- 7,069
Everyone has got other opinions. That's it.code_kevWell then that means your opinion on games is as stupid as I thought.
Everyone has got other opinions. That's it.code_kevWell then that means your opinion on games is as stupid as I thought.
code_kevWell then that means your opinion on games is as stupid as I thought.
so by your logic daikatana is better then half life because it has prettier screenies?
Everyone has got other opinions. That's it.
tha_conthat's funny since you seem to dwell on visuals so much.
WIth that said. no one said forza will be a crap game for the most part, only that it will not compete with the GranTurismo series until it reaches some more iterations.
Point blank I believe that the development team has the wrong focus with forza, they are trying to appeal to too many different niche cultures, the street racing with the harcore sim people, and all in all I think it may end up hurting the game more than it will help it.
And as for their experieence, most of the are expierenced with Arcade racers, and I feel a lot of that flavor will carry over to the Forza series, that is my prediction at least.
God : Yes Kev. What is it?code_kevDear god....
cobragtAnd without a ffb wheel, the driving experience in forza will be as enjoyable as the driving experience in pgr2.
God : Well maybe beacuse you are jelous at those garphic-whores.code_kevGod, why is this forum filled with retarded biased whores? Why do these fools judge games on the fact they arnt on the ps2, nor "realisitic" looking? Why can't they open their smegging eyes and enjoy games regardless of format? Why do they insist on talking crap? And how can a games gameplay be judged on a single screenshot?
cobragtWhat does forza offer for customization? Stickers? Ability to put a sentence on your car? Different paint patterns? I have a driving crave, what can forza offer for my driving crave?
cobragtForza has 8 cars on track, big difference. I'm yet to see any vids to show this amazing AI, it's all hype. And I rest my case, forza is for the casual, I want to drive and have a realistic experience, I dont want to dress up a car.
Gt4 will have famous tune shops, advanced physics? Wow, they know this because they drove the real cars with S controllers and compared it to the driving in the game, wow. The engine swap wont be accurate, hype.kinigittdude did you read their "spec sheet"? It's only been posted like a gazillion times.
They claim to have realistic engine swaps (GT4 doesnt)
They claim to have an advanced physics model implementing tire wear, pressure, and temperature.
They claim to have tons of real world aftermarket tuner parts, each with their own characteristics on different cars. That seems pretty damn thorough to me.
code_kevCobra, sitting in front of your tele with a plastic steering wheel is hardly a realsitic experience. Get a smegging grip.
cobragtGt4 will have famous tune shops, advanced physics? Wow, they know this because they drove the real cars with S controllers and compared it to the driving in the game, wow. The engine swap wont be accurate, hype.
The forza team is aiming for the idiots who think putting a decal on a ferrari is the bomb, they are aiming for the rice boys who put wings on a FWD car and put pretty colors on the cars. Forza isn't going for the hardcore crowd, gt4 is. If I want to dress up a car, I'll play NFSUG2.code_kevCobra, just admit, it's because it's not on the ps2. And btw, you DONT have to customise your car, it's the players choice, and choice is good.
code_kevWell, I'm only a student and tbh, don't have the room or the money for a wheel, but even through a pad, you can tell when a game is being realistic. Obviously a wheel adds something to it, but not having one hardly makes a game crap.
For example GTR feels realistic even through my PS2 pads, I can tell because of how the car reacts, the way it moves and feels.
code_kevWell, I'm only a student and tbh, don't have the room or the money for a wheel, but even through a pad, you can tell when a game is being realistic. Obviously a wheel adds something to it, but not having one hardly makes a game crap.
For example GTR feels realistic even through my PS2 pads, I can tell because of how the car reacts, the way it moves and feels.