GT4 WRS Week 170 : Opel Calibra @ Nurburgring

  • Thread starter Sphinx
T3. 1'42.059 (seen 1'41.7)
T5. 3'06.674 (seen 3'06.3)
T8. 4'59.882

Been testing the ending a lot so managed 1.2s over my other time. Usually on Nurb combos I restart alot for sectors 1-3, but I can actually test passed T8 this time since I'm not crashing much.

Still a lot of errors although first time I've been under 5'00 at T8 even though I've been ahead .5 at T7 I mess up and get 5'00.3.

Optimal lap is probably 1'41.1/3'05.1/4'56 so I'll run a bit more later.
Been testing the ending a lot so managed 1.2s over my other time. Usually on Nurb combos I restart alot for sectors 1-3, but I can actually test passed T8 this time since I'm not crashing much.

I see you were participating in a Nurburgring series a few years back. I'm sure that you have run this track plenty of times and must of been happy to see this weeks combo.
I will look forward to your replay if needed. I would like to compare it to mine in certain sectors that I am not performing well, especially t5 - t8.
I am loosing quite a bit of time through those sections, despite no real mistakes. The next session I will be going through that area over and over after watching some old WRS replays on the lines and techniques taken through there.
I was working on that darn Galgenkopf and I feel pretty smooth through there now. I have been trying to keep the speed for that long straight to the finish. Its working.
Actually tried a couple of the recent Ring WRS's and I do much worse than I used to. It's just with this combo, (maybe not if it was the Vauxhall car) I can go all out speed after T1/T5/ before T10 quick easily whereas I would be crashing quite a bit and never making it passed T5 much.

As for T5-T8 and this car in general loses a lot of time if you don't downshift sometimes even if you are going to upshift in 5 more mph. I could give you more information in PM if you send those individual splits (T5-T6-T7-T8), because these ones as T5-T8 isn't really a good indication of anything.
Kenny I can see your tail lights now. I just keep chipping away at it. T8 to finish is probably my best sector, that and start to t3. Like you I'm losing a lot of time t3-t8.

I have my moments but they are usually met with disaster.:banghead:


picked up 1.8 at the line however!
Had a long session today. Switched to 270 top speed, which is definitely the way to go I think.

About two hours of solid driving, with a fair bit of frustration along the way :indiff:, came to these splits:

t3: 1'43.972
t5: 3'11.424 (mistake between t4 and t5 :indiff:)
t8: 5'07.511

It looks pretty close in D3, but I think I'm pretty much at my limit, so I hope my t8-finish is good enough... :nervous:

Hey, Andy, not playing ball this week? :sly:
Not much players participate regularly in the WRS nowadays, maybe 20 or so. This number tends to drop as GT4 is getting older and GT5 kicks in. But I still play both games.

My first laps are all dirty or slow (restarted), so I don't have any splits to post, but I'm running very close to jmgyro's pace. I think I'm slower than him at T3 (best was 1'42.3) but faster at T5 and T8. I used gears at 270 but 280 is probably better.
Thanks for the answer. It's as I thought it was. Also the reason I was near the top 2 weeks ago. This just confirms what I thought. Thanks.
My first laps are all dirty or slow (restarted), so I don't have any splits to post, but I'm running very close to jmgyro's pace. I think I'm slower than him at T3 (best was 1'42.3) but faster at T5 and T8. I used gears at 270 but 280 is probably better.

Yea I had a couple days of just restarts with no progress, but seem to be doing a bit more efficiently now as I really hate seeings T1-T3 again and again.
Just did 1'42.2/3'06.3/4'59.1, but crashed twice which sucks. I did compare splits with 2 people though and to one person I'm losing 1.1s just from T4->T5 alone so I've got to ask how fast are you guys going on the 2 turns right after T4. I really never got the hang of that little sector since I can never find grip.
Those turns are some of the hardest of the track. It's one of the places where I (and probably most of you as well) lose many good laps either with crashes or lots of lost time. I was doing them in 3rd gear, for the first one I used a braking point at the right side of the track (I don't remember exactly what it is, it's where grass ends and tarmac starts or something like this) and I take it between 130-135 kmh, and for the second one I brake at the beginning of the uphill and take it at 125-130 kmh.
Yea I think the first turn there I was in 4th so maybe I'm losing some power, I can't drive with the ghost while turning so I can't tell exactly how I'm gaining/losing time. I did manage a better time by getting 0.5 quicker in that sector but I lost that much time right before T8, but overall 1.1s quicker.

T3. 1'41.984
T5. 3'06.243
T8. 4'59.424

T3. 1'41.717
T5. 3'06.213
T8. 4'58.992

.4 more although lost that .270 I made up in the first 3 sectors to T5.
Great T3, can you tell what are your T1 and T2 times? My best is 4x.3, 1'14.8 and 1'42.3. T3 could be a bit better with this T2, but still I don't know where I'm losing so much time.
Thanks, I'm not sure if you can but I don't see why not.


Best T2 I've seen, but I've seen 0'42.3-> 1'14.616 and 0'41.9 at T1. So optimal is like 0'41.9/1'14.2, but I just want to get around 1'42 flat at T3, since even in my best lap so far I took the turn right after T3 poorly and had to brake instead of going all out.
T3 143.158
T5 3.08.851 .6 slower than last time
T8 5.02.776 2 sec quicker than last time - Dont give up the times are out there !!

On a squeaky clean lap

This Mornings times.....

T3 1.43.044
T5 3.07.738
T8 5.01.468
Tempting combo but I'm gonna skip this one due to a leg injury(shin splints) which heals very slowly. I did run 5 laps to get a taste of this car. My splits are only a bit quicker than jymgyro's. He and Kenny are on fire this week:tup:
Third session brought it down to:


Very nervous finish though. :nervous:
Here's the lap I'm submitting:

Top speed 280

I had big mistakes at Aremburg, the hairpin before the Karrussel, the fast right-hander after T8 and the last corner, as well as some minor mistakes. So, I guess the lap could be a bit over 2 seconds better.
I got 1'41.9/3'05.8/4'58.7 but managed to only gain 0.20 :ouch:
Think I also got the same final time off 4'59.3 so you may have got me at the moment Cmir. Have seen 1'41.5/3'05.4/4'58.1 which could of been 4'57 but I choked and crashed shortly after and it was kind of a fluke run.
Great splits there, it would take me some more time to match that 👍 Honestly I don't think I will win this week, as I said I have 2 mistakes after T8 and your T8 is already better than mine, so you could only end behind me with a terrible last T8-finish part. Furthermore, I have already submitted my lap so I won't improve.
True, but I had to go one last time since it's been bothering me.


Was .3 behind at T8 and T9, but my ghost scrubbed out after that mini carousel and I caught up and got .5 more. Think I'm done as well as my thumb is all messed up and I'm about to lose it.
BOARD Update

I ran a few laps last night, but I was a little worn down from my trip. Managed a few with T8 around 5:10, I just kept messing up just after T9 and running off track. I'm sure I'll be able to put together a clean one tonight, just a matter of whether it will be quick. :dopey:
Just as I want to start posting my time in the WRS, I decide to come back on a week at the Nurburgring... bad timing
Its the one track i have really never invested much time on
Im flying off all over the place!
Maybe the next race is a better one for me
I love this combo! The configuration with low HP but good grip makes this car very enjoyable to push to its limit, especially at the Ring! :)

Some splits:


Using DS2 for this one. Quite pleased with that time, but will try to break it tomorrow (and I'll also try to remember to submit this week :dunce: )