GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I agree with Code. I mean I own just a PS2 (and a kick ass PC - *showing off*), But I just cant write off Forza. I mean through Screenies / Videos and few reads, the game looks awesome, sounds awesome, seems awesome. So does GT4 and Enthusia. Now I havent played the GT4 BMW Demo, Havent played any build of Forza or Enthusia too, so from my point of view, all three games look Wicked. Though GT4 and Enthusia would be my first choice to buy because I own a PS2. But Definetly would buy Xbox for Forza (and Halo2 :P) .. Ofcourse not Immediately after the games release, will read the reviews, might rent it for a day or so, and then.. But What some of you guys are doing is just writing it off even without knowing what the game is going to offer... (in the end)..
Pretty Darn Narrow minded that is, no offence intended.
Well then that means your opinion on games is as stupid as I thought.

so by your logic daikatana is better then half life because it has prettier screenies?

that's funny since you seem to dwell on visuals so much.

WIth that said. no one said forza will be a crap game for the most part, only that it will not compete with the GranTurismo series until it reaches some more iterations.

Point blank I believe that the development team has the wrong focus with forza, they are trying to appeal to too many different niche cultures, the street racing with the harcore sim people, and all in all I think it may end up hurting the game more than it will help it.

And as for their experieence, most of the are expierenced with Arcade racers, and I feel a lot of that flavor will carry over to the Forza series, that is my prediction at least.
tha_con, I love good visuals, but unlike some of your fanboy friends, I appreciate game play and content also, thus I think Gt4 will be great, but am also hopfully about other games.

And I guess seeing as konami have made stealth games, football games, and horror games in the past, enthusia will be pretty stealthy, with a hint o football, and quite scary at the same time. Don't make me laugh, I DOUBT just because they made an arcade game in the past, that they would make a fricking SIM racer, and make it arcadey. Stop being so damn stupid. Forza is aimed at the sim market, the fact is, it's GT that misses out important REAL LIFE features of racing, you make out as if the features in it some how dilute the game, ridiculous. I guess things like photomode are more important eh :P Give me customisation and damage over that anyday thank you.

Everyone has got other opinions. That's it.

In my opinion some people talk utter crap. Your one of them.
that's funny since you seem to dwell on visuals so much.

WIth that said. no one said forza will be a crap game for the most part, only that it will not compete with the GranTurismo series until it reaches some more iterations.

Point blank I believe that the development team has the wrong focus with forza, they are trying to appeal to too many different niche cultures, the street racing with the harcore sim people, and all in all I think it may end up hurting the game more than it will help it.

And as for their experieence, most of the are expierenced with Arcade racers, and I feel a lot of that flavor will carry over to the Forza series, that is my prediction at least.

I agree. Yes , it will not be the best racing game ever but not the worst either.
Just a garphics is little bit too low deatiled. I mean , it's not so lively , it feels dead :] And about the focus they've got on the game is totally true.

Nuff said. :)
Dear god...I can't stand it when people act so fricking stupid.

"oh yes, I saw a screenshot of a game, and PHHOOO EYYYYY, it's not on the ps2, nor quite as realistic looking, thus it PLAYS worse"

Cosmic, HAMMER IT IN TO YOUR HEAD, JUDGE THE GAME AFTER PLAYING IT ARGGGGGG!!! Notice how magazines rate games AFTER playing them? Good, now work that idea in your head, ok, good, implement it in to your normal games playing. Good, your now no longer a biased whore.

From now on don't talk crap.
God, why is this forum filled with retarded biased whores? Why do these fools judge games on the fact they arnt on the ps2, nor "realisitic" looking? Why can't they open their smegging eyes and enjoy games regardless of format? Why do they insist on talking crap? And how can a games gameplay be judged on a single screenshot?
Forza to me is aimed for the casuals and rice fans. Making your car look like whatever? I smell casuals. Forza doesnt seem to be aiming for the hardcore sim crowd, more like the people who enjoy making their cars pretty. And without a ffb wheel, the driving experience in forza will be as enjoyable as the driving experience in pgr2.
I'll take a realistic driving experience over fake damage and afew gimmicks. And the purpose of photomode is to enjoy the cars and see them like they are suppose to be seen.
Cobra, thank you, you have just proved every point I made. Thanks!
So if GT5 had forza style customisation, would that make it an arcade game for casual gamers? I bet it wouldn't you dirty great big biased fanboy.
Your an idiot cobra, such an idiot infact, that words have yet not been invented that would describe your idioticy in sufficient quantity.
What does forza offer for customization? Stickers? Ability to put a sentence on your car? Different paint patterns? I have a driving crave, what can forza offer for my driving crave?
Well the mods effect how the cars handle, adding drag, hell bad customisations DAMAGE your performance, full customisation to the engine, engine swapping, and hell visual mods are funny, I'm gonna make a pimped out ferrari f40 for a laugh, which is what it's all about.
I'll also get to laugh at the "bad boys" online in my non stupid looking fast car. Damage is also good, and seeing as it's optional, it's ok then. Race wise the better AI, more cars in track etc should make it good.
What's your definition of a blast play? for me, having a realistic experience, can that be said for forza's driving experience? Driving a car with a S controller isn't realistic.
God, why is this forum filled with retarded biased whores? Why do these fools judge games on the fact they arnt on the ps2, nor "realisitic" looking? Why can't they open their smegging eyes and enjoy games regardless of format? Why do they insist on talking crap? And how can a games gameplay be judged on a single screenshot?
God : Well maybe beacuse you are jelous at those garphic-whores.
Or you don't get enough with good graphics on your xbox.
Cobra, sitting in front of your tele with a plastic steering wheel is hardly a realsitic experience. Get a smegging grip.

Cosmic, I get all the good graphics I need from my pc. PWNED! :D
Why would I be jeleous, I own a PS2 AND an xbox.
What does forza offer for customization? Stickers? Ability to put a sentence on your car? Different paint patterns? I have a driving crave, what can forza offer for my driving crave?

dude did you read their "spec sheet"? It's only been posted like a gazillion times.

They claim to have realistic engine swaps (GT4 doesnt)

They claim to have an advanced physics model implementing tire wear, pressure, and temperature.

They claim to have tons of real world aftermarket tuner parts, each with their own characteristics on different cars. That seems pretty damn thorough to me.
Forza has 8 cars on track, big difference. I'm yet to see any vids to show this amazing AI, it's all hype. And I rest my case, forza is for the casual, I want to drive and have a realistic experience, I dont want to dress up a car.
Forza has 8 cars on track, big difference. I'm yet to see any vids to show this amazing AI, it's all hype. And I rest my case, forza is for the casual, I want to drive and have a realistic experience, I dont want to dress up a car.
:lol: Great Cobra! 👍
Cobra, just admit, it's because it's not on the ps2. And btw, you DONT have to customise your car, it's the players choice, and choice is good. Your arguments about forza being casual come from nothing but your own fanboyish minds, neither of you have played it, or are willing to give it a chance, simply because it's not on the ps2. So what if the graphics don't have gts realism, it's how it plays that matters.l
dude did you read their "spec sheet"? It's only been posted like a gazillion times.

They claim to have realistic engine swaps (GT4 doesnt)

They claim to have an advanced physics model implementing tire wear, pressure, and temperature.

They claim to have tons of real world aftermarket tuner parts, each with their own characteristics on different cars. That seems pretty damn thorough to me.
Gt4 will have famous tune shops, advanced physics? Wow, they know this because they drove the real cars with S controllers and compared it to the driving in the game, wow. The engine swap wont be accurate, hype.
Cobra, sitting in front of your tele with a plastic steering wheel is hardly a realsitic experience. Get a smegging grip.

beat me to it. :)

Unless you're an utter tool, playing games goes hand in hand with having fun. Or it should.

You ever hear the term "fun and games"?

Now of course, your definition of fun could be a uber realistic physics model, which is perfectly acceptable and normal, but it doesn't make another game that doesn't cater to you a bad game.

Games are designed with different goals in mind.
Gt4 will have famous tune shops, advanced physics? Wow, they know this because they drove the real cars with S controllers and compared it to the driving in the game, wow. The engine swap wont be accurate, hype.

so you're talking it down before experiencing it.

That's just stupid.
Cobra, just admit, it's because it's not on the ps2. And btw, you DONT have to customise your car, it's the players choice, and choice is good.
The forza team is aiming for the idiots who think putting a decal on a ferrari is the bomb, they are aiming for the rice boys who put wings on a FWD car and put pretty colors on the cars. Forza isn't going for the hardcore crowd, gt4 is. If I want to dress up a car, I'll play NFSUG2.
Hmm, what's better
a realistic driving experience, or a lovely sesson car dress up?
Cobra, Hype was invented FOR YOU.

cough emotion engine cough

cough human element cough

Cobra, your an idiot, everything you say is stupid. BTW got the info of the car falling off grand canyon yet? I'm still waiting for it...

Just enjoy the games, forza may be a good game, you aint played it, so don't be so fast to judge. I could be stupid on judge GT4 on the pile of crap GT3 was, but NO, from what I've read, seen and played, Gt4 seems like it will be a great game. So what if it has decals, these things don't make a game play any worse, some SIM fans like these features.
And may I ask how many parameters each car in forza has? O, it doesn't matter, forza doesn't even support FFB, how would I know I was playing a sim with a S controller :lol:
Well, I'm only a student and tbh, don't have the room or the money for a wheel, but even through a pad, you can tell when a game is being realistic. Obviously a wheel adds something to it, but not having one hardly makes a game crap.
For example GTR feels realistic even through my PS2 pads, I can tell because of how the car reacts, the way it moves and feels.
But seriously cobra, stop making out that some features makes it a "rice game", it's as stupid as me pretending GT4 is a photography game because of photomode.
Well, I'm only a student and tbh, don't have the room or the money for a wheel, but even through a pad, you can tell when a game is being realistic. Obviously a wheel adds something to it, but not having one hardly makes a game crap.
For example GTR feels realistic even through my PS2 pads, I can tell because of how the car reacts, the way it moves and feels.

Nononono....unless you have a wheel (specifically the Logitech DFp) cars in racing games will handle like schoolbusses as a default, until you use a wheel... Only then will the game's physics engine be demonstrated.
Well, I'm only a student and tbh, don't have the room or the money for a wheel, but even through a pad, you can tell when a game is being realistic. Obviously a wheel adds something to it, but not having one hardly makes a game crap.
For example GTR feels realistic even through my PS2 pads, I can tell because of how the car reacts, the way it moves and feels.

Nononono....unless you have a wheel (specifically the Logitech DFp) cars in racing games will handle like schoolbusses as a default, until you use a wheel... Only then will the game's physics engine be demonstrated.

I wonder how people managed to find GT1 and GT2 realistic for their time. They must have had time machines and usb ports on their PS1's.... :rolleyes:

edit: thats like the 70th double post this week. goddamn IE
So the dev's went out and drove real cars with controllers and put all the data into the game? Wow! Well, since forza wont be a driving sim, it can be a "dress up your car sim" with all the proper features to dress your car up with, guess that's the only thing going for it. Driving experience wont be exciting, pgr2 anyone?