- 900
- Devon
21 drivers within 1 second of each other on the board!!! Cant wait till the results...
As for me, i got to day 694 with only 2 million prize total won so far, lol. Dam licenses and missions take up alot of time :-D So i downloaded a supersave to another memoery card, my 'wrs' memory card. Money well spent, seemed easier than keeping both files on the computer, and sticking them on my maxdrive then PS2 everytime i wanted to play..but that is another option if you dont want to dish out for another memorycard.
As for me, i got to day 694 with only 2 million prize total won so far, lol. Dam licenses and missions take up alot of time :-D So i downloaded a supersave to another memoery card, my 'wrs' memory card. Money well spent, seemed easier than keeping both files on the computer, and sticking them on my maxdrive then PS2 everytime i wanted to play..but that is another option if you dont want to dish out for another memorycard.