All I was saying is that the game claims to have a ton of sim content. I don't see how the addition of something some may consider less sim, like the ability to customize the exterior detracts from that.
Anyway, this is the link to the CLAIMS about Forza:
You may need a hotmail account to login, but I'm going to put up some interesting quotes.
"Forza Motorsport is a pure simulation engine" (I know it doesn't mean much)
"Our tire and suspension model is extremely realistic. We partnered with Toyo tires to get real-world data on production and race tires to model in the game."
"Our tire model exhibits pressure, wear, heat, and load sensitivity. Tire friction is also affected by the rubber groove and marbles on the road."
"We worked with an engineer from Ferraris F1 program to completely simulate real-world suspensions. When configured to simulate a double A arm suspension, the track decreases as the suspension compresses and negative camber is introduced. In turn, the camber and weight affect the tire heat and thus pressure. Most consoles simply do not have the power to compute what were computing for the physics and still render a game."
"Weve got a very passionate and well-connected team. Some are professional racers, while others are hardcore racing fans."
"This same developer drives his 360 Modena at its limit at track daysand on his way to the office. The first time I met this developer, he had just climbed out of his car at Laguna Seca, where he placed seventh in a Star Mazda open-wheel race."
"One of our artists is a professional Rally driver. Two team members have raced in open-wheel leagues. We have several accomplished motorcycle racers. Weve also got some serious tuners and car collectors. A recent addition to the team has an AC Cobra replica making more than 600 hp in a 1500lb body."
"As for tuning and performance upgrades, lets just say, youve never been able to do the level of tuning available in Forza Motorsportignition timing, boost pressure, fuel ratio, not to mention the standard tire pressure, camber, caster, toe, gear ratios
"And, of course, all of the parts are based directly on real-world upgrades youd find on the track, from cat-bypass and cat-back exhaust to centrifugal superchargers, large surface area intercoolers, cold air intake, and triple-plate clutch."
Again, we won't know everythig until we play both games, but if they are putting in what they claim they are even if it turns out to be horrible some how it will still be a fairly deep sim.
edit: hmmm, guess that post took a little longer than I thought. I appear to be off topic.