Nope GT3 is a pile of kaka
That's why I only spent around.......oooooooh 1,000 plus hours on it, solid weekends, worshiped every single mile my cars clocked up.
Project Gotham 2 - yup got it and played online to around the 2 million credits point - vehicle sound like vacuum cleaners and handle about the same.
Burnout 2 and 3 - burnout 1 was kinda fun in a simplistic sort of way and yeah it was fast, but hey its arcade - not realistic or anything and soon grew boring.
Burnout 3 - what a joke - they ruined it by taking out the checkpoints - half the fun was trying to get to a checkpoint before the time ran out!
Outrun???????? - Yeah I kinda liked it when I was about 10 👎
So until GT4 comes out - yep GT3 IS STILL THE BEST RACING GAME!
That "fanboyish" enough for you Code Kev?