• Thread starter amar212
Got it today, full and finished PAL version. Do not ask questions how I got it this early, but I can assure you that PAL release is firmly stated for 9th March.

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Check NW for reply.

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Hi. I am wondering one thing. If you get a chance, could you see if they fixed the Ford SVT F-150 Lightning "glitch" in the PAL version? Is it still calssified as a 4x4? I'll be getting the NTSC version, but if the PAL has any changes, I'm thinking the NTSC will too.
Haven't bother to check the new music. However, the new song on intro movie (Reason and Treason) deeply sucks comaperd to ASIAN version - after the Opera sequence, new songs fits like a "Sheet int he Punch", if you know whhat I mean. The graphics were made to be lined with original tune and this one is just bad. Pity.

Still haven't figured out why Sony does this. Seriously, what's wrong with "Moon Over the Castle"? I've gotten so used to watching the intro with that song it'll be jarring to watch it with a new song in the American version.

I guess SCEE wasn't entirely truthful about it... I remember reading one of their press releases that said the intro was going to be re-edited to match up with the new music. Apparently not.

Rest of it seems like good news.. hopefully, us American folk will get a similar "upgrade".
Still haven't figured out why Sony does this. Seriously, what's wrong with "Moon Over the Castle"? I've gotten so used to watching the intro with that song it'll be jarring to watch it with a new song in the American version.

It's simple... SCEA guys are plain :dunce: and we get :yuck: because of their stupidity...

Still haven't figured out why Sony does this. Seriously, what's wrong with "Moon Over the Castle"? I've gotten so used to watching the intro with that song it'll be jarring to watch it with a new song in the American version.

I guess SCEE wasn't entirely truthful about it... I remember reading one of their press releases that said the intro was going to be re-edited to match up with the new music. Apparently not.

Rest of it seems like good news.. hopefully, us American folk will get a similar "upgrade".

They do it because they think different cultures will not like other types of music or will not 'get' the effect its trying to goes the same for many things like food, and even names of products.....walkers crips are called lays in america because that name is not something recognised over there........
I do have one quick question:

Does it let you add cars from your garage to the "Favorites" folder in Arcade?

I don't plan on selling any cars that I win, so my garage is going to be stuffed to the gills with cars.. and I'll have only a few that are tuned, I want to be able to set them aside so I can find 'em easily to do stuff in Arcade.
Still have some questions about it...
  1. Will the Pal-exclusive cars be able to enter a race, unlike the Nike car and some others?
  2. Can you now enter a race with the Nike car and those others you couldn't in the Asian version?
  3. Can you now get into the GT Maintenance with the Nike Car and those other you couldn't in the Asian version? Same question for the Pal-exclusive cars?
  4. Can you buy all (or some of them) Pal-exclusive cars right away (new) or only at particular times in the used cars shop or are some of them even prize cars only?
  5. Are there new races (series) added for the Pal-exclusive cars?
  6. Is the Chinese version bug fixed in this version? The while counting down credits you won touch button freeze bug... Well, couldn't describe it otherwise so...
I know a lot of questions, but take your time. I'll hear it anyway in a new update or something. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work. 👍
I'd really love to know whether the bug which caused the odometer not to count miles in a championship series has been fixed.

Apparently at the end of championship series (not individual races) the counter stayed the same as before the championship in the Japanese version.
he amar!

can you check the memory card battle mode?can you tune youre car? and is dragracing possible? and are there any more options? and is it (almost unlikely) playable via LAN?? thanx in advance!
Wonder if the bug of the Audi TT bug is fixed:
The goblet for winning the cup won`t show up in the Audi arena and you don`t get the 0.4% for winning it.
Amazing amar good tyo know we customise the units used, though it's a shame Hamster power isn't an option :crazy:

That Spirra looks like a mini NSX 01 from the front 👍
Most important: 2 player vs. races garage is in. There is an option to load data from both mem cards. Still have to check does the game transfers all the settings done, but I guess it does.

I second (third, or whatever) the request to know if garage races are available in LAN (link) play. Just to let you know there is interest.
Because Amar has one, which means Tha_con should have one / be getting one soon.
robin2223 wrote

"p.s. heres the Proto Spirra.................nice! somehow reminds me of a koenigsegg......its sweeeeeet!"

How does that remind you of a Koenigsegg?:confused:
Also, usuall PAL "black borders" on top and bottom are sttill here.

I'm really confused here cause GT3/GTC/GT4P are full screen with no black borders (just checked them all to make sure I wasn't going crazy).

The only time I've ever seen black borders on a game is when the developer is lazy and just changes the video mode from NTSC to PAL (i.e. Tecmo's Dead or Alive 2) without doing anything else.

Can anyone please enlighten me on what the usual PAL black borders are? :confused:

he amar!

can you check the memory card battle mode?can you tune youre car? and is dragracing possible? and are there any more options? and is it (almost unlikely) playable via LAN?? thanx in advance!

Read the thread before you ask stupid questions
Can anyone please enlighten me on what the usual PAL black borders are? :confused:Cheers
ALL PAL games have slight borders, even the ones considered full screen. If you compare them to their NTSC twins, you'll notice it. They are nothing like the abominal creations Squaresoft delivers to PAL users with each of their release, but they're there.

Nothing to worry about IMO.
ALL PAL games have slight borders, even the ones considered full screen. If you compare them to their NTSC twins, you'll notice it. They are nothing like the abominal creations Squaresoft delivers to PAL users with each of their release, but they're there.

Nothing to worry about IMO.

it also depends on what tv you have

(and man this site is slow today! it takes 5 minutes to load, really) they are having an overload i think
What about the box and booklet?

Very good question, I've been wondering this myself per the American release.

But, depending on what type of "media preview" copy it is, it may not have any of it.. I think some of those discs just go out in an envelope.

Hopefully, the question will be answered prior to release, but most likely not until Monday, when stores recieve and start unpacking the boxes.
I have two questions:

1- In the PAL version, can you switch to a analog tachometer when outside the car instead of that digital crap?

2- Do PAL games play in US PS2 or do you need some kind of chip? If the US version doesn't have memory card battle I need to know what my options are.

robin2223 wrote

"p.s. heres the Proto Spirra.................nice! somehow reminds me of a koenigsegg......its sweeeeeet!"

How does that remind you of a Koenigsegg?:confused:

Hahaha :lol:......I was waiting till for someone to ask that!!.....after writing I thought 'does it actually look anything like a Koenigsegg?'

These two pictures will show you how it kinda does look like the right angle mind...tell me if you see it now! :) 👍



see what im seeing?......................anyone :rolleyes:
Do PAL games play in US PS2 or do you need some kind of chip? If the US version doesn't have memory card battle I need to know what my options are.


Foreign games always require a modchip. And I believe many PAL games play in black and white on NTSC televisions, and you're also running at a lower framerate (50fps instead of 60). Is it really worth it? I would say not.

Since the American version was in "post-production" (following the Japanese release) the same amount of time as the European version, I think it's safe to say that we'll get everything they're getting as far as upgrades and fixes. The only thing that might be different is what new cars we're getting, if any.
Uhm... no. :) The Spira has much sharper lines.

Time to double up on the medication :D

Meh! close enough......after a few beers........... :cheers: wheres that medication..... ;)
i wonder, does scee/scea actually work on the coding of the game to make the changes, or do the original coders for scej still do it? im guessing scej still does the coding, but either or, scee seems to need to do way more work than scea. scea only needs to do 1 language translation, and if the NA NTSC version doesnt have the same fixes, i really wonder what scea really does with there time. though i guess im not one to talk since i dont work for the company or anything, but in contrast to what scee has to do, it would just make me mad to see how much more work scee does than scea to get a good product out.