My least favorite tracks (currently):
1) Nurbergring - Obvious reason... it's damn hard! As a newbie, I have no idea where the hell I am or wtf's coming up and have to focus completely all race long.
... I would, but even on a straight, I'm paranoid if I do, when I open my eyes the red '2' will be flashing and the track disappearing to the right/left!
Although it's my least fav now, I know it will be my fav. The exhilaration of nailing a section is immense, nailing a whole lap would be...
2) El Capitan - On this track, I find I lose traction for no apparant reason, and if I play it cautiously other cars nail me.
3) Infineon - Where's the bloody straight?! I can't race for long on this track, I need my sips of coffee!
As for those who hate the city courses (Hong Kong and New York especially) you're wrong

90 degree corners are great, and as for "they have no rythym/flow" - Its a bloody race, not a Sunday cruise around the countryside!