GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I did good in the demo. Spa is a lovely track and the lister sounds mean as hell. OMG, I love how I can give the car a burst of speed by slamming the gas. I really hope gt4 has the power of the cars correct like gtr's, if they can pull that off, then woot to gt4.
Just to prove a point since everyone seems to gang up on Cobra...yet Front and select others are just as "fan boy" biased..

GT4 seems to be failing to live up to it's much hyped features already and it's not even released..

*cough* Online

I honestly think GT4 will be a rehash of GT3 and GT3 has left bad vibes throughout the gran turismo community.

whatever happened to GT4's MUCH HYPED online features, I guess they were busy adding to the EMOTION*less* low res crap they call textures


Textures don't make a game. People created hype, not Polyphony. GT3 is only what it is today because of better technology, when it was released the complaints were minimal and people were satisfied, now they demand more, they recieve more, but just as fans do, they are not satisfied because other companies (MS with Forza) are simply taking notice of what is "wanted" and focusing on that, which worries me, because their focus should be a physics engine and little else, damage/tire tracks/etc will not make this game, nor will they break it, they are luxuries, physics will determine weather or not it is a good simulator, period.


I think Gt4 will be brilliant my self, GT3 was a giant GIANT lazy **** up, but it does worry me that some of the main selling points of Gt4 are, for lack of a better word vanishing. Photo mode etc is all good and well, but they should concentrate on more important features imo. I WANT ONLINE FIAT PANDA RACING ON THE NURB DAMNIT

Important features like...physics? Or important features like "our cars take damage and you can decorate them". While I agree it's a nice addition, I believe since this is thei FIRST go round...their focus should not be to cover all of the ground at once, rather take it step by step and build from a great foundation, rather than make small pillars and watch the building fall.

Forza will be good, but unless the change their focus for the next few iterations, the game will not advance as it should.

And most can preach about the tire pressure head yada yada, we've HEARD it a million times, but no one will know how realistic it will be. Anyone can say they studied whatever for however long. But let's look at this.

GT3, people were hyped, accept that, they bought the game and loved it. Only when they realized the glitches and the spots that were not right with physics did they complain, yet now we see. But at the time PD said they had done extensive research, with that said, we can apply the same logic to forza.
Just to prove a point since everyone seems to gang up on Cobra...yet Front and select others are just as "fan boy" biased..

Textures don't make a game. People created hype, not Polyphony. GT3 is only what it is today because of better technology, when it was released the complaints were minimal and people were satisfied, now they demand more, they recieve more, but just as fans do, they are not satisfied because other companies (MS with Forza) are simply taking notice of what is "wanted" and focusing on that, which worries me, because their focus should be a physics engine and little else, damage/tire tracks/etc will not make this game, nor will they break it, they are luxuries, physics will determine weather or not it is a good simulator, period.

Important features like...physics? Or important features like "our cars take damage and you can decorate them". While I agree it's a nice addition, I believe since this is thei FIRST go round...their focus should not be to cover all of the ground at once, rather take it step by step and build from a great foundation, rather than make small pillars and watch the building fall.

Forza will be good, but unless the change their focus for the next few iterations, the game will not advance as it should.

And most can preach about the tire pressure head yada yada, we've HEARD it a million times, but no one will know how realistic it will be. Anyone can say they studied whatever for however long. But let's look at this.

GT3, people were hyped, accept that, they bought the game and loved it. Only when they realized the glitches and the spots that were not right with physics did they complain, yet now we see. But at the time PD said they had done extensive research, with that said, we can apply the same logic to forza.

Agreed. Hype is hype.
I agree, but I don't still don't see how Forza is going to be too mainstream because o the car cusomization.

Sure, they are hyping the car customization, but they are hyping the physics just as much if not more, especially when looking at the developer interviews rather than silly trailers.

The developers all seem to be very keen on the realism. Now hype is always going to be part of it, but there is nothing that seems to indicate the they are trying to over hype the "rice" as to steer people away from deficiences in the physics engine or a lack of overall realism.

Again, we will need to play Forza, but it sounds to me like they just decided to give consumers as much of what they wanted as they could. It seems that many here would consider Forza in a better light if it has LESS features.

edit: After rereading tha_con's post I would sum up by saying that I think the developers are fully capable of covering all the bases. Everything is really just based on time and we have no idea how long it would take them to finish different features.

It is possible that they divided up the available time between features and said ok, do the best you can with this much time.

I think it is much more likely they simply started working on the fundamentals like the physics engine(which they claim they did) and either added all the features they could in an alloted time or simply decided to finish it when it is done. I think this is reinforced by the february date which is really a useless time to rush for.
Check out these screens that were posted today at the worlds most up to date and accurate game page IGN. If this isn't Microsoft taking a jab at GT4 then...well, they are taking a jab.


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Check out these screens that were posted today at the worlds most up to date and accurate game page IGN. If this isn't Microsoft taking a jab at GT4 then...well they are taking a jab.
You can really see the cockpit well. 👍
Not bad, but I'm pretty sure they aren't actually even close to new.

Off topic: Anyone know where in Canada or specifically Toronto I can get a Driving Force Pro?
Check out these screens that were posted today at the worlds most up to date and accurate game page IGN. If this isn't Microsoft taking a jab at GT4 then...well, they are taking a jab.

The pics are not new, they were posted 2-3 weeks ago in this thread.
It's common that smaller sites has the pics pics/videos before IGN and Gamespot.
ummm......... GTR supports Force Feedback at 900degree's

I personally use 320degrees since that's what the official GTR car's are set at, and regardless 200-900 it all has Force Feedback :)
Hey if you set up the driving force pro at 320degrees, will it mechanically lock at 320degrees or are you still able to steer 900degrees but ingame it stops at 320? Thnx

Btw, I was hoping that the new gtr demo would feature another car and track and simulation mode. :(
I doubt Forza will be a threat to GT4.Since it won't be released untill February 2005 i don't see how it will 'beat' GT4.
I doubt Forza will be a threat to GT4.Since it won't be released untill February 2005 i on't se how it will 'beat' GT4.
We're talking about which will be the better game, not which will sell better.
Hey if you set up the driving force pro at 320degrees, will it mechanically lock at 320degrees or are you still able to steer 900degrees but ingame it stops at 320? Thnx

Btw, I was hoping that the new gtr demo would feature another car and track and simulation mode. :(

it steer's 900degrees but ingame it stops at 320 "IF" you program it with DXTweak2 go a google for it :)
Check out these screens that were posted today at the worlds most up to date and accurate game page IGN. If this isn't Microsoft taking a jab at GT4 then...well, they are taking a jab.

The hood's all wrong on the Xanavi's suppose to have more vents in it. Ya see, they're cutting corners already :sly: And yes this is an old pic...was on like page 80 something.

Microsoft Games Studios' eagerly anticipated racer fuels up for a February UK release

9:26 It's Xbox's answer to Gran Tursimo, and it'll be hitting UK shelves in February. A lot of rumours have been doing the rounds about Forza's release date recently, but it seems that the in-depth racer will be getting a near-simultaneous release in Europe and the US.
Originally pencilled in for a pre-Christmas launch, Forza Motorsport offers more than 200 cars from over 40 manufacturers that you can paint, personalise, soup-up, and stick loads of ridiculous mods on to your heart's content.

Xbox Live online play is a huge selling point for Forza, and perhaps the announcement that PS2's Gran Turismo 4 will not be supporting online play has taken a little bit of pressure off the developers.

Forza will offer eight-player online racing, with the opportunity to trade their motors and parts with other racers. Racing online will earn you cash you can spend on your motor in the offline mode, which you can then take back online to show off your automotive aesthetic skills.

On top of that you'll be able to hook up with up to 99 other players to form a car club. You can then race in teams with your mates or hang around Burger King all night chatting up girls in Burberry caps, although Microsoft haven't confirmed this last feature.

And with more than 1700 leader boards that reflect both your online and offline racing prowess Forza could be the ultimate petrolhead's playground. We've got three nice new screenshots to drool over, and you should check out our sweet-as-a-Swizzle Stick hands-on with Forza here.

It looks like it's not just PD that slips on racing deadlines...

The hood's all wrong on the Xanavi's suppose to have more vents in it. Ya see, they're cutting corners already :sly: And yes this is an old pic...was on like page 80 something.

They have several hoods with different number of vents (see pics below)
It's common that racing cars are constantly modified to get better performance.



it steer's 900degrees but ingame it stops at 320 "IF" you program it with DXTweak2 go a google for it :)
Ah pity :(
already had DXTweak2 btw :)


1 more thing,
The DFPro is able to "mechanically" lock at 200 OR 900 degrees right?
CobraGT a question for you.

Where did you get the information that GT4 uses 300 parameters in its Physics engine.
The last interview i read close to this sort of information, Kazanori stated that Gt4s Engine could currently handle 30 calculations per frame, and he hoped that with the new PS3 that he would be able to increase this to 300 calculations per frame.

So if GT4 uses 300 parameters are they only calculatiing each one (in a set of 30) every 10 frames?
I wouldnt think, would you?

If you havea link to the source of this fantastic news that GT4 will be calculating 300 parameters per frame, i would gladly like to see it. Please!