GT4 WRS Week 46 Results

  • Thread starter Tedehur

How would you rate this race ?

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It’s all very good that the drivers who currently run in this series trust each other, but you also have to consider how these unnecessary “errors” look to those who don’t currently drive here. I think you’ll be surprised at how many drivers who haven’t entered in a while actually keep up to date by following the series each week, I know that I do.

I honestly can’t remember so many “errors” being made in such a short space of time in the WRS. Perhaps this is down to the new replay request system that’s been running for a number of weeks and is now starting to bare fruit, food for thought?

Mistakes do happen, I’m aware of that. I know of respected driver who have submitted using the wrong tyres, car and even the wrong track in my 5yrs of OLR, but I also know that these mistakes were infrequent and in no way highlight a possible new trend.

Please don’t see this post as an attack on anybody or even this great series. It’s always good to pause for a moment and address possible issues that could be on the horizon, and as a member of the WRS I believe I have the right to express my views.
my .02

I dont trust many guys who dont have a replay device. I even remember when Hotboi started out, how many (including me :indiff: ) thought he was cheating, but alas he got a maxdrive and made all of us eat some crow...

Apart from that i will have to agree with Jerry (sphinx) 👍

However i do like this replay requested idea 👍
Also if anybody wants to see any of my times, please let me know. I may not submit them but that doesnt mean i wont, it just means im too lazy and dont feel like mucking about with maxdrive software trying to find the right replay... :lol:
Gosh, with all this "peer review" I am going to continue to hope for second , third....eighth, whatever. I have been monitoring this discussion and it seems a bit fishy. If you got something to hide, generally you think everyone else does too. :scared: :indiff: :nervous: :ill: :yuck:

Just call it like you see it, do your best and live and let live.

to quote a famous philosopher: "why can't we all just get along?":dopey:
What saddens me is when people generalize just because of a few typos (voluntary or not that they might be) then we all suddenly become potential cheaters. Sure there might be cheaters in here, but there are also people that rather than posting a dirty but faster time, they would post a previously saved slower one or go the extra mile and make an even faster and perfectly legal lap.

Mistakes are meant to happen, if not just for statistical reasons. With so many people submitting, it's just math - it is going to happen from time to time. If people would be cheating on a regular basis, things like this would happen to the same people - the cheaters - and you could easily spot the difference between people that make mistakes on purpose and people that don't.

Dan had a typo, not too long ago (if I am not mistaken). So that now makes him a cheater? Come on, guys. We all know Dan is damn fast enough to win a race with one hand tied behind his back, why would he need to cheat on his lap time?

And regarding the people that don't post a replay, just because they are not required. That doesn't mean they must be cheating all the time, does it? The whole point of this series is knowing each other/respecting each other/trusting each other. These things come with time, but once you get to know the people here and who races cleanly on a regular basis and who doesn't (speaking of which, who doesn't race cleanly on a regular basis? Probably nobody...), you'll be able to know that somebody's lap is clean, even if you don't look at his/her replay.

I have had a Maxdrive pretty much since I joined the WRS, back at the end of the GT3 one. And I have posted a replay pretty much every single race I submitted a time for, whether I was required to do it or not.

I do this so that - hopefully - my fellow racers get to know that I am not afraid to prove my times are legal, because they are.

Sure, everybody should do this. But I also understand that if it takes 30-45 minutes to get the d:censored:mn Maxdrive to work, it's quite a hassle. That alone is not enough of a reason to deem them cheaters, though.

Should we let all the mistakes slide? Probably not.
Should we generalize and make a cheater out of everbody that races here? No. Absolutely.

My opinion, for whatever it's worth 👍

Oh, and the "you's" are not referring to anybody in particular - just the communty as a whole.

The Wizard.
But can someone explain to me the reason why CoolGeekz replay was requested since his name doesn't appear on the results :confused:
I didn't request it per say, I thought that he was one of the top finishers and was planning on downloading it because I thought it was already posted. I just wanted to see his drifting skillz in action, I wasn't really requesting it or doubting his time in anyway. And then I realized that he hadn't already posted it... So, I'll take a look at it Coolgeeks, and I appreciate it, but I, in no way, doubted your time... 👍
I honestly can’t remember so many “errors” being made in such a short space of time in the WRS. Perhaps this is down to the new replay request system that’s been running for a number of weeks and is now starting to bare fruit, food for thought?
Not at all... I think it's much more a fact that we just did a race where we were allowed an unlimited number of submissions, so it was like more than 5 weeks worth of racing for some of us, and some of us might've just not been as cautious in our excitement to move onto the next car... I fully trust the people who've made the mistakes, and it doesn't phase me whatsoever.

Like I said, RACE ON! 👍
As some people mentioned, it's a pity that saving a replay on PC takes so long. Or else replays would be mandatory and things would be much easier. (Except for the people who check replays of course).

We have been having several dirty laps or typoed times recently, but it's mainly due to the special circumstances of week 45. I guess some racers ran a lap in car 1, then in car 2, then in car 3... and submitted everything without even thinking that the lap with car 1 could be dirty. Okay, they could have checked all laps (lazy guys) but I truly believe there was no intention to cheat. Plus the fact that these times were not taken into account in the main results.
Then I'd like to remind you that shockwaveracing's lap was dirty because he had missed the rumble strip rule, and oldphart said he had doubts about the Mulsanne corner (OK, he forgot the 'when in doubt don't submit' rule :) ) There again I see no attempt to cheat at all.
Same for Kyle's typo this week. His replays proves that it was a typo, and he's the most spoiled person because he thought for a day or two that his efforts had paid back and granted him a time almost as fast as Dan's.

I'm now suspicious about zdenko however, since he didn't show up since he mentioned a typo which conveniently moves him from spot 2 down to spot 7 on the results. He's been online a few times recently but didn't post in the WRS forum. I hope he manages to post a replay and doesn't vanish completely from the WRS like this Drift260Z guy back in week 30. Does any Aussie around have news from him (his profile says he's from Sydney) ?
I guess this proves that all it takes is one bad apple... what's that famous saying? It's funny that this is the first time in a lot of posts that zdenko's name came up. Just a lucky guess, but mabey that's the bad apple we are all refering too? If he comes clean I'll Sh** on my console and eat it... :D
Well ,I have no problems with the maxdrive.
That is when you have 2 memory packs.
One I use only for the transferring of replays.
If I wanna upload a replay ,I copy that one to the second card,that way I can't make mistakes.
And replays from the stick I save on the PC before I delete them again so the stick is always clear.

I'm glad to hear however how tight the WRS is nowadays and that the racers are all close friends of each other.
It looks like the WRS has turned in a private race serie with no room of difficult\ painfully questions\statements from rookies(Jake) or longtime members(Niels).
From what I have read they have it all wrong.
The trust is so high,replays from certain members don't even have to be checked anymore.

Only minor mistakes are happening,wrong tires,offs,touches,deleted replays,typos and so on.
Nothing to worry about,,,,,,,,,,,,

But I will reflect one situation on myself.

Suppose I submit a time and when I look at the results, I won my division and my time is just as fast as Dan's.
Holy cow,I can't believe it! Wow
Congrats from everybody but when people ask questions I gonna watch my replay again a day later and ........a typo.

Only thing is, I always know my submitted time because I hunted barriers and mostly without success.
A typo in the min.range in the results will be instantly noticed by me.

And nobody can blame me from raising my eyebrows when I read these kind of stories.

No accusing of cheating from me but only an observation from my point of view.

Well ,I have no problems with the maxdrive.
That is when you have 2 memory packs.
One I use only for the transferring of replays.
Suppose I submit a time and when I look at the results, I won my division and my time is just as fast as Dan's.
Holy cow,I can't believe it! Wow
Congrats from everybody but when people ask questions I gonna watch my replay again a day later and ........a typo.
an observation from my point of view.
Here's my point of view. Last minute time submission late at night before I conk out for bed, I look at my little sticky that I put near the computer saying my fastest laps splits, send them in a PM, and go to sleep. I wake up in the morning, head off to work. Go home to my PARENT's house for a few minutes that evening, then go to my OTHER job, then come back to MY house late at night. Check the replay, and indeed, I ran a second faster than I had posted. As soon as I found this out, I came back to this thread and posted that I had indeed submitted the wrong time. Where's the trouble in this? I fessed up as soon as I could? Why the wait on the replay? Because I didn't have time to post it previously. I didn't even NEED to post it because my time wasn't fast anymore, but because I had already planned on putting it up, I did.

Now, why I wrote down the wrong final time on my little sticky note is beyond me. Hate me for writing something down wrong? Um, ok.

Anywho, I just got my own PS2 and it came with two additional memory cards, so I will be using one of them as a replay card only. 👍

And thanks Neil, same to you mate!
No news from zdenko and yet he's still active every day on GTP.
I'll update the leaderboard without his time, and I'll DQ him if we have no news by tuesday.

I had news this morning via PM.
He's been ordering a Max Drive, asked for his time this week to be DQ'ed and will race again when he's received the device. 👍
Here's my replay, let me know if it works, I converted it from .xps to .max, and it's my first time submitting a replay, so I used save replay rather than save ghost (sorry!), it's the 2nd lap in the replay. Next time, i'll use save ghost :)


  • Week46.max
    15.7 KB · Views: 11
zdenko purchased a Max Drive and provided a clean replay for his lap. Since I'm usually giving an extra delay to people who purchase a Max Drive and wait for it to be delivered (ferrari-chris is in exactly the same situation, with his replay for week 46 pending), I'll re-integrate zdenko's time in the results and update the points leaderboard.
Just a stoner thought, but if it takes this long for zdenko to post he should be DQ'd. In real racing people either win or loose.:)
I agree with you there but it did take 11 days for my max-drive to get delivered thats why i didnt even bother entering week 47 and just made 48
Apparently mine was posted this morning.

So, all going to plan I'll have replays up within 24 hours. 👍
Just a stoner thought, but if it takes this long for zdenko to post he should be DQ'd. In real racing people either win or loose.:)
That would be easier for me.
But I've always considered that if people were willing to spend money to get a Max Drive for the only reason they were requested to post a replay, I could wait until the Max Drive was delivered to have the replay checked.
Of course it can happen only once for a given driver, since after the first time, well, we know that he has a Max Drive.
I did it in the past for several racers, I told ferrari_chris I would wait when he informed me that he had been buying a Max Drive and was waiting for it to be delivered, I'll do the same for zdenko and for other racers in the future.
OK, here's my replay.

Gosh, it seems like ages since we ran this race. Anyway, I hope I've copied it across correctly. :nervous:

So many replays and no useful names!... :irked:

I've got a spreadsheet set up, in a couple of days I'll have all the replays off the card and onto my PC with meaningful names.

Anyway, here 'tis. :) :nervous:

*EDIT* - It's PAL.

Edit : Replay is clean


  • WRS Week 46-RX7.max
    19.6 KB · Views: 10