Gt4 Calendar system


I found a FAQ that says the used car lists change weekly, and goes on to give lists of cars available on certain days in certain weeks. However my copy of the game gives a date, like 22 July. Must I convert that date into weeks and days? Does the game start on 1 Jan?
No, the game starts on 2nd April.

However your main garage screen also tells you how many days you're on.
If I'm doing the math right, around late February/early March, Year 2.

EDIT: Tree'd with a better answer.
No. Two years is 730 days (731 if there's a leap year). The used car cycles are 700 days.

That's why the used car cycles use game days as they are displayed in your main garage screen.
Once used as an explanation for an answer in a Famine's Weekly Quiz...