GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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And without a ffb wheel, the driving experience in forza will be as enjoyable as the driving experience in pgr2.

You don't need a wheel to feel that the gameplay is close to reality, Cobragt. Of course it's better, but still in the controller you can feel that GT3 is more realistic than Burnout 3. I've been playing with a controller forever and I can feel the difference.So, because I was playing GT3 without a wheel it was handling like PGR2.That's so freakin' funny.

Oh and GT4 will be for casuals, there is Nitrous Oxyde and drift and aftermarket tuners, these are hardly Sim elements. Caught in your own web, Cobra.

See ya :sly:
You don't need a wheel to feel that the gameplay is close to reality, Cobragt. Of course it's better, but still in the controller you can feel that GT3 is more realistic than Burnout 3. I've been playing with a controller forever and I can feel the difference.So, because I was playing GT3 without a wheel it was handling like PGR2.That's so freakin' funny.

Oh and GT4 will be for casuals, there is Nitrous Oxyde and drift and aftermarket tuners, these are hardly Sim elements. Caught in your own web, Cobra.

See ya :sly:
Atleast the game isn't circled around one factor like forza with making your car as pretty as possible but that's my opinion.
Atleast the game isn't circled around one factor like forza with making your car as pretty as possible but that's my opinion.

dude, you are the most retarded, stupid, ignorant "Thing" I've ever come accross how does Forza revolve around making your car look pretty omg you are such a freaking idiot it almost defies logic :scared:

have you read the 100+ pages in this stupid thread or do you just glance at them and think of the most retarded fan boyish crap you can post to wind people up ?

Front, I bet you if GT4 suddenly got these features, they would make out like it was the bestest thing ever! lol


Anyway, i like pretty cars.
You don't need a wheel to feel that the gameplay is close to reality, Cobragt. Of course it's better, but still in the controller you can feel that GT3 is more realistic than Burnout 3. I've been playing with a controller forever and I can feel the difference.So, because I was playing GT3 without a wheel it was handling like PGR2.That's so freakin' funny.

Oh and GT4 will be for casuals, there is Nitrous Oxyde and drift and aftermarket tuners, these are hardly Sim elements. Caught in your own web, Cobra.

See ya :sly:

You do not know if aftermarket tuners will be in the game, it has not been confirmed.

Drifting is extremely popular in Japan, and rest assured it will not be the same drifint you would see in NFSU, nor will it be as easy as in GT3 (which still took practice). Either way I do not see how drifing makes this a casual feature.

Nitrous Oxyde is in the game, however no one knows weather or not it will be allowed in all races. My theory is that it will be only be available for use in the "Drag Racing" competitions. But since you do not know you cannot judge.

But judging from the riced out neons that have been seen in forza, we can assume that these features are there not for performance reasons, they are there to appeal to the everyday highschool student. Decals, Wings, Ugly Body Kits...negative.

Again I'm not stating that Forza will be a bad game. But if your facts are in fact...not facts (lol) then do not start only hurts your credibility, and nobody wants that :sly:
Tha_con, I've read up on forza, and the mods in it are actually performance enhancing, and also decreasing if you add stupid things. So umm that kinda ruins your "for the kids" theory. The fact is, I think it's quite funny that I can ruin a nice car, I'll be the one online, in a pink modded f40 mwa hahahahah. Hit me. OFC there will be boy racers online, but they will be the ones WAY behind as their HUGE wings cause masses of drag, and they will be left confused as to why their hatch back goes slower then before ;)

Cobra, how do you know GT4s will be? It wasn't accurate in the third one.
Ofc they will enhance but it wont be accurate and code is apart of that casual crowd, pink F40 =\ The team knows who to go after, if I decide I want to turn a F50 into a ricer's dream car, I'll get forza, if I want a realistic driving experience, I'll go with gt4 because forza wont offer nothing but pretty paint schemes and decals.
What does forza offer? Tuning wont be accurate, I'm sure of it. The team is aiming for the casual crowd and nothing more.
You ******* retard. Forza is aiming for the SIM market, they have said so. They have hired a guy who has a PHD IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. They have some of the best staff available. Their physics are, quote directly from IGN X BOX, "up to par with GT's"...but only "a little more forgiving". This does NOT mean that it's arcadey, but that GT's is better by a pinpoint. And that was with assists ON. And they have shown that they have charts, diagrams, 16 cars on the track at once, an unbeatable online mode, and on top of that, some of the best cars in the world. NOTE HOW ALL OF THIS IS WITHOUT THE ****BONUS**** OF CUSTOMIZATION. Just shut the hell up.
Guess what code, Gt3 ran on gt2's physics with tweaks. And may I ask how many parameters each car in gt3 had? Was it 300? Anyway, PD has been in the driving biz longer and they have alot more experience. Like OPM UK said, gt4 will be the finest step for the gt series since gt1.
I'll go with gt4 because forza wont offer nothing but pretty paint schemes and decals.
You know, you're right. The game is just a picture mode where you go into and rice your car. Then you get to look at it on a white screen, floating around.

******g retard.
ign? Please, they dont know anything. They said the physics were on par but they were more forgiving, nice contradiction. And from what I have seen there have been only 8 cars on track.
Cobra, ffs I'm NOT slagging Gt4 of you retard, I think it's going to be amazing. I DONT GIVE A FLYING CRAP HOW MANY PARAMETERS IT HAS. I wanna have fun. All I'm saying is that your STUPID for judging forza before playing it, your a games snob.

"Will performance mods in Forza make a difference that we can see, hear, and feel?

Garrett Young: Absolutely. We wouldn't be a very good racing sim if people didn't notice the changes in how their car performs - and sounds!

Dan Greenawalt: Please bare with me here - depending on how much time you spend in a garage, I may start speaking a foreign language very soon. Throughout the making of racing games such as RalliSport Challenge and Project Gotham Racing, we've been recording car audio by running high performance cars on dynamometers (Dyno). We've recorded race cars, rally cars, classics, tuned up sport compacts and everything in between over the past four years. In the process, we've collected several hundred engine curves.

In making Forza Motorsport, we used these recording and engine graphs to make our engine upgrades, whether exhaust systems or turbochargers, feel and sound incredibly realistic. Engine upgrades don't just add 5% to the stock engine curve and swap out some sounds (typical of other racing games). To better simulate the effects of engine upgrades such as cam and valve work, our engine upgrades actually change the way the engine makes power. The peak torque, peak horsepower and redline change with upgrades in the same way they do in the real world. We even simulate the variable valve timing power spike characteristic of Honda's VTEC.

I hate to quote stuff, but if that doesn't sound like a sim based game to you, then your dumb.
They don't know anything, huh? I'm glad to hear that you work there. I can ask yeti then and he'll tell me that it's all fake, that they make the stories up just to hear people like you rave over how freaking good GT is. I'm sick and tired of this s***. You ARE the most ignorant person I have EVER heard.
Since gt4 will be the game for car lovers, there's nothing wrong with taking photos of them, and since forza will be for the casual, I'm sure you all know where I'm going.
ign? Please, they dont know anything. They said the physics were on par but they were more forgiving, nice contradiction. And from what I have seen there have been only 8 cars on track.

and this is coming from the retard who in about EVERY thread mentioned the OPM preview that GT4 had gone hardcore *smuffled laugh* get a life, and get a grip.

Cobra, stop being such a ****ing snob, casual gamers have as much right to play Gt4 as you do. Get off you high horse before you make an even bigger arse of yourself.

I love how be believes ANYTHING positive about Gt4, but not about other games. SO FUNNY, and yes, the OPM irony is COMEDY.

See cobra, I'm not slagging Gt4 off,l I bought a ps2 for it. I would hardly shell out £100 for one game that I think sucks :P. This thread is now about you being a total smeg for brains.
Maybe that magazine that you raved about the other month was wrong, I mean they have no credibility right? Their just a third party magazine, playing a *gasp* old demo of GT4. Maybe they were BS'ing just like you think EVERYBODY who has played forza has. Maybe all the hype that GT4 has isn't really what the game is. A lot of games have bombed in the past, Why not GT4?
I just can't believe that anyone can be SO STUPID. I'm shocked that his/its mum lets him/ it on the internet. ITS AN OFFICAL MAGAZONE COBRA, thus it's biased. I trust indepent websites MUCH more then official magazines.
The uk version of opm is pretty accurate.
Based on what? Their review of telletubbies, the movie? I agree with code on this one, internet sites/reviews are the way to go 👍

And it is an official playstation magazine, of course their biased.
Oh but tripleplay, what cobra says is true! Just like the car off the cliff piccy he said he had. COBRA IM STILL WAITING FOR THAT.

Well US casual gamers (with 14+ years of gaming behind us) obviously arnt as 1337 as cobra and his fanboy vision. I was being sarcastic about driving a pink ferrari you idiot. sigh.

I allmost want Gt4 to be crap now, just so I can laugh in cobras face ;)
Forza is nothing but hype, it wont be half as good as the dev's say it will be. The game will be good at best. I'm yet to read any impressions from individuals who have played the game that it's all that, more like it was ok. Forza wont be the game for a good driving experience, more like a design your car experience.

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