GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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what kind of idiot runs around a forum bashing a game he's not even played..

who's the bigger idiot here ?
how am I "bashing" forza? lol...let's see.

I've said no one knows how the AI will be, quit talking it up.

I've said no one knows how the physics are, matched with GT4 and physics on, most say it's more forgiving from game plays...

I've said that from waht we've seen the tuning options look extremely simple.

I've said a lot of what I've read, that forza is good, but even the xbox editors and writers on Gamspot, IGN, GameDaily, and a lot of other sites/mags, say that it is good, but not the killer og GT4.

Forza will have a long way togo before they perfect their physics/etc, it won't be "perfect" on the first try, because someone will find a loop hole, and then they will have to fix it in the next iteration, just like they do with the GT series...
I've finally played a demo of GT4 at 'Mondial de L'automobile' in Paris.

On the Mazda stand, you could drive some... er Mazda cars on three tracks (yes, same as the BMW demo tracks) You could only use DSP:


On the Sony stand you could experiment the same three tracks. 5 cars to choose from: 2 skylines(including the green one), Mazda RX-8 and I don't remember the others (Logitech wheel):


I drove the Mazda RX-8/Nurb with the DSP and with the logitech wheel to be able to compare.
From what I've seen, it does not seem easier to drive using the DSP.

At the end, when I asked if they had a demo disc, they gave me a wrc4 demo disc... (well... I knew it... But who knows ?)

As a bonus:


I won't tell you which game I think is the best as I haven't had enough time to test both of them...

... But GT4 does feel really good. :D

Now, I really can't wait anymore :crazy:
You could have ended this thread had you played Forza aswell.Ah well,the battle continues.

Who wants to see the end of this thread ??? :sly:

The best thing about playing a GT4 demo is that you can compare it with GT3, GTC and GTP. And I can tell, from my point of view, that it drives better.
What can I say about forza? I have never played another Forza game before... Moreover, I only tested it using a wheel and in a hurry, linked with three other guys, as there were no forza demo using a pad. I don't know if it were arcade or simulation mode... (I guess it was something like arcade mode, it felt easy)
Maybe some other french guys here, who were at the Mondial in Paris, will give a better opinion.

Anyway, I think I'll get both of them :D
lol, you change your avatar everyday :P Gt4p was just the 03 e3 build of gt4. The new physics engine is way better than the gt4p engine.
Mir, tell us about how good the physics in gt4 are if you dont mind.

I don't know if the physics in this demo are different from the BMW demo as I haven't played it, but I own Prologue and I can tell you the slight differences I felt using the Mazda RX-8 (maybe that's the same physics as the BMW and Prologue, who knows ?)
As I don't have a steering wheel, I can only compare Prologue and the last demo from a DSP point of view.
The analog stick feels more responsive. Same feeling as playing GT3 before playing Prologue. You can make your way right into the wall if you move it too fast at high speed => In this case, the rear weight of the car makes it understeer, but it seems that only front wheels slide on the road and if you can't correct it, all 4 wheels slide, and you have to wait for the car to lose speed to get the grip back to correct the turn (experienced with the steering wheel too). It behaves the same in RBR when you are driving on asphalt.
It seems that weight transfer can really help you through the turns. Nurb will be very interesting as you have fast left and right turns.

The AI was on steroïd and was driving fast, and I had to fight to keep the pace. They are aware of you when you are beside them, but don't seem to see you braking hard and still hit you in the back when they are behind.
You can see them go outside the racing line way before any overtaking action(that's very cool)
On the nurb, they have tendencies to cut corners.

Graphically speaking, you can see differences with Prologue. The light on the cars is beautiful as you drive from sun light to trees shadow. Paris Georges V is incredible.
I notice that some parts of the screen (Trees leafs on the Nurb, some part of the grass, some textures on buildings in Paris) show sometimes big squares slightly blurred (it's very slight). Maybe Kaz team managed to get more graphical power by not displaying as many pixels as before for details drivers are not looking at when driving. Especially when looking a the TFT screen where it was displayed at the mazda stand.


The fact is that the GranTurismo serie was everywhere at the 'Mondial'.
- Mitsubishi car simulator based on GT3
- Subaru GT4 version on Subaru stand
- Mazda GT4 version for Mazda
- A big Sony tent was here with GT4, GTP, Formula One 2004, wrc4
It took me 5 minutes to jump into the GT4 seat. The time to fill a Sony 'driving licence' where you had to write your name and email adress (maybe I'll win the yellow (yes yellow) ps2 that were here :yuck: You could also see a blue, a silver and a red ps2... (I have a picture if anybody here wants to see them).

Concerning Forza, FPS count seems low. The feeling speed is low and graphics are not as polished as GT4. Well, for the moment => Someone on a french forum said that it was the same 40% build that the one shown at the E3 (but he has given no source). Maybe MS just wanted to show that they were here with forza. People were more interested in playing BO3, PGR2, OR2, RC2. You did'nt have to wait to play Forza either.
Cobragt, I have just recieved the BMW Demo and the physics are alot better than Prologue. The first thing you will notice is how the front of the car lurches skyward when takeing off. The feeling of weightshift and enrcha is implemented beautifully. You really have to keep the car balanced by driving as smoothly as possible. I wish I could turn this dam time limit off. Believe me,when you start playing GT4 your expectations of the physics engine will be beautifully exeded. 👍
Mr P510
Cobragt, I have just recieved the BMW Demo and the physics are alot better than Prologue. The first thing you will notice is how the front of the car lurches skyward when takeing off. The feeling of weightshift and enrcha is implemented beautifully. You really have to keep the car balanced by driving as smoothly as possible. I wish I could turn this dam time limit off. Believe me,when you start playing GT4 your expectations of the physics engine will be beautifully exeded. 👍
I got to go to Europe and get that demo, all I have is gt4p and I'm sick of it :crazy: :ill: Me needs teh physics. I have seen someone who has the demo mention gt4 simulating lift. That's very interesting because lift and downforce are like friction and movement. Looks downforce will be very improtant in gt4 and setting the downforce properly will be improtant since you wont your car to have the best grip on a track like the Nurb :ill: I get sick thinking about the endless nights of tuning and testing my car so I have the best performance :scared:
Sounds good apart from AI.

but don't seem to see you braking hard and still hit you in the back when they are behind.

Please don't tell me they still haven't got this right :grumpy:

AI is even more important now that online has been set back.

Yup - I'll still go crazy about this game and I'm sure it'll be the best game ever, but I really hope crappy AI don't let the side down! It would be shear stupidity to produce such a fine game and still not improve the AI
I agree the AI needs to be at its best now since the online portion is gone but he said the AI was fast and he had to fight to keep pace, hope he wasn't driving crappy =P j/k mir. But lets hope PD brings it like they have never brung it before.
I agree the AI needs to be at its best now since the online portion is gone but he said the AI was fast and he had to fight to keep pace, hope he wasn't driving crappy =P j/k mir. But lets hope PD brings it like they have never brung it before.
Yep, that's what I was thinking. Either he was a crappy driver or the A.I. has improved.
Well, maybe partly crappy driver, partly AI improved :ouch:

Race seat, steering wheel, and people around you that looks what you are doing.
As I watched other human drivers, they were going in the sand and hitting walls.
So I decided to show them what a gt fan can do. :rolleyes:
I tried to keep a clean racing line. Above this, I was sometimes throwing the car in the corner to feel the new physic engine. As a result, I wasn't as fast as usual.
But, in GTP, the fact is that you can overtake the AI even when keeping a clean racing line. Am I wrong? :scared:
mir, you mentioned there being a graphical difference from the demo you played and gt4p. Can you elaborate on that for me if you dont mind? Also, do you have anymore pics, if so I'm very interesting in seeing them.:)
I don't have any pictures left to show here.
Now, I wish I took more... :)

I'm not an expert concerning graphical details, everything has been discussed in other threads or seen in the videos, but, from what I've seen,

- You don't have the feeling of seeing the same trees all the time when driving the nurb
- You don't have the feeling to always see the same texture reproduced a thousand times on the same track, same thing concerning Paris building. You can see quite a few models and not 2 or 3 different buildings reproduced everywhere.
- Road textures are more detailed (especially on the nurb).
- The wet look of the Paris road is far more convincing than in GT3
- light work is closer to real life
- a remaining aliasing
- And so on...
Great, but one more question, has the aliasing been toned down when compared to gt4p? Thxs for your input man 👍 and one more thing, steal that demo you played and send it to me :sly:
Hey is xbox getting a force feedback wheel?? If not what wheels were they using on the xbox stand w/ the race cockpits?

And I agree, I want that BMW demo...very sick of the tracks and cars on Prologue. I NEED to drive on the 'ring!! I hate my 56k :( I'd pay someone to give me a copy....*hint hint* lol
Hey is xbox getting a force feedback wheel?? If not what wheels were they using on the xbox stand w/ the race cockpits?

And I agree, I want that BMW demo...very sick of the tracks and cars on Prologue. I NEED to drive on the 'ring!! I hate my 56k :( I'd pay someone to give me a copy....*hint hint* lol

No the Xbox does not support Force Feedback, and the wheels were supplied by steering wheel partner Mad Catz. :lol:
Someone on a french forum said that it was the same 40% build that the one shown at the E3 (but he has given no source).

I think he is right. I'm pretty sure Studio RX said that they only will be showing the 40% build at gameshows.

(I'll try to find a link later today.)
I doubt it is a crappy driver though but it's nice to know the AI is fast.

And if it shows to be fast in a consumer demo, which will most likely not be at the most difficult end of the games spectrum, then we have hope for the The harder events in the final game, me thinks. 👍

All of a sudden I feel a little excited by GT4 again, after the news of Onlines demise.

Question to Mir.
Was there writing on the Nurb?
Just want to know in order to gain some insight to the age of these demos.