GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Thanks !

They posted the preview in a another forum now and it had som extra info.
The making of Forza Motorsport
Breaking down reality and then piecing together the elements on your Xbox is more difficult than you think. For the love of cars, the Forza design team got their Bugle Boys dirty and their hands greasy to perfect every detail.

Sound engineer Tawm Perkowski clamps on microphones encased in plastic protectors to record the sound of tires on asphalt. In order to truly "digitize" a race track, one has to take into account every physical detail, including road incline. A Jaguar does donuts in the dirt to record authentic off-road sounds.

Reality can be measured and replicated. Every track is accurate to specification. Taking notes and photos out on the test track. Perkowski and Shawn Thompson record the sound of a real transmission, hooked up to the motor of a chain saw for ease of access.

Most of that was on the other but it had photos of them doing it that I couldn't be bothered to sort out for you!!

Come on guys bring this thread out of the gutter...

And I thought there was some tribalism in the Flight Sim world... They aint seen nothing yet.

As a new member of this forum, I will attempt to tread lightly for the moment.

In terms of this debate/discussion etc, I do have one observation.

A couple of days ago I was at my local EB store and happened to see a video/ canned demo of Forza.

My only comment is that the producers of Forza will be doing themselves a huge disservice by letting that demo out into the public as the quality was extremely bad. As a hopefelly neutral observer, the graphics could be described as poor (at best) and the vehicle movements somewhat erratic. I think that one GT fan described it as cartoonish. Unfortunately this is exactly how it came across on the screen in the middle of the store, completely contrary to the descriptions of the many Forza fans in this thread.

This was a disappointment to me as I was looking for an excuse to buy the X-Box and Forza seemed the best way forward. You see, the only reason I bought the PS1 and PS2 was for the GT series.

Anyhow, I hope there is a newer demo that will be made available on a magazine CD that I may be able to use at a friend's place to get a better handle on Forza.
I can read one page of this thread and discover that Forza will be running at 60fps, at a resolution of 1080, and have 16 cars on the I will be dissapointed when I find out it is only 30fps at 640x480 with 8 cars, but where did this hype come from...not the developers.

TriplePlay: how are you able to watch a postage stamp sized video of Forza and declare that it is 5 times better than GT3. Will it sell 5 times more copies? Of course not, will it have 5 times more cars, No. Will it have 5 times the number of tracks...No. So you just pick a number out the air and add it to a sentence implying that GT3 was ****.

Whats with all the GT3 bashing as well...we have a GT3 forum here, and if you look at the post dates, you'll see people are still playing it and racing online...yes in 2004 with the release of GT4P and the BMW demos, people still feel the urge to play GT3...maybe its a good game after all.
-I was wrong about the 60fps, 1080i 16 cars thing. I dont kno where I read it somewhere, but it was probably deep in the buries of this very thread...

-I watched, not one, not even two, but three postage stamp sized videos of Forza. And each one of them had more realistic graphics, smoother edges, and better physics than GT3. Plus, from what we know now, forza has 100+ more cars, online mode, 2 cars more on track, high def support. But, I was not implying that GT3 was ****, not bashing it at all. GT3 rocked, and it is fun. I even still race it online, go look in week 84 thread, I came in the middle of the pack for div 2. I don't see where I bashed GT3, but Forza is a better game than GT3 already IMO...
Out of curiousity... Is there much point in displaying a game at 640x480 when 95% of TV's in the world can only do 320x240?

The fact that alot of people play GT3 hardly means it's good lol, my opinion, of that it's quite possibly the most boring racing game ever to have been created still stands.

Boring for those that like arcade games, Fun for those that are good at driving and like a more realistic approach in racing games. Eventhough it wasn't completely realistic it felt right. You are a graphic whore that loves fun arcade games...why do you like Gran Turismo?
I watched, not one, not even two, but three postage stamp sized videos of Forza. And each one of them had more realistic graphics, smoother edges, and better physics than GT3.

All the vids of Forza I've seen, suck balls...which vids have you seen? And everyone whose seen the 40% complete version says it is not impressive. I like what I read about the game but I'm really starting to dislike how arrogant the developers are. They talk so much crap but have yet to prove anything to the public.
I don't care... I've not got an Xbox... not likely to get one... and I've got a PS2 and have GT4 on pre-order.

I can't afford to get a new console these days... I'm sure that I'll be left with GT4 and GTA:SA as the last games I buy until I have children.... or become rich!!

I don't care... I've not got an Xbox... not likely to get one... and I've got a PS2 and have GT4 on pre-order.

I can't afford to get a new console these days... I'm sure that I'll be left with GT4 and GTA:SA as the last games I buy until I have children.... or become rich!!


You forgot PES4, which should be out today, woohoo!
Surely you have a relative you could pawn?

I'm saving all my spare cash so that I can go travelling round the world for 6 months!!!

Other than that my mortgage eats the rest of the wong that I earn!!

Just viewed the videos ZERO posted.
While the graphics did look clean, the overall look to me was more of an arcade racer look, cant quite put my finger on why, it just didnt look like a real location.

But my main concern seemed to be the simplistic handling model on show, raving about 2 text books worth of Physics going into there engine means bugger all when you see those vids.

The car was weaving all over the road and while it laid some rubber down, it didnt get out of control or attempt to spin out once, the same can be said after repeatedly hitting the walls, that showed absoloutley no realism.
Boring for those that like arcade games, Fun for those that are good at driving and like a more realistic approach in racing games. Eventhough it wasn't completely realistic it felt right. You are a graphic whore that loves fun arcade games...why do you like Gran Turismo?

Dunkee, get a brain. I like BOTH arcade games and sim racers, I just found that GT3 was GT2, with less cars, tartier graphics, same crap AI and VERY unrealsitic handling. If realism to you is going slow, then you obviously have no idea what a real car is like to drive. I'm a graphics whore eh, and that's based on what info? Oh, none what so ever :P I'm the graphics whore eh, yet your the one who can't see Gt3 for what it really is, Gt2 with less stuff and tartier graphics...cough

The best bit though is this

You are a graphic whore that loves fun arcade games.

HOW DARE I LIKE FUN GAMES ROFL, it's as if he's implying that sims have to be broing. Comedy. Arcade games are great fun.

And why do I like gran turismo? I like racing games in general, not JUST GT, some of the vids I've seen of forza look pretty good, but I will ofc reserve my final judgement on the game when I've played a final version.

And GTXLR saying it "looks" like an arcade racer means nothing really, ferrari 355 in the arcades looked like an arcade racer...until you played it in full sim mode lol. But seriously, one vid I saw, and I'm sorry but I don't have a link (dld it a while ago) seemed pretty good, much better then most.
So does that mean it'll be something like:

GT3 < Forza < GT4

That's basically what I've been saying a long time ago: Forza will be like GT3, but with more cars, damage and car customization.

Something not beating GT4 but beating GT3. Anyway, since Forza and GT3 are the first games on 2nd gen console respectively for Xbox and PS2, I'm expecting Forza to battle with GT3 and, if it can, with GT4. And since GT3 was good enough to buy a console just for it, Forza probably can justify buying an Xbox just for it.

See ya :sly:
The car was weaving all over the road and while it laid some rubber down, it didnt get out of control or attempt to spin out once, the same can be said after repeatedly hitting the walls, that showed absoloutley no realism.
:confused: Don't you see all driving assistance are switched on? :dunce:
Dunkee, get a brain. I like BOTH arcade games and sim racers, I just found that GT3 was GT2, with less cars, tartier graphics, same crap AI and VERY unrealsitic handling. If realism to you is going slow, then you obviously have no idea what a real car is like to drive. I'm a graphics whore eh, and that's based on what info? Oh, none what so ever :P I'm the graphics whore eh, yet your the one who can't see Gt3 for what it really is, Gt2 with less stuff and tartier graphics...cough

The best bit though is this

HOW DARE I LIKE FUN GAMES ROFL, it's as if he's implying that sims have to be broing. Comedy. Arcade games are great fun.

And why do I like gran turismo? I like racing games in general, not JUST GT, some of the vids I've seen of forza look pretty good, but I will ofc reserve my final judgement on the game when I've played a final version.

And GTXLR saying it "looks" like an arcade racer means nothing really, ferrari 355 in the arcades looked like an arcade racer...until you played it in full sim mode lol. But seriously, one vid I saw, and I'm sorry but I don't have a link (dld it a while ago) seemed pretty good, much better then most.

You yourself have called yourself a graphic need to get butt hurt when I repeat it. I like racing my friends in GT3...most satisfying racing I've ever had. That's why I think it's fun. It doesn't have all the gimmicks and fictional sense of speed like arcade racers but the challenge made up for that. Forza has the same realistic slow sense of speed like GT. If your expecting arcade type speed in Forza, your gonna be disappointed.
Forza has the same realistic slow sense of speed like GT.

Have you ever been in a fast car?
The only challenge I found is staying awake while playing GT3 tbh, every boring race the same, thrash the pants off the same boring AI, go at ridiculously slow speeds, under powered cars, crap sounds, dull tracks repeat till you reach 100%. Played GTR yet? Now that dunkee is a sim WITH a sense of speed, 100 mph feels scary in the middle of 19 cars, the cars feel like MONSTERS.

Dunno how liking arcadey racers makes me a graphics whore, I find that abit confusing LOL, obviouosly I like games too look good, but I think your just making assumptions about me. I don't dislike GT3 because of how it looks, it dislike it because it's not fun, and if you hadn't noticed, driving REAL cars is fun, so it can't be that good of a sim :P
Have you ever been in a fast car?
The only challenge I found is staying awake while playing GT3 tbh, every boring race the same, thrash the pants off the same boring AI, go at ridiculously slow speeds, under powered cars, crap sounds, dull tracks repeat till you reach 100%. Played GTR yet? Now that dunkee is a sim WITH a sense of speed, 100 mph feels scary in the middle of 19 cars, the cars feel like MONSTERS.

Dunno how liking arcadey racers makes me a graphics whore, I find that abit confusing LOL, obviouosly I like games too look good, but I think your just making assumptions about me. I don't dislike GT3 because of how it looks, it dislike it because it's not fun, and if you hadn't noticed, driving REAL cars is fun, so it can't be that good of a sim :P

My car is fast. 245 HP in a 2800 lb car, coilover stiff 6/5 Kg suspension and big brakes...all these things because I like to drive slow 👍 I understand what you are trying to say...the sim mode in GT3 was boring but I only play GT3 to race my friends which is a lot of fun. I never bothered w/ 100%. GT3 did get a lot of complaints about feeling slow but it never bothered me when I played. BTW, I only called you a graphics whore bc...well, you are always criticizing graphics :confused: Also, you've said you have more fun playing arcade games than GT...I was just wondering what it is you like about GT bc everything you say makes it seem like it's crap.
well, you are always criticizing graphics

That doesn't make me a graphics whore, it makes me a fussy git! lol. If I was a whore I'd judge the game on it's graphics alone.

nice car btw, and yeah, multiplayer is good, nothing beats racing against a friend of similar skill to your self. I have these EPIC fights on VF 4 evo with a friend, where we have mastered a character each....brilliant :D

I love the idea behind GT games, loads of cars etc, and when I first played Gt1 I was blown away, Gt2 was even better (MORE OF EVERYTHING), then GT3 came out, and I expected FAR more. So yeah I think it's crap. It's like how I love virtua fighter games, but I think the 3rd one is crap ;)
From what I've played (gt4p) and seen, gt4 seems to be a pretty big improvement.
That doesn't make me a graphics whore, it makes me a fussy git! lol. If I was a whore I'd judge the game on it's graphics alone.

nice car btw, and yeah, multiplayer is good, nothing beats racing against a friend of similar skill to your self. I have these EPIC fights on VF 4 evo with a friend, where we have mastered a character each....brilliant :D

I love the idea behind GT games, loads of cars etc, and when I first played Gt1 I was blown away, Gt2 was even better (MORE OF EVERYTHING), then GT3 came out, and I expected FAR more. So yeah I think it's crap. It's like how I love virtua fighter games, but I think the 3rd one is crap ;)
From what I've played (gt4p) and seen, gt4 seems to be a pretty big improvement.

Thanks for the comp :) GT3 did suck a bit compared to GT2 but it had a better physics engine...even though it felt slower :confused: I think GT4 compared to GT3 will give the same impact GT2 did to least it seems like it.

BTW, I play Tekken :scared:
S t e f a n
:confused: Don't you see all driving assistance are switched on? :dunce:

Driver assists is one thing, but that was damn right OTT, the game may as well be a simple arcade racer with no real world physics if that sort of assistance is available, at least in GT with assists on you can still manage to spin and crash.