GT4 General Discussion and Questions

  • Thread starter sn00pie
General Questions:

1. If there's a car that isn't yet available and you win it in a race, can you then purchase it from a dealership? I remember in GT3 that once you sold certain prize cars (certain rally cars come to mind) there was no way to get them again.

2. What seems to be the ratio of purchase price to selling price? Like, if you buy a 20,000c car from a dealership, can you then sell it for 5,000c?

3. Are the championships (the FR Series for example) grouped so that you must progress through them in order or can you just do them one at a time?

4. Can you enter the manufacturer races at the beginning of the game or do they have to be unlocked? And how diffucult are they in relation to the "proper" series?

5. Is the prize money you earn comparable to GT3? Like, does the Sunday Cup payout 1000c and the AWD Series 2500c? And is there a bonus amount for completing the whole series?

Bonus Question:

How much can you sell the Dualnote and Triathlon car for?
!. No any cars that can't be bought in the dealerships can never be bought in the dealerships. However there are very few cars that can only be won once, and all of thoes are cars won for the license tests, not ll cars won in the tests are won once only though.
2. The sale price is the same as GT2 and GT3, 1/4 or the cars full value.
3. Not progressed through the Sim mode at my mates, he's done all that on his own so someone else will have to answer.
4. Same as above.
5. I don't recall the exact ammounts but from what I've seen the prize money is tight in the first few races and I've heared here that there races you can earn decent Cr 10,000Cr and 25,000Cr races and also the 50,000Cr a race has returned, but thats just what I've read here, although I haven't a clue how you will afford all thoes 4,500,000Cr cars you don't win.
onus question. I haven't the foggiest.
Thanks for the quick reply, live4speed. So it looks like we'll all have to do the Sunday Cup a few times to generate enough credits so buy a decent, 40000+ car. Unless of course the Dualnote and Triathlon can be sold for 20000 apiece.

And just so I understand this correctly, once you win a car like the Atenza Concept from the FF Challenge, you better not sell it because that was the only time you can win it? So you can repeat the series to get more credits but you won't receive another car for completing the five races a second time?
No you have to option to wipe your golds in a single race competition this time so by wining them again you re-win the car as well as the credits, but you have to wipe your golds. The only cars you can't re-win are certain cars won in the license tests.
I just thought of another question. Two more, in fact.

Would a moderately tuned car (say a Lancer) be competitive in the easier rally events?

What do you need to do to unlock the rally events?
Now we just need a price for the Dualnote and Triathlon (hint, hint).

I don't know what a "dualnote" is but I assume the "triathlon" you refer to is the Toyota Motor Triathlon Race Car, which I won and in the sale screen it was showing as -- credits, ie it was worth nothing if you sold it. I didn't actually TRY selling it to make sure as I wanted to drive it around ... not that it could be entered into any races I was eligible for (not many, but I get the impression it can't be raced at all). Bit of a disappointment all round really. I couldn't even enter it in the Sunday cup.
What do you need to do to unlock the rally events?
Note that I haven't actually DONE it as my 2 year old TV died before I could manage but it seems that you only need a domestic A license to be eligible for some of the Rally races. There is no Rally license, the normal B license contains rally events which you need to pass to get the license. I assume the other licenses also have Rally events but I haven't gotten that far and can't say for sure.

When my TV gets fixed ...


I managed to get a few hours of GT4 in at my girlfriend's house before her parents came home and kicked me out.

I discovered that a Domestic A license is all you need to unlock some Rally events. The first event pitted my WRX STi Spec C '04 up against a Renault S Turbo '80. This was worth 3 A-Spec points which indicates that the WRX is too powerful for this race. The WRX was stock (with oil change and custom rims). To have a more even race you will need a less powerful car. After the oil change the WRX was putting out 343ps. The first race was a road race so you don't need to buy the 22,500 credit dirt tires straight away.

I wish I could tell you about the second event but I got kicked out before I got to it. Hopefully my TV will be fixed soon.
So it looks like we'll all have to do the Sunday Cup a few times to generate enough credits so buy a decent, 40000+ car.

I wouldn't run the Sunday Cup more than once. Do the license tests to win a car then start racing that car. Sell off whatever cars you win, keeping the mods to a minimum. This is the approach I took and I was able to get a 10,000 and an 8,000 credit car which I promptly sold. Without having to rerun a single series the prize money I had plus these two cars sold off gave me 35,000 - just enough for a hot new WRX. I was planning on entering this stock in the Rally events but as you know from my other posts, my TV had other ideas. A better plan might have been to buy a used car and mod it (or buy two and use no mods) which could be eligible for other races but I wanted a shiny new car in my garage so I just bought one. I was offered some reasonable EVOs and WRXs for 18,000-22,000 in the used car lot.

If the stock WRX turns out to lack the power to win at Rally and I am stuck with no money and no cars eligble for available races then I will go back to the licenses to win more cars which can be raced or sold. I doubt I will ever need to rerun the Sunday Cup for money.
does anyone know how to unlock the locked cars in the dealers so u can actually purchase them? I win the cars, but they don't give me a choice of color. is there something i need to succeed to be able to purchase them? thx in advanced
You don'r purchase any locked cars, it's been the same for all Gran Turismo's since GT1, if you don't like the colour you just have to win it again and see what colour you get next.
I've been searching for ages and ploughed through a lot of threads and other sites, but just asking, is there any news on if the Jaguar XJR9 LM is in the game. I know someone said they'd asked Jaguar and they said PD had taken and tested the car but, I've seen nothing of it yet and I would of thought if it was in we would of seen something.
Also I remember I saw once it said somewhere that there would be a TVR T400R Typhoon in so just wandering if anyones seen any racing TVR's?
Just curoious.

Anyone know at all?
Just a point about that quote, the Typhoon is actually called the Typhon, the T400R is not the yphon, above the T400R performance and price wise is the T440R and again above that is the Typhon, although it's quite a lot above the T440R in terms of power (fiures in the region of 580Bhp+ have been circulated) we'll have to wait to see how well that translates onto road performance (probably very good knowing TVR, not that I'm a fan or anything :D).

As for the question, I saw a T440R mentioned in one of the car list threads, but I haven't seen one in the new cars garage or the prize car list, so I thin it was unfortunately just a mistake.
Has anyone got any ideas how many license test there are? I did do a seacrh both on this website and search engines but i coulnd find the number, kept coming up with prologue.

One more thing. I read the first few pages of the 24 hour thread. Is that a joke or are they being serius? Is there really a 24 hour race?
Theres 5 licenses b, a, IB, IA and S each one has 16 tests I think.
Just a point about that quote, the Typhoon is actually called the Typhon, the T400R is not the yphon, above the T400R performance and price wise is the T440R and again above that is the Typhon, although it's quite a lot above the T440R in terms of power (fiures in the region of 580Bhp+ have been circulated) we'll have to wait to see how well that translates onto road performance (probably very good knowing TVR, not that I'm a fan or anything :D).

As for the question, I saw a T440R mentioned in one of the car list threads, but I haven't seen one in the new cars garage or the prize car list, so I thin it was unfortunately just a mistake.

Ahh I always thought the T400R and T440R were special racing TVR's that they were gonna enter into the GT championships (which they did) adn the Typhoon was just the road version of them....which is sorta what you just said but obviously the Typhoon more powerful etc.

Yeah I saw that as well, and funnily enough saw you getting all excitied about it live so just presumed that it was in. Hope to god that they include some racing TVR's or like a special PD racing conversion TVR (like what they did with the Altezza LM and FTO LM etc.), like in the orignial Gran Turismo and GT2. I'll fly over to Japan and park a TVR up his arse if he doesn't. The Brit GT Speed 12 and T400R's would be a definate nice contribution to the game 👍 :D.
Agreed, and the 400R and 440R's do race, but there are road versions of them too, the Typhon is a supercharged Tuscan basically.
i´ve a QUESTION:
is it possible to make a photo(in PHOTOMODE)of a car that is backfiring at the moment(i know it IS possible but do you need many LUCK or can you do it IN A CONTROLLED WAY?)???
i saw many pics with backfiring carz,k they could be photoshopped, BUT some of them aren´t so Luck or easy work?
From what I know all you do is press select to freeze the replay or photo drive and then you take your photo, so it's just a matter of pressing select when your car backfires.
A friend told me, that if you have 3 Playstations, 3 games and 3 displays, you can connect the Playstations to get a cockpit like for airplane simulation games (PC). Is that true?
A friend told me, that if you have 3 Playstations, 3 games and 3 displays, you can connect the Playstations to get a cockpit like for airplane simulation games (PC). Is that true?

Yes it's true.. although I couldn't tell you how exactly to do it..

I am not sure if you need 3 copies of the game however.
Yes it's true.. although I couldn't tell you how exactly to do it..

I am not sure if you need 3 copies of the game however.

Well you could do it in GT3, with iLink. But with GT4, with no iLink, I doubt it.
From what I recall reading, no. But you can leave a series, change the oil, and go back in the series.
Oh? So unlike in GT3, after each race, you can change the oil, and it won't make you quit the series? That's a great feature.
However, I wonder how this works for endurance races? Surely your engine will be toast after the 24 hours of Nurburgring without an oil change! :nervous:
Oh? So unlike in GT3, after each race, you can change the oil, and it won't make you quit the series? That's a great feature.
However, I wonder how this works for endurance races? Surely your engine will be toast after the 24 hours of Nurburgring without an oil change! :nervous:

Or your horsepower will have halved! :ill: