GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Great, but one more question, has the aliasing been toned down when compared to gt4p? Thxs for your input man đź‘Ť and one more thing, steal that demo you played and send it to me :sly:

It seems that aliasing has been toned down, but I can't really compare: I guess the big Sony trinitron from the show has an overall better quality than my old hitachi...
Hey is xbox getting a force feedback wheel?? If not what wheels were they using on the xbox stand w/ the race cockpits?

And I agree, I want that BMW demo...very sick of the tracks and cars on Prologue. I NEED to drive on the 'ring!! I hate my 56k :( I'd pay someone to give me a copy....*hint hint* lol

A guy in the IGN forum that is usually reliable says he was at a games event called PAX in august and he asked one of the Forza producers about the force feedback wheel.

The producer said it was still up in the air. They are working with a couple of companies to get SDKs ported to the Xbox in time to support them, but it was still uncertain whether or not it would make it in time since some time is needed to get the force feedback polished. There will not be any force feedback if it's not
polished according to the developers.
Maybe they will delay the release if the implementation of force feedback is not

There has also been some info before PAX that XBOX may not be able to handle force feedback wheels.
But several sites are selling a cable (see link below). According to the sites it makes it possible to connect any USB device to the XBOX.

Since force feedback wheels are USB devices (see system requirements in the link below) it seems to be a software problem, not a hardware problem.,crid=13,contentid=5026,detail=2

And according to the info I have seen the developers are trying to implement
force feedback wheel support. There has not been any info that they have stopped working on it.
Alright guys. I have got something hilarious for you all. Go to the link below, and then scroll halfway down the page to where Dragon912 posts a picture of a mclaren. Read on from there.

Konami step back into the ring :drool:

You would have to be bloody stupid to think that was GT4.

Tis funny though, the guy trying to point out special effects on it lol
GT4 graphics is way to much better. Are you blind ? :b
WOW, gimmeh Enthusia! :D


damn I'm gonna have so much fun with all those racing games :D
GT4, GTR and if I buy a xbox, Forza đź‘Ť
Till then I'll be playing RBR

edit 2 :P:

New GTR demo will be released this week :eek:
dAmn! Enuthsia looks amazing as hell, almost thought that was gt4! That looks better than forza imo, alot better and more realistic. Enuthsia might be the game to really challenge gt4.
dAmn! Enuthsia looks amazing as hell, almost thought that was gt4! That looks better than forza imo, alot better and more realistic. Enuthsia might be the game to really challenge gt4.
Yeah. Agree.
Forza is knocked out :lol:
Why the 'no'?
Your question : I hope you mean it's knocked out at graphics.
Yes , about the graphics.
I said no beacuse Forza (not forza's garphics) isn't knocked out at garphics.
It's the whole game. Forza is knocked out!!!!! :]
Your question : I hope you mean it's knocked out at graphics.
Yes , about the graphics.
I said no beacuse Forza (not forza's garphics) isn't knocked out at garphics.
It's the whole game. Forza is knocked out!!!!! :]
Cough,.. moron, Cough.
You can judge games on screenshots only? Or did you play final builds of all three games? :)
Everyone is talking about GT4 vs Forza, but my prediction is that Enthusia will be the sleeper hit, to challenge GT4! (Anyway, maybe Forza is better compared to Race driver 2 with the damage and such...)

Especially when you consider the other games from Konami such as PES, MGS and Silent Hill. Are quality games in diff. genres.
Maybe Enthusia will challenge GT4 as PES will challenge FIFA;) GT4 has the most appeal/ fanbase/marketing and Enthusia maybe will have the more hardcore sim. feel. đź‘Ť

But before anyone starts to complain :sly: ;)
The above is just a thought and Yes ive only played GT4 BMW demo. đź‘Ť
Come on, some of you are pretending forza seems crap just because it's on the xbox lol, get real people, the features of this game, and the experience of the dev team in racing games bodes quite well if you ask me. Realistic looks are nice ofc, but not at the sacrifice of features, thats my opinion ofc, forza looks damn nice if you ask me, not as realisitic as GT4, but nice and sharp, and lots of detail.

"oh B00t EET looks LESS Realisk, HUH HUH HUH"

No. I haven't. Screenshots does tell you how good the game is.

Cosmic, what a DUMB ass thing to say, talk about GRAPHICS WHORE. Screenshots mean FK all, EVERYONE who has a BRAIN that functions knows this. Screenshots don't show game play, animation, detail, the sound, the fun-ness, they show NOTHING but a single nano second screen shot. Hell, screenshots can be missgiving, some games look amazing in screenies, you play em, and they suck, some look poor in screenies, you play em, and they look and play amazing.
Cosmic, what a DUMB ass thing to say, talk about GRAPHICS WHORE. Screenshots mean FK all, EVERYONE who has a BRAIN that functions knows this. Screenshots don't show game play, animation, detail, the sound, the fun-ness, they show NOTHING but a single nano second screen shot. Hell, screenshots can be missgiving, some games look amazing in screenies, you play em, and they suck, some look poor in screenies, you play em, and they look and play amazing.
Bla bla bla bla....I'm a garphic whore.
Yes I'm.
Well then that means your opinion on games is as stupid as I thought.

so by your logic daikatana is better then half life because it has prettier screenies?
Bla bla bla bla....I'm a garphic whore.
Yes I'm.

Why don't you just go watch JGTC and Best Motoring races? Its teh uber real grafix. :dunce:

That said Enthusia does look promising. I watched a trailer a month back and it was impressive graphically.