Just pulled Strop and Kyle's(KLR142) replays.
Both clean and green, with correct tires and HP.
Nice runs guys. 👍
Replay checking:
Andy: Clean
h18ant: I can't really tell if it's clean or not, this is very weird: on replay theatre, it shows 37.355 (correct time), then I start watching it, it has the right specs, a clean T1 of 17.790, but then something strange happens: the car goes totally offtrack (4 wheels off - would be clearly dirty) at the last corner, but he keeps accelerating and shifting gears as if the corner exit was clean. At ~37.3 (which should be the laptime), he stops accelerating and the car stays offtrack. The replay does not end because the car does not get to the finish line (but remember: at the replay theatre, is says 37.355). I watched the replay up to 40 minutes on fast forward, and there is no gas, no brake, no steering, no shifts, only the car going up and down due to track elevation. I wouldn't call it dirty right away, it might be a problem with the file conversion from .psv to .max which made it look like he accelerates for too long before the last corner and then brakes too late. Another opinion is required here.
Hi guys, sorry about the problems with the replay, I have attached the .psv file. Hopefully it will work!
& thanks for using my picture.Stewards Comments:
Thank you to everyone. 👍 You guys are the bees knees when it comes to sticking to your guns and completing the last two GT-Mode combo's, and with style I may add. 👍👍 Very close racing, and proves that the division placements work well.
I was wondering if using this track for a combo was inspired by the fact that it had never been used before in WRS?
No, I'm sorry, but it still won't play right to the end of the race. Does it play right to the end for you?
What other tracks are left ... Suzuka West perhaps?
Just wondering also what GT5 will change to WRS & GT4.
Hi, yes, I checked it before I posted the .psv, is there anything else I can try?
Hi, I've tried it on my old PS2 and it does the same thing, all is fine until the last corner and it goes nuts! I'm not sure what to do with it now. Any suggestions?
Sorry about the wait better then never i guess good run to all this week!
Kindly Verified clean by Sphinx.
Hi, yes, I checked it before I posted the .psv, is there anything else I can try?
Hi, here is my replay. As I'm using a PS3 i've had to convert it from psv to max. Please can you let me know if it works?
Kindly Verified clean by Sphinx.
I managed to get it to work on my PS3. 👍
Thanks! I owe you one. I will use my PS2 from now on!