism on La Sarthe, it's the most beautiful race in the world but it's a bit boring. Then I think we have to consider that it takes 3.50-4.00 minutes with Gr.3 cars, so you have not a lot of laps to do before starting the race. For GT Sport the Bugatti version would be better in my opinion, but at this point I think a new scenario is necessary because it's starting to be a bit boring (I hate willow damn springs!!!). Great cars however in the update
Whoah it wasn't?! Where is it residing now? From what I can recall its engine was used on another stillborn project; the 164 Procar. Glad to hear it's all good and in one piece! Just like how art should be preserved :)

The Alfa Group C got its engine from the V10 of the 164 Procar. But as time went it has gotten a Ferrari 3.5 litre V12 because it was believed the V10 was too fragile to be raced.

The car never raced but got stored in Alfa Romeo's museum best thing to do rather than scrapping art. I hope Alfa would allow this car to be in racing games because it would give the car its much needed exposure.
Whoah it wasn't?! Where is it residing now? From what I can recall its engine was used on another stillborn project; the 164 Procar. Glad to hear it's all good and in one piece! Just like how art should be preserved :)

Alfa Romeo keep it in there museo historico. I don't think it comes out much. Last I know is Alfa's 100th anniversary celebration at Goodwood. It's where that profile pic was taken. The 164 Procar is also kept in the same place. That also visited Goodwood in 2010 for the centenary.
I still have doubts about the first car on the second row.
I see lots of different cars in that image, Sauber Mercedes C9, McLaren F1 variation (LM shorttail or Fina GTR longtail) and even a S2 Lotus Exige.

I don't see Sauber anywhere there... I thought it was just me but I totally see the McLaren F1 LM (maybe I'm just being hopeful because I love McLarens so much...)

A modified LC2 (SE047) was actually used as a test mule for the SE048.


One of my favourite ones as well.

Alfa's historic museum.
The Alfa Group C got its engine from the V10 of the 164 Procar. But as time went it has gotten a Ferrari 3.5 litre V12 because it was believed the V10 was too fragile to be raced.

The car never raced but got stored in Alfa Romeo's museum best thing to do rather than scrapping art. I hope Alfa would allow this car to be in racing games because it would give the car its much needed exposure.
Alfa Romeo keep it in there museo historico. I don't think it comes out much. Last I know is Alfa's 100th anniversary celebration at Goodwood. It's where that profile pic was taken. The 164 Procar is also kept in the same place. That also visited Goodwood in 2010 for the centenary.
Thanks for the answers :D
So I got the Procar engine jumbled up; it's the other way around. Thanks for the correction :cheers:

Man I wish I can see it in action once... That thing looks so beautiful :drool:
In this nex update hoping a couple of cars get nerfed.
I hope they nerf the Supra a bit, I like the car itself but it's a bit too good thst it can be used on almost all tracks. It's almost like the 911 pre-nerf. And I wish they send the Megane (megane :P) back to hell. I don't want to use that car EVER again, or other FF cars for that matter :mad:

And I think we all just went ahead and forgot about the lower-than-average cars altogether :lol: needless to say maybe some buffa to these cars would be nice