GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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yeah Doom 3 is great - but an updated GPL would please me far more than any first person shooter.

..... but then of course I'd have to send the kids away on vacation somewhere...ROFL 💡
An updated GPL would make me wee my pants.

Really. It would.

And doom 3 isn't worth buying a new rig for, half life 2 will be though lol. I'm fine though :D
An updated GPL would make me wee my pants.

Really. It would.

And doom 3 isn't worth buying a new rig for, half life 2 will be though lol. I'm fine though :D

Thank god HL2 is much more scalable than Doom 3. Doom3 brings every machine to it's knees except for 3+ gig processor monsters with the latest chipsets and loads of memory.
Going massivly off topic but I run doom 3 on a 2100 athlon, 1 gig of ddr, 9800 non pro. Settings are high, all details on, 1024 res. Smooth as butter, but has some "arggg im not a 40 ghz pc with 8 gigs of ram and a geforce 20" moments. ;)

Doom 3 is freaking beautiful though.
You totally missed my point code, that's expect :dopey: :sly: See even though forza is running on better hardware, it doesn't look better than gt4 and I tell ya, if you show bystanders gt4 and forza, 9 out of 10 times, the bystanders will say gt4 looked better but omg, forza is on teh powerful box!!! It's all about the dev's skill, because GTR is on the pc doesn't mean it will be more realistic in driving than gt4. PD has a plethora of car data and they themselves have skill, gt4 very well could be more hardcore than GTR for all we know. Arwin has the bmw demo and I'm sure he has played the gtr, he'd have a better opinion than us.
Cobra you missed my point.
The GTR team also have MASSES of car data taken from real races, give me ONE reason why GT4, a game for the average consumer would be more realistic (thus harder) then GTR, a game developed by a team known for hard core sims? PD are hardly experienced at making SIMS now are they? GT1, 2, 3 and 4 were at best arcadey games, with sim elements. And please, while the cars in gt4 look superb, it's because the tracks are very low poly, low detail (talking crap textures, and card cut out-athon, look at citta, whole walls with doors etc made from one low res flat texture), the cars can't be damaged, and theres less of em on track. Lets see how great it would look handling 56 cars with damage eh.

Hell I'm driving the dome NSX HARD with all assists off on a joypad, easy as pie, like to see ya do that on GTR, because I certainly can't :P

Argue the point all you want, but you know I'm right.
You might think you are right but you aren't from my point of view. Crappy textures or not, no game looks better visually than gt4 and you can throw out what's on paper because I dont care of that, you might base your opinion solely on what's on paper but I dont, think outside of the box code. PD has been in the game longer than the GTR team, they know what they are doing, not to say the GTR team doesnt but PD can make a game as or more realistic than theirs in driving, and it's called gt4. The gtr demo wasn't all that like you hype it out to be and yes, I played the demo and it was more realistic than gt4p but not by alot like you say. Try cutting the aid off code and try using road tires ;) Gt4 wont be arcadey, it's gonna be a driving simulator, the real driving simulator to be correct and that tagline will be alot more relevant with gt4. This isn't gt3 code.
Cobra, one word. Clutch.

Cobra, you never actually gave one valid reason. You seem to be saying "umm umm umm it's Gt4, and umm umm ummm PD made it". That's it.

Gt4 will be played by your average gamer, it's on a console, thus it will not be a proper sim. End of story. Gt4 is gonna be really damn good, but stop talking crap about it, please. This reminds me off you "3d back grounds" boast, and now that we have the game, everyone saw that you were talking crap. A regular thing.

And Gt4 looks crap compared to just about anything new on the pc. You seen the new unreal 3 engine yet?

I play GT4p in full sim mode. It's easy. I can pick up and play a fricking maclaren :P
Does gt4p have the latest physic engine. Oh and it seems like you are saying "o gtr is on a pc so it's automatically more realistic than gt4 despite PD knowing all that's needed to know about making a sim." Are there games out that use the UNR3 engine? Am I comparing gt4 to anything else but other racers? Visuall, gt4 is the best looking racer, period. Must I inform you of OPMUK's gt4 preview? The preview mentioning gt4 has gone hardcore, the one saying gt4 has gone the way of accurate pc sims? Gt4 can be as realistic or more than gtr, it's all in the dev's hands and you seem to deny that. Are you saying PD are amatures or something? It seems to me you are. Oh and btw, I took a Lister storm on the track in gtr with my keyboard and raced with ease, and yes, the aid was off. I just watched what I needed to.
You might think you are right but you aren't from my point of view. Crappy textures or not, no game looks better visually than gt4 and you can throw out what's on paper because I dont care of that, you might base your opinion solely on what's on paper but I dont, think outside of the box code. PD has been in the game longer than the GTR team, they know what they are doing, not to say the GTR team doesnt but PD can make a game as or more realistic than theirs in driving, and it's called gt4. The gtr demo wasn't all that like you hype it out to be and yes, I played the demo and it was more realistic than gt4p but not by alot like you say. Try cutting the aid off code and try using road tires ;) Gt4 wont be arcadey, it's gonna be a driving simulator, the real driving simulator to be correct and that tagline will be alot more relevant with gt4. This isn't gt3 code.
"PD can make a game as or more realistic than theirs in driving"

"I played the demo and it was more realistic than gt4p but not by alot like you say"
It is by alot like he says.

"Try cutting the aid off code and try using road tires ;)"
It's still crap.

"Gt4 wont be arcadey, it's gonna be a driving simulator, the real driving simulator to be correct and that tagline will be alot more relevant with gt4. This isn't gt3 code."
Wow, so you played the final build eh? Cool. :rolleyes:

Must I inform you of OPMUK's gt4 preview? The preview mentioning gt4 has gone hardcore, the one saying gt4 has gone the way of accurate pc sims?
What OPMUK says is no proof at all.
OPMUK said it was hardcore, MUST BE TRUE! LOL

Cobra, just face it man, while Gt4 is good fun and all, it's not a true sim, hell the tyres don't even heat over racing!

And I never said PD were crap, I just stated that in terms of making "simulations", they were not all that you make them out to be. Open your fricking eyes cobra.
lol...I'm going to say this for all the GT4 people...don't argue with Forza people...their faith in this game will be it's downfall, they will build the hype and it will score a 7, lol....just wait for it, haha...I say all of use who know and believe that GT4 is the better game just retire from posting...maybe every once in a while I'll post this to remind the noobs not to post because theses guy's are just too into a game they know very little about, while GT4 has tons more info, and more proof to back up what it has to offer...end :D
tha_con, remove head from arse, we are talking about GTR.

"forza" people, WTF are you on about, I'm loyal to no game or company, the fact that I've been posting here for as long as I have, and as much as I have should at least show I have a passing interest in good racing games, be they GT, forza, GTR, what ever. You can be a "gt" person, yeah fine, what ever, I'll just enjoy other games too with out making a biased arse out of myself.
lol...I'm going to say this for all the GT4 people...don't argue with Forza people...their faith in this game will be it's downfall, they will build the hype and it will score a 7, lol....just wait for it, haha...I say all of use who know and believe that GT4 is the better game just retire from posting...maybe every once in a while I'll post this to remind the noobs not to post because theses guy's are just too into a game they know very little about, while GT4 has tons more info, and more proof to back up what it has to offer...end :D
Agreed. 👍
98 cobra, how the hell can you agree with such a stupid comment? This idiot is saying Gt4 will be better before even playing either. I've NEVER said forza will be better, NEVER, I've only said that it seems to have some advantages in certain areas, and being a fan of racing games, this interests me.
I honestly hope forza will be a great game also. That way the bar for quality games will be raised a bit 👍

also.. if you guys wanna understand the difference between a sim and a game geared towards mainstream. Play Richard Burns Rally, and then play gt4p :dopey:
Richard burns rally is ridiculously realistic, I heard that engine power even changes depending on how high above sea level you are. arf arf.

ofc I'm utterly crap at it.
Cobra, one word. Clutch.

Cobra, you never actually gave one valid reason. You seem to be saying "umm umm umm it's Gt4, and umm umm ummm PD made it". That's it.

Gt4 will be played by your average gamer, it's on a console, thus it will not be a proper sim. End of story. Gt4 is gonna be really damn good, but stop talking crap about it, please. This reminds me off you "3d back grounds" boast, and now that we have the game, everyone saw that you were talking crap. A regular thing.

And Gt4 looks crap compared to just about anything new on the pc. You seen the new unreal 3 engine yet?

I play GT4p in full sim mode. It's easy. I can pick up and play a fricking maclaren :P

last comment. Playing on Joystick and playing on an FF wheel are two different things. Also. While I'm sure you can "pick up and play a maclaren" it's not playing it, it's playing it good, unless your times are impressive, it doesn't matter because you really aren't pushing the car now are you, hell for all we know you could be granny'ing the car around the :)
98 cobra, how the hell can you agree with such a stupid comment? This idiot is saying Gt4 will be better before even playing either. I've NEVER said forza will be better, NEVER, I've only said that it seems to have some advantages in certain areas, and being a fan of racing games, this interests me.
Okay here's what I think. Forzas going to be great, GT4 will be great, but GT will own. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. I know I'm going to end up playing both and I will enjoy both of them. Both will be great.
OPMUK said it was hardcore, MUST BE TRUE! LOL

Cobra, just face it man, while Gt4 is good fun and all, it's not a true sim, hell the tyres don't even heat over racing!

And I never said PD were crap, I just stated that in terms of making "simulations", they were not all that you make them out to be. Open your fricking eyes cobra.
Well they played it, and I find them to be very reliable. GTR wont be all that as you say it will code.
lol, its kinda funny how realistic it is. Just finnishing the freaking rally at a decent time is a challenge.. With damage on the realistic setting, its so easy to total your car, just like in real life. And boy is drifting interesting in that game. 👍 I was thinking about posting a pole asking which has better graphics ingame.. gt4 or RBR... but its kinda biased here :sly: people will vote for GT4 that havent even played RBR maxed out.
grannying! Dude, i thrash em round those tracks lol. 1.28 just now on citta, and while that's not that fastest, it's ok for someone who hasn't played it in months.

And RBR is ridiculously hard :)

Ohh cobra, the offical mag said it was hardcore, run along and be a sheep and believe every word they say!
last comment. Playing on Joystick and playing on an FF wheel are two different things. Also. While I'm sure you can "pick up and play a maclaren" it's not playing it, it's playing it good, unless your times are impressive, it doesn't matter because you really aren't pushing the car now are you, hell for all we know you could be granny'ing the car around the :)
Playing it good has nothing to do with it, in arcade games you will have to practice too and you can crash too. GT4p's cars don't behave realistic. Period. Why are we talking about prologue now, it's not GT4.

Well they played it, and I find them to be very reliable. GTR wont be all that as you say it will code.
Maybe they don't know crap about sims, so it's no proof at all.
And you don't fcking know how good or bad GTR will be. :)

Btw, about RBR, WOW it's really fantastic, very realistic and fun :D
and Code, I read that too, about how turbo boost and all also depends on how high you are above sea level, amazing =]
oh and if you suffer from too much understeer on tarmac (I did), losen the LSD's a bit, they were al locked 100% for me first ;)
Whatever code. Guess we'll have to wait till the games come out but I'm hearing so much positive about the bmw demo as for physics are concerned
What I would really like to see in GT4 is:
When you're standing still and you slam the gas in a 600BHP RWD racemonster, it's rear end will try to break out. In GT4p it's only tiresqueel you'll never lose control. =[
What I would really like to see in GT4 is:
When you're standing still and you slam the gas in a 600BHP RWD racemonster, it's rear end will try to break out. In GT4p it's only tiresqueel you'll never lose control. =[

you get that in Toca 2. it is rather selective though, like an ON/OFF switch.