GT4 PhotoMode Competition: Week 5

  • Thread starter Slick6
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I know this is a bit off topic but why theres all the grafiti on the ring? Do the companies like Opel spray it on?. I just say opel cus i saw an opel sign in that pic
The theme is a track so why not :dopey:

It's not like the orange cars one or anything and it's pretty original 👍

PS : Why is the Prowler a special car!?
To dori-san

I'm guessing this is directed at me...
you said...."Um.... "Photomode Competition" ....mean anything to ya?

"There's a thought though... The "Take a picture of your screen cause you're too cheap/broke/stupid to be able to get real Photomode pictures to your computer Competition!"

Well, a) I got the photo from photomode, just took it with a camera. B) I'm not too cheap, I have a real racecar that I'd rather put money into instead of buying the latest 'piece' that will probably be obsolete next week, and c) not too stupid as I got my photo in the competition. Some of us just enjoy racing, and have a life besides figuring out 'the proper' way to get photos.

For instance, us 'drivers' managed to do mission 34 without "my 4th and final episode of leaving the track accidentally"....maybe you should take less photos and do more driving...just a thought.
Um, what's the point of GT4? Cars maybe?

This is what is entirly wrong about these competitions, there is such a wide spectrum of choices. The theme of the week was Nürburgring-Nordschleife, correct me if I am wrong but that is a track nothing less, nothing more. There is nothing in the rule stating a car had to be in the photo. 440 said it best

"Way to vauge and bland! Toooooo many options at thee old Schleife! Needs to be narrowed down in my opinion!"

I think the competitions went in a positive direction with the new rules that only 20 pictures are picked and you cannot vote for yourself.

However changing the rules halfway is completly wrong.

Now if there was a rule stating that a car has to be shown in the picture then fine, but there isn't and it is wrong to critique his picture because truthfully it does describe Nürburgring-Nordschleife.

In the end this is supposed to be fun for everyone and not just the regulars, the best gt4 players, the best photographers, but for everyone.

Just one persons opinion! :scared:
You got my love! So far the best pic for me! 👍
oh thankyou :)

After I look thru whole 7 pages, here is my comment
Hatch > did you try to make the everything reddish except the Bimmer logo?
Alpha > I love your TT-R pic, very realistic shot, its like visiting the forrest :dopey:
There are some others pretty good as well .... good luck guys
This is what is entirly wrong .................... Just one persons opinion! :scared:
I never said it was against the rules. It will really be up to TsLeng when he picks the final 20. :)
FiNaL eNtRy!

Feel free to comment on this. Please?
Nice one Franz, I love that picture of the Elise... the detail in the rest of the pic makes it a great pic, and you'll probably get my vote for the second time in three weeks :eek:

Here's my FINAL ENTRY - 'The Golden Age of Motoring'....

I thought my photo would be a bit controversial, and I don't blame people for being against it whatever...The thing is, I've taken loads of photos in an attempt to describe the Nurburgring (most with cars in!) I could have posted a page full of decent pics, but I don't really like it when other people post a page full of pics expecting us to choose one - I think part of the deal should be that you pick one image yourself - even if you change it later, would keep the compo thread neater.
I deliberatley posted my pic without any explanatory text as I wanted to know what people thought of it as a picture. Thank you all who have commented good and bad, in response, I will try to explain what I was trying to do.

I originally wanted a car in the pic, but could not get directly above the track, I wanted a direct overhead shot of a silver merc in the shot but I couldn't get the right angle.
When you go to any circuit race venue, never mind the ring, there can be long periods of time between seeing cars fly past - I simply wished to record the calm before the storm! If you listen hard enough you might be able to hear a car approaching...
As for including a graffiti'd piece of track, if it didn't have any in shot it could be one of a number of tracks - I did want some tree shadow in there - talk about throwing in the kitchen sink! but wasn't practical.
Anyway, I'll shut up now, let's just keep this a fun competition, it's up to the judge's in the end who get's shortlisted - they might hate my photo, but as long as I'm having fun in photomode I don't really care.

Good luck everybody..!
Superbad wrote;
I simply wished to record the calm before the storm! If you listen hard enough you might be able to hear a car approaching...

I like your style mate. 👍 ;)

As you say, it is up to whoever is judging the final shortlist.

I like the idea, it's not something I would have thought of, but at the same time I don't think it's the best picture.

I hope it gets in the shortlist, just for being different.(Not at the expense of mine though ;) :lol: )
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