GT4 makes me sick.

  • Thread starter Biggles
For the past few months I have been noticing an intermittent pain in my left elbow. At first I thought I must have banged my elbow at some point & bruised the bone, but as it recurred & became more persistant, I began to think there must be some other cause. I decided it was most likely because of kitesurfing - my other major recreational activity. In the last couple of weeks the pain has been particularly bad, even thought I have not kitesurfed for a number of weeks.

Last night, at 2.00 am, after a particularly grueling multi-lap session at Le Sarthe, it came to me in a flash of intuition:

GT4 + G25 wheel + obssessive/compulsive disorder = elbow pain.

I need help! :ill:

( 💡 Anyone ready to sign up for a class action lawsuit? I believe Sony, PD, & Logitech have deep pockets. :mischievous:)
Don't play it...

I've saved you years of surgery, rehab and medical bills... I'll settle for a measly million bucks. I expect the wire transfer to take no more than 3 days.
My elbows are fine. My thumbs are sure though. Something about mashing down the accelerator on a DS2 for countless hours.

Will that help the lawsuit?
If you really must, abuse your thumbs instead and buy a DS2 controller. It is less expensive, smaller, and it can be used for other games.

Other than that, I don't think this has been reported before. So, Diego's advice is good to follow. Perhaps a physician can help you? Or is it your driving style? (elbows out)
Actually, before I got GT4 & the G25, I spent hours playing Forza, which resulted in a deformed left thumb!

Seriously though, has anyone else experienced this using a wheel?
Has anyone suffered from 'Sim sickness'??
Even now and then, after playing GT4 for hours on end, I will suffer from an intense migrain headache called 'Sim Sickness'.

After researching it, your mind picks up on a few of the minor inconsistantcies in the backgrounds/ motion, and it triggers a headache - this seems more prevalent the more detailed (realistic) these games get. The mind has a hard time distiguishing reality from video game.
You can't blame anyone for your own injury for using a product. No one is MAKING you use it, you have a choice to use it or not..

That's why they have all that health and safety stuff, there's no possible way you can report anything.

A deformed thumb means you play WAY too frequently or you simple can't use it...
You know these devices come with a health warning that says you should stop using them if you get pains. So the companies have covered their backsides and its all down to the user. Just to rain on the parade.

I have also been using the DS2 excessively but only my right thumb pad is slightly deformed. And thats not even all due to the controller but more due to the fact that I cut half of it off in a rabbit hunting accident.
My Forza thumb developed discoloration & a kink in the nail - it has made a full recovery since I kicked my Forza habit. :)

I just brought up my elbow because I really had no idea what was causing the pain, until it ocurred to me last night. It's odd, because I spend a lot of time long distance driving IRL & have never had this problem - I guess IRL I use the arm rest a lot. With GT4 my arm is just hanging out there & of course the driving is a bit more "acitive" than IRL. My right arm doesn't bother me at all - perhaps because it's more mobile than the left, constantly changing gears.

Has nobody else experienced this from using a sim wheel...?
Don't play it...

I've saved you years of surgery, rehab and medical bills... I'll settle for a measly million bucks. I expect the wire transfer to take no more than 3 days.


For the past few months I have been noticing an intermittent pain in my left elbow. At first I thought I must have banged my elbow at some point & bruised the bone, but as it recurred & became more persistant, I began to think there must be some other cause. I decided it was most likely because of kitesurfing - my other major recreational activity. In the last couple of weeks the pain has been particularly bad, even thought I have not kitesurfed for a number of weeks.

Last night, at 2.00 am, after a particularly grueling multi-lap session at Le Sarthe, it came to me in a flash of intuition:

GT4 + G25 wheel + obssessive/compulsive disorder = elbow pain.

I need help! :ill:

( 💡 Anyone ready to sign up for a class action lawsuit? I believe Sony, PD, & Logitech have deep pockets. :mischievous:)

:) You can't be serious. I sometimes have minor pain in my thumbs, but that's also due to the fact that I work on cars in real-life, and I'm constantly using my hands. I'm not sure how many hours a week you game, but maybe you oughta cut back a bit! :lol:

Has anyone suffered from 'Sim sickness'??
Even now and then, after playing GT4 for hours on end, I will suffer from an intense migrain headache called 'Sim Sickness'.

After researching it, your mind picks up on a few of the minor inconsistantcies in the backgrounds/ motion, and it triggers a headache - this seems more prevalent the more detailed (realistic) these games get. The mind has a hard time distiguishing reality from video game.

I'll tell you what...I got real psyched to play Resident Evil: Outbreak but I can't play it for more than maybe half an gives me a wicked headache everytime....
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I'll tell you what...I got real psyched to play Resident Evil: Outbreak but i can't play it for more than maybe half an gives me a wicked headache everytime....

Yup, any 1st person view game does it everytime. It's sucks when your about a half hour or so from a save point, and you start getting the headache. (usually I play thru the pain and get to the save)
Yup, any 1st person view game does it everytime. It's sucks when your about a half hour or so from a save point, and you start getting the headache. (usually I play thru the pain and get to the save)

Earlier Res. Evils never made me feel the way Outbreak does. In Outbreak, the camera jiggles around a lot as you walk, and your field of vision is super-tight, meaning you have to spin around if you want to see if anyone happens to be following you. Yeah, and then I start feeling like this: :ill: :yuck:
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