GT4 General Discussion and Questions

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Garage Battle
what about a LAN game between 2 people...can u use garage then?

To clarify: The Garage option has not been seen in Arcade mode, period. That means no LAN, no two-player, not even Free Run or Race.
ok, we know that the arcade mode has become useless, but, THE MAIN REASON WHY I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME IS THE FREE RUN! since this is a driving game, not racing, i had a blast just making the best time possible with my cars in free run. I´ve heard that free run now is paid (not much of a free run, ah?) and its in the gt mode. For those who have the game, please awnser this: is it possible to have a free run in any track with any car? could be arcade, gt mode whatever, just wanna know if thats possible. If not, that would be a MAJOR TURN-OFF, and something stupid from PD. I just hope they didn´t screw up :grumpy:
ok, we know that the arcade mode has become useless, but, THE MAIN REASON WHY I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME IS THE FREE RUN! since this is a driving game, not racing, i had a blast just making the best time possible with my cars in free run. I´ve heard that free run now is paid (not much of a free run, ah?) and its in the gt mode. For those who have the game, please awnser this: is it possible to have a free run in any track with any car? could be arcade, gt mode whatever, just wanna know if thats possible. If not, that would be a MAJOR TURN-OFF, and something stupid from PD. I just hope they didn´t screw up :grumpy:

I think free run is available for a small fee, in GT mode, you go to the individual grouped track halls: real, dirt and snow, Original and City, from there you can select any track, and take any car out in Free run.

See these screens----vv
gt4 racer
YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![is it real?]

I have asked the guy and there's what he says :

"By "the langu[ag]e is english", do you mean that every menu is written in english? And are you sure that this will be working in my American PS2 (NTSC)?"

Answer :
it should do if not send it back and i will refund you

Don't know what to think about that... Should I take a chance?
In GT4, can you put forced induction on most cars?

I didn't like how you couldn't turbo the Viper and the like... Hennessey does it...

Also, I hear you can now supercharge cars. Is this true?
Pwel Power
I have asked the guy and there's what he says :

"By "the langu[ag]e is english", do you mean that every menu is written in english? And are you sure that this will be working in my American PS2 (NTSC)?"

Answer :
it should do if not send it back and i will refund you

Don't know what to think about that... Should I take a chance?
You do realise it's for a pre-ordered copy so you'll still have to wait until it's released in the US don't you? If your okay with that then go for it but you may pay more than you have to if your able to get it on release day anyway.
Pwel Power
Don't know what to think about that... Should I take a chance?

This is my first post. I registered for the purpose of telling you that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that the Taiwanese version of GT4 will work in a US PS2. Just like normal DVDs I believe PS2 games are region locked. I would NOT buy this if I were you. Your PS2 would need to be modded.

Also I live in Taiwan, I have Chinese GT4 and there is NOT a lot of English in there. If you cannot read Chinese then you are going to struggle with the menus. That is not to say it can't be done, you can figure it out and you can play the game but don't be expecting English everywhere.
They added a higher fixed rear cam into GT4P.. it was fixed to always face along the length of your car which gave a great perspective when rallying. It was far superior to the lower view which is not locked.

I often wondered when people said that they didn't include the high fixed view from GT4P in GT4... seemed odd they'd add it to GT4P then remove for GT4.

As far as I know there should be bumper cam, bonnet cam, chase cam low unfixed and chase cam high fixed.
ok, i have some questions, too.

1. is it really impossible, to choose a car from the garage in the splitscreenmode?
i just can't imagine that pd would make a mistake like that. for me, the splitscreenmode is the most important mode in the gt-series (after i collected some cars in the gt-mode).

2. do the cars still loose hp, when driving long distances? - i hope not....
continuing the discussion, since the appriopaite thread was LOCKED. Should i cancel my Japanese PS2 order and keep GT4, and load the image on my HD advance on my US PS2?
continuing the discussion, since the appriopaite thread was LOCKED. Should i cancel my Japanese PS2 order and keep GT4, and load the image on my HD advance on my US PS2?

i am waiting for my GT4 copy to test out on my US PS2 what the guy said. if it works ill let you know. prob will be over a week though.

EDIT: according to what the guy said this should be what you have to do. You should not require a Japanese PS2 according to him.

1: get the game image (warez or legit rip from the original disc)
2: put image on HD (over network, or winhiip or whatever)
3: boot up ps2 hdloader
4: swap hdloader cd with REAL gt4 dvd (use flip top or slider card)
5: boot GT4 from hdloader menu
i am waiting for my GT4 copy to test out on my US PS2 what the guy said. if it works ill let you know. prob will be over a week though.
I ordered on Sunday (monday in HK) and my order is still processing...Im going to try the way he said, then i'll ebay the PS2.
I can't understand why the thread was moved. I've come on these boards for the last few days looking for specific threads regarding HDLoader/Swap methods of playing. I had no desire to drudge through this post to find the proverbial "needle." If no one else beats me I will be able to verify this later tonight about 11pmish est
When I get this, the Alfa 147 GTA will be tuned to much it won't know what hit it.
Well I think this isn't the right tread cause there's already another one about HDLoader...

However: I have a PAL PS2 (not modded) with HDloader and a GT4 Japanese original.
All I wanna know is if I have to flatten the DVD9 to a DVD5 or I may just copy the files...

I'm going to try this method cause I can't make DVD9->DVD5.
I've found a tutorial but I miss a program (apache v1.1) :(
Well I think this isn't the right tread cause there's already another one about HDLoader...

However: I have a PAL PS2 (not modded) with HDloader and a GT4 Japanese original.
All I wanna know is if I have to flatten the DVD9 to a DVD5 or I may just copy the files...

I'm going to try this method cause I can't make DVD9->DVD5.
I've found a tutorial but I miss a program (apache v1.1) :(

No way...

DVD original->HD directly via HDl dumb doesn't work...

I must flatten the Iso form DVD9 to DVD5. But I still miss Apache :(