GT4 WRS Week 51 Results

  • Thread starter Tedehur

How would you rate this race ?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just watched the PAL replays that have been uploaded:
  • NielsG - 1'27.491
  • zdenko - 1'27.294
  • holl01 - 1'25.156
Lots of different methods to various sections, I think I may have lost most of my time on top of that damn mountain :)

Thanks. :)

And I just checked MisterWearys replay. Specs correct and clean as a whistle.
Clean as a whistle.

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I never got this saying. Whistles arn't clean, they've most likely been in someones mouth and filled with slobber. Would you blow someone else's whistle? No, because whistles are flithy, dirty, yucky things.

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I never got this saying. Whistles arn't clean, they've most likely been in someones mouth and filled with slobber. Would you blow someone else's whistle? No, because whistles are flithy, dirty, yucky things.

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It's somewhat unclear where the phrase "clean as a whistle" came from. The phrase actually has two meanings: "clean or pure" and "absolutely, completely." "Utterly or completely" is the original 18th century meaning -- a roof blown off in a tornado might be said to have been torn off "clean as a whistle," leaving no remnants. The "pure or unsullied" meaning ("Wash that deck until it's clean as a whistle, sailor") came later, and may have its roots in a misunderstanding of the sense of "clean" in the original phrase.

If it seems a little mysterious, the answer may lie in the fact that the original phrase wasn't really "clean as a whistle." Christine Ammer, in her book "Have A Nice Day -- No Problem, A Dictionary of Cliches," points to the phrase "clear as a whistle," very common in the 18th century. While spoken commands might be misunderstood in a noisy environment, no one could mistake a loud whistle for anything else, so "clear as a whistle" came to mean "unmistakable" or "unambiguous."

The later substitution of "clean" meaning "completely" for "clear" therefore makes a certain amount of sense, but the subsequent drift of "clean" in the phrase to mean "pure" is what has led to folks like you wondering "what's so clean about whistles?"


It's somewhat unclear where the phrase "clean as a whistle" came from. The phrase actually has two meanings: "clean or pure" and "absolutely, completely." "Utterly or completely" is the original 18th century meaning -- a roof blown off in a tornado might be said to have been torn off "clean as a whistle," leaving no remnants. The "pure or unsullied" meaning ("Wash that deck until it's clean as a whistle, sailor") came later, and may have its roots in a misunderstanding of the sense of "clean" in the original phrase.

If it seems a little mysterious, the answer may lie in the fact that the original phrase wasn't really "clean as a whistle." Christine Ammer, in her book "Have A Nice Day -- No Problem, A Dictionary of Cliches," points to the phrase "clear as a whistle," very common in the 18th century. While spoken commands might be misunderstood in a noisy environment, no one could mistake a loud whistle for anything else, so "clear as a whistle" came to mean "unmistakable" or "unambiguous."

The later substitution of "clean" meaning "completely" for "clear" therefore makes a certain amount of sense, but the subsequent drift of "clean" in the phrase to mean "pure" is what has led to folks like you wondering "what's so clean about whistles?"


A little etymology from our friend NeilsG. Never know what you're going to see on this site. I guess GT4 racers are some pretty darned intelligent folks!
Hey guys got my maxdrive delivered this morning:tup: :dunce:

As promised my wrs51 replay, late but (hopefully) clean :)

Hoe come my replay file is only 15kb against the others 21-31kb? hope it works


  • 51719_8032_GRAN_TURIS.max
    15.1 KB · Views: 16
The reason your replay is so small is because it is, infact, License Test S-8. A neat lap in the NSX to be sure but not the replay you were after :sly:
Hey guys got my maxdrive delivered this morning:tup: :dunce:

As promised my wrs51 replay, late but (hopefully) clean :)

Hoe come my replay file is only 15kb against the others 21-31kb? hope it works

Good news is that your MAX drive works. :D

Bad news is that the replay is the S-license from Tokyo. :lol:

So you gotta try again. It can be a mess finding the right one until you get used to it. Lot's of different tips can be found here:

The fast advice goes like this: You need to carefully look at the icon for the save and memorize it, so you can remember it, when you are going to upload. If you got 2 mem cards it's easier to copy the requested replay over to the other card, where you only should have very few GT replays. That makes it a lot easier to find the right replay.

Another useful hint is that: Ghost replay have a red frame. Full replays a white frame and licenses have a blue frame.

Edit: Damn. MisterWeary beat me to it. Just shows we're looking forward to watch your run. 👍
Oi, sorry bout that mishap let me try again...

Replay is the right one this time. 👍

I'm going out right now, but I'll look into it later.
Finished watching Clemis replay. Race is clean and specs are correct.

Sorry for the wait, but there were a couple of places I needed to check closer because of speed and bad angels in the replay. But everything was clean with a safe margin. 👍

Very Nice Racing, Clemi. 👍
Finished watching Clemis replay. Race is clean and specs are correct.

Sorry for the wait, but there were a couple of places I needed to check closer because of speed and bad angels in the replay. But everything was clean with a safe margin. 👍

Very Nice Racing, Clemi. 👍

Thanx for checking my lap:tup: :D had me :nervous: there for a sec :)

Very interesting info regarding the metaphor "clean as a whistle." 👍
I used to take some time to look into what they call "dead metaphors."

If you feel like putting in the extra time, I've always wondered about "Kick the Bucket." ;)
(I know what it means but where exactly it came from? :confused: :lol: )

Very interesting info regarding the metaphor "clean as a whistle." 👍
I used to take some time to look into what they call "dead metaphors."

If you feel like putting in the extra time, I've always wondered about "Kick the Bucket." ;)
(I know what it means but where exactly it came from? :confused: :lol: )

You're much to kind, Kent. It was nothing, but the very first hit on google. :lol:

Just like this:

According to a marvelous little book called "Slang Down the Ages" by Jonathon Green, there are actually two possible origins for "kick the bucket," both suitably grisly. It seems that one method of slaughtering a pig used to involve hanging it upside down from a beam by means of a piece of wood called a "bucket." The dying animal would, naturally, "kick the bucket." The other possible origin refers to a method of hanging oneself, which involved standing on a bucket, tightening the noose, and then kicking away the bucket. Since the phrase "kick the bucket" dates back to at least the 16th century, neither of these can definitively be called the "genuine" origin, but at least you now have two new stories. ;)

Nice race btw Cyril. :D
I've just added a score of green flags to post #1, I'll have to upload my replay too later this week-end.
I'm currently busy looking for a cool (and balanced) combo to run soon on El Capitan, as it seems that several PAL racers ask for a revenge :P

Edit :
Filizola, did you manage to find someone in the Denver area, or to order a MaxDrive ?
Or else your time will be DQ'ed next thursday and Laurence will be the div3 winner.
BTW, many congrats to the many div3-ers who submitted this week, keeping their division active and a challenging place. (I guess it'll be a rather different situation this week)
BTW, many congrats to the many div3-ers who submitted this week, keeping their division active and a challenging place. (I guess it'll be a rather different situation this week)

Well, we've got three of us that are submitting times for the leaderboard, so that's at least a full podium... Hopefully there's a few more out there that are racing, but just not submitting splits for the leaderboard...
So, I watched Ben & Francisco's replays, they're clean and exceptionally fast!

Green flags for:-
icemanshooter23 👍 Great finish! :bowdown:
FASJ6418 👍 You must have balls-the-size-of-watermelons to enter that uphill left before T2 at 126mph in 5th gear, Francisco! :eek:

hey, thanks for checking the lap:tup: and yes, that turn was a make or break for the lap... i only got it right like 1 out of 10 tries...
Filizola, did you manage to find someone in the Denver area, or to order a MaxDrive ?
Or else your time will be DQ'ed next thursday and Laurence will be the div3 winner.

No, I guess you can just give the points to Laurence...:(
Thought I'd have a look at Clemi's replay while I was getting my Week 52 lap off the mem card. Very nice lap man 👍 Another one of these folk who can drive while never taking the foot off the accelerator, scary stuff :crazy:

Got a cool picture while checking your lap too:

Nice work 👍
Results updated after Filizola's disqualification for not providing a replay. (Ok, we knew he doesn't have a replay device, but I like to wait until the deadline anyway).
I'll update the board right now and move this to the archive later.