GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Forza wont be the game for a good driving experience, more like a design your car experience

That is possibly the most stupid thing I have ever read. Ever. Cobra, you obviously have little to no idea about games what so ever. You sound like a broken record, allways spouting the same horse ****, fanboyish horse ****.

My pink f40 with green spots OWNS ALL :D
Forza is nothing but hype, it wont be half as good as the dev's say it will be. The game will be good at best. I'm yet to read any impressions from individuals who have played the game that it's all that, more like it was ok. Forza wont be the game for a good driving experience, more like a design your car experience.
Who? I'd like to know? And where did they play it? TGS 2004? LMFAO....that was only a %40 demo, rofl And you haven't played it, have you? So therefore they have no credibility, just like that god damned magazine you keep mentioning... :dunce:
Forza wont be the game for a good driving experience, more like a design your car experience.
I'm going to go out on limb here for ya, GT will probably be better, but that statement is a bunch of bias ****.
I hope forza kicks ass, I would buy another Xbox just for it, just like I bought a PS2 for GT. :)
Why does cobra never answer my question about the car going off the cliff piccy he said he had? IM DYING TO SEE IT. No matter how hard I try on GT4p, I just can't seem to get it through those magic steel "plastic" ribbons ;)

It's so funny, I say anything positive about forza, and he treats it like I'm attacking GT4 LOL, I wouldn't be here if I didn't think Gt4 looked awesome :P :dunce:
Forza is nothing but hype, it wont be half as good as the dev's say it will be. The game will be good at best. I'm yet to read any impressions from individuals who have played the game that it's all that, more like it was ok. Forza wont be the game for a good driving experience, more like a design your car experience.

GT4 seems to be failing to live up to it's much hyped features already and it's not even released..

*cough* Online

I honestly think GT4 will be a rehash of GT3 and GT3 has left bad vibes throughout the gran turismo community.

whatever happened to GT4's MUCH HYPED online features, I guess they were busy adding to the EMOTION*less* low res crap they call textures

I think Gt4 will be brilliant my self, GT3 was a giant GIANT lazy **** up, but it does worry me that some of the main selling points of Gt4 are, for lack of a better word vanishing. Photo mode etc is all good and well, but they should concentrate on more important features imo. I WANT ONLINE FIAT PANDA RACING ON THE NURB DAMNIT!
GD:Indulge us in a ridiculous factoid or two about the painstaking research you went through to put each of the over 100 roadsters in the game.

DG: We travel all over the world to take photos of each car and track. We take hundreds and hundreds of photos of each car from all sorts of angles. We also buy die-cast models and model kits. While the real-world photos are essential, the model kits are remarkably useful because of the line drawing in the instruction manuals. The die-cast models are really nice to decorate our offices and hallways with -- we do love cars after all!

Our audio team even invented new microphone hardware specifically for rigging and capturing on fast (and expensive) cars. For example, we recently sent technicians to Germany to get photos and put a microphone on an Audi R8 race car.

We go to racetracks, exotic car dealerships, auctions, and trade shows to collect reference for our library. We are constantly working with race teams and car collectors to capture the engine, transmission, and exhaust sound of their cars. We take the cars to dyno shops to capture the engines without wind and road noise. The owner gets credit in the game and a free dyno run. We get fantastic reference. As a result, we have a huge library

Microsoft and Attention to detail

GD: You're allowing players to smash, bang, and destroy their rides at will. How do licensors react to this? Did you have to forgo certain cars because their manufacturer wouldn't allow their bodies to be bruised?

DG: Using walls like rails and opponent collisions as brakes is not realistic. Damage is an essential part of a simulator. Other publishers have blamed the car licensors for not including damage in their game. In Forza Motorsport, damage did not keep any cars off our car list. The relationships we have with our licensors, which include Ferrari and Porsche, are very strong. We have a history working with these companies from past racing series like Project Gotham Racing, Midtown Madness, and RalliSport Challenge. All of these games featured car damage in one form or another.

In truth, the hardest part about featuring car damage is the time and manpower commitment required to create damageable car assets. Generally, as developers, you can either choose to do tons of cars with fewer graphical features or fewer cars with lots of graphical features like damage, customizable paint, and decals, or swappable body kits. If you're willing to invest in a huge team for a long time, you can do both. Each one of Forza Motorsport's cars takes over five weeks to build (some take as long as seven). Much of that time is spent making the car damageable. It is a considerable investment to build this level of realism for hundreds of cars. However, we think our fans will appreciate the extra effort.

Microsoft explaining why PD are lazy

GY: I'm sure Yamauchi-san and his team at Polyphony would begin incorporating vehicle damage if Sony had built the relationship with manufacturers that we have built at Microsoft.

GD:Since you're all part of the same, big, happy Microsoft family, what have you shared with Project Gotham and Rallisport Challenge crews, besides a few dead-weight fruitcakes during the holidays?

Microsft laughing at PD's claims that they can't add damage because of Licences BWHAHAHAHA

Recap of today's lovely debate
Forza will be good at best. The dev's are aiming for the casual crowd. Forza has proven itself as a realistic NFS UG but will it prove itself as a realistic driving sim? The tuning portion of game will be good, having parts from over a 130 companies while gt4 will have famous tune shops so who knows which will be deeper? But as for accurate results from parts and upgrades, gt4 most likely will be more accurate, I have no doubt in that. Forza will be a great game for car dressing, that's about it though; I'm yet to see any vids evidence of complex AI and I'm yet to see pics of 15 cars on track. I have seen 8 cars on track though.

I wouldn't take MS' word for a bag of onions and a goat. Hype anyone?
Note Kustom paint job, gold wheels and tinted windows. How can this BEAST not command respect?


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Cobra, you shouldn't judge the devs on the company.

So you now saying that forza looks crap because MS are paying for it...I've heard enough. I couldn't care who makes it, I judge a game on it's own merrits. BTW wheres this car off a cliff piccy? STOP IGNORING ME!!!
I'm new here but this is my take on the games GT has been out snice 96 or 97 they've had time to improve over everything and this is Forza first time coming out so
I'd go with a game that's been out several years and that's had good sequels then a
game that's just coming out and has cheap wrecks or crashes I've got GT3 and still playing to this day