GT4 Menu - Dissected

  • Thread starter phantasm
Seeing as there's been a major lacking of GT4 news over the past month... I was thinking that maybe this could get the brains working a bit. I know it's been mentioned in other threads here and there, but never did it get a proper discussion... i figured, what the heck... this deserves it's own thread... so here we go.

Below is the best screen cap i've seen thus far of the new GT menu. I have outlined my take on each section and what you'd be able to do in each. Feel free to weigh in with opinions/ideas. I will update the post as/if any new details about the various options in GT4 are released.

1st Row - 'race area'
1 Event Centre - Sim Mode
2 Licence Centre - self evident
3 Arcade Arena - self evident (includes Time Trials)
4 Single Race - self evident
5 Power and Speed - replaces "Machine Test" section, hopefully with some additional options such as a dyno mode, skid pad, and maybe drag racing. May also include the Run & Setting option.
6 Safety Driving Park - Gymkhana Comps and free drive vehicle testing.
7 Drift - Drifting Competitions

2nd Row - 'car area'
1 Car Shop - go here to get the latest rides
2 Second Hand Car Shop - yes... it's the return of the used cars
3 Classic Car Shop - buying classic or nostalgic vehicles (model T anyone?) and discontinued models/manufacturers
4 Museum - your window into automotive history
5 GT Auto - car wash, oil change, rims, gas station?, customizing your team- pit crew, team colours, racing helment, gloves, etc. (customizing could be in Civic Centre or elsewhere)
6 Tuning Village - aftermarket tuning at it's finest
7 Flea Market - going out on a limb--- we have used cars... here's used parts for upgrading your ride OR more realistically the swap feature b/w memory cards as in past GTs

3rd Row - 'facilities area'
1 Home - your garage, goal is to make Jay Leno jealous of your collection of fine rides
2 Online Reception - welcome to GT online
3 Hall of Fame - Game Status, Record Times
4 Concert Hall - Music Options
5 Civic Centre - Gameplay Options (didn't have a place for it, gotta be somewhere, could be in parking lot though) OR customizing your team- pit crew, team colours, racing helment, gloves, etc. (this could be in GT Auto)
6 Information - Game Credits, Manufacturer Notes, and other legal mumbo jumbo
7 Bank of GT - something to do with money :dunce:
8 Parking Lot - Save your game AND/OR Gameplay Options
9 Paint Shop - Change your ride's paint scheme (wouldn't be surprised if this is what this is, that it gets moved up into the car area)
10 Travel Office - PHOTO MODE

Let the flames begin! 👍 👎 :scared:


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Phantasm, this thread is really scraping the barrel now isn't it lol

I wish to discuss the shade/ colour of the buttons on GT3, will they go "ping" when you go over them? Who knows? I hope that then buttons in the menu live up to my expections I have, if they are not good enough I certainly shaln.t be buying GT4 if the buttons arn't the best. I think the buttons should be blue, that go "PING" when you highlight them, a ping sound is good. PING PING PING. Discuss people, I know it's an important topic
Phantasm, this thread is really scraping the barrel now isn't it lol

I wish to discuss the shade/ colour of the buttons on GT3, will they go "ping" when you go over them? Who knows? I hope that then buttons in the menu live up to my expections I have, if they are not good enough I certainly shaln.t be buying GT4 if the buttons arn't the best. I think the buttons should be blue, that go "PING" when you highlight them, a ping sound is good. PING PING PING. Discuss people, I know it's an important topic
Absolutely!!! I even alluded to it at the start... dying for some new GT news, so why not rehash some old useless stuff :sly: Although a lot of noobs have been asking about modes in GT... of course they prolly would read this thread first before asking a question.

oh well... who knows one day there might be some confirmed info to update/add to this pre GT's 3.

forgot... :cheers: usernamed.
I can't see the Paint Shop as an option to paint your car. It's so off-topic it makes no sense.
But I can't see it as anything else either... :dopey:
Reading this thread just makes me want the game more. I wished I didn't see this thread. I look forward to all the new modes, used cars, drift, photo, etc.
I can't see the Paint Shop as an option to paint your car. It's so off-topic it makes no sense.
But I can't see it as anything else either... :dopey:
i agree that it makes no sense that it's in the facilities section if it's for painting your cars... however i think the screen itself is just a powerpoint slide and not how the options will look on the GT4 menu. i think the paint shop was thrown in at the bottom to keep things lined up in the first 2 rows (7 races, 7 cars options) for a nice presentation.
I haven't thought about that to be honest. I just assumed this would be the final menu for the game.
But your reason is very plausible and you're probably right.
What is this Gymkhana you speak of?? :confused:

A gymkhana (open to correction) is an event where people turn up in reasonably normal cars and just take part in interesting tests of driver skill througout the day. Maybe you have to slalom through some cones, flick-spin the car around the end and go back, drive in a circle moving a tennis ball from the top of one cone to the next, things like that.

I love your signature btw - it's great to think that I can cause so much misery through the use of a few choice words.
If you watch the Vid that this screenshot came from, KY said this is an example of some of the features that GT4 will have, This doesnt mean that THIS is THE actual menu screen you will see when you put that lovely GT4 disc in you PS2.
A gymkhana (open to correction) is an event where people turn up in reasonably normal cars and just take part in interesting tests of driver skill througout the day. Maybe you have to slalom through some cones, flick-spin the car around the end and go back, drive in a circle moving a tennis ball from the top of one cone to the next, things like that.

I love your signature btw - it's great to think that I can cause so much misery through the use of a few choice words.
Thanx Eagle, you always come to the rescue! :bowdown: Those do sound like interesting test that could be fun to do in GT4, it would be nice to have a slalom to test handling of your car.

Thanks, my signature is the story of my life. Hahaha. On other forums, people read my sig and say I need mental help. Could it be true??????? :eek:
I will have to watch the movie again and listen.

it does look awfully plain compared to the other ingame menu screens displayed.
I actually like it.

But if you think about it, even the background picture (the M5 in Nurburgring) is clearly there just to show the newest features recently introduced in the game (at the time), so the whole menu is probably just temporary.
here is a example KY gave of GT4's UI (which I like)

while I think the other pic just looks like a example of the features of GT4


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Yeah I know I just saying that he didnt say that it wasnt the real game menu screen. But I'm 99.9% sure that it was just a powerpoint presentation...
here is a example KY gave of GT4's UI (which I like)

while I think the other pic just looks like a example of the features of GT4
Yes, that design looks even greater imo too.

It's just that, since apparently the main menu is going to be full of icons, I'd prefer a simple and clean look, just like the one of the presentation.
usernamed, your right he never actually said it NOT the ingame menu but I doubt it.

DiabolicalMask, yes the design does look great, I never really liked the UI in GT1,2,3 but Im looking forward to this one.
Thanx Eagle, you always come to the rescue! :bowdown:

Heh, bet most people don't think that.

Thanks, my signature is the story of my life. Hahaha. On other forums, people read my sig and say I need mental help. Could it be true??????? :eek:

We all need mental help on some level or another. But if we all got it, we'd just be generic clones of the 'ideal' person with 'ideal' unemotional responses etc - we'd be predictable and hence we'd be boring.

What is it with the chick avatar trend? I don't even think mine has a sex to begin with. Now usernamed's sporting, what, is that Anna?

I'm pretty sure that's just a mockup outlining features, the shots Viper posted look far more like a proper menu system.