In order to rock the system, sometimes you need to topple a king. The creative types behind Forza Motorsport, Microsoft's ambitious real-world driving simulator, know this to be truewhich is why, during a recent interview, nobody flinches when they're popped with the inevitable question: Can Forza be a Gran Turismo 4 slayer? Although both games reside on different game consoles, the comparison is, nonetheless, apple-to-apple.
"We're all huge fans of the Gran Turismo series," Garrett Young, lead program manager for Microsoft's racing studio, says, who dances modestly around why Forzaand not Gran Turismois what the world is really waiting for. "We don't want to show disrespect to [Polyphony Digital] because most of us got into racing games through GT. But they haven't brought anything new to the [genre] in a while. Adding more cars to your roster doesn't make it a new game. Just a bigger game."
Rolling start
Big, bad words from an as-of-yet unknown quantity, to be sure, but one look under the hood of Microsoft's two-year-old baby and it's easy to see why Young and his team are so confident about Forza.
The game is a photographic assault on both the senses and the imagination. Every conceivable aspect of simulating mass and velocity on four rubber tires has been painstakinglynay, academicallyreproduced for the most sophisticated driving experience available on consoles. "There are three core things we aim to deliver with Forza," Young explains. "Realistic graphics, [simulation] physics, and car ownership and customization."
In the background, a looping demo of the game on a nearby monitor puts amazing visuals to Young's spoken words, playing real-time, in-game footage that could easily be mistaken for prerendered intro FMV from lesser racing titles.
With Forza's stark, almost conservative graphical realism, Young and his team focus less on aesthetic style, exploring instead the invisible complexity of seemingly empty race environmentslike the dusty, serpentine hills of Laguna Seca. "The track is a quarter of the screen, so we wanted to make it look as realistic as possible. This is how Laguna Seca looks." Young says, pointing out dynamic skid marks where certain opponents have run off course, as well as paint streaks left on walls from careless vehicles.
What isn't visible at a glance, of course, are the subtle details that play as big a role as any physical hairpin corner; exact details such as road incline, slope, moisture, heat, and width all play crucial roles in the overall feel of a particular circuit.
Picture perfect
But for most gamers who haven't personally thrown two tons of steel around a real-life track at suicidal speeds, eye candy and visual resemblance will have to suffice. Here too, Forza does not disappoint. Roadside embellishments feature copious amounts of geometry and a natural sense of grace, while off in the distance, the game stretches effortlessly to the horizon, with zero object pop-up in sight.
"We're also doing full-screen anti-aliasing," Dan Greenawalt, Forza's lead game designer and resident car freak, chimes, about the game's ability to present sharp, graphical clarity without jagged lines. "We're huge fans of Gran Turismo, but its graphics [are jaggy] like there's no tomorrow. That's something we really wanted to address."
Finally, there's the issue of framerates (or fps: frames per second), the measure of how smooth and responsive a game feelsa technicality glossed over by most casual gamers. For example, the general consensus on Project Gotham Racing 2 is that despite its arcade-like physics, the game handles like a champ. End of discussion. But many hardcore racing fans have criticized Gotham for displaying only 30fps (as opposed to the 60fps standard set by Gran Turismo 3 on PlayStation 2). "With antialiasing and the customization options, we couldn't do everything," Greenawalt admits. "It was a trade-off, but we've made up for [Forza's] 30fps by polling [the controller] three times as often for, technically, 180fps handling. In terms of handling, you are right where you need to be."
Substance abuse
But beyond just framerates, how a racing game feels is largely decided by the complexity (or simplicity) of its physics engine. As the conversation turns toward physicsthe heart of what makes Forza truly different from anything in its classGreenawalt reaches over to his shelf (stocked with racing games of all origins) and pulls out two fat physics textbooks written by guys in lab coats who, presumably, were as obsessed with the intersection between car, rubber, and asphalt as Greenawalt and his team.
"From these books, we get formulas that 'automagically' crunch numbers from real car data for very accurate performance in the game," Greenawalt says. "Actually, when we were trying to prove our physics engine, a certain Ferrari felt like it was a bit dangerous to drive. We thought there was something wrong with our engine until I read a negative review from Road and Track magazine that also echoed the understeer in our physics model."
The amount of car-related reference material that Greenawalt's team has to input, tune, and cross-check is staggering. Forza will feature more than 200 real automobiles from across the spectrum. That's 200 cars meticulously researched and lovingly rendered by a two-man art team somewhere within Microsoft's motor city.
"Car ownership and collection is really important among the three design standpoints. The way we've handled our upgrades is very, very realistic," Greenawalt says, showcasing a dream collection of real-world body parts that affect not only your car's appearance (on and off Xbox Live), but also its performance.
"Customization and personalization is where we are really changing the game," Young says. "Because at the end of the day, we truly believe that you are what you race."