code_kev60% FFS cobra, how dare you have a better connnection then me. 28% at 86k
btw check out new avatar, snazzy eh
Holy hell that's a lot of cars.Front![]()
6 car's *pffffft* that's for wussies![]()
cobragtTeh 56 is great, it's a pure racing sim. But while gt4 offers less of a racing experience, it does offer more variety. Opinions will be opinions![]()
Blame sony for making the ps2 a pos, if gt4 was on the xb, then serious wOOt would be going on.Frontwhat is Gran Turismo if not a racing sim, lemme guess it's a emotional racing sim then it should have country roads and what not and busy commercial area's....
of course Gran Turismo is a racing sim, how it expects to be taken seriously with ONLY 6 vehicles and dodgy AI is anyones guess...
I mean good god in this day and age you need at least 16 cars to be a proper racing simulation![]()
I know, damn another racing game. Forza is the only one that'll stand a chance against GT4 IMO.TriplePlayOh god, not another one,![]()
easye4669I jus downloaded the new GTR demo and I get play it with my DFP, but how do you get the game to do force feedback and use 900 degree mode? Wit no force feed back its like havin sex but not feelin nuttin.