GT4 WRS Week 62: "Gone in Sixty Seconds"

21 drivers within 1 second of each other on the board!!! Cant wait till the results...
As for me, i got to day 694 with only 2 million prize total won so far, lol. Dam licenses and missions take up alot of time :-D So i downloaded a supersave to another memoery card, my 'wrs' memory card. Money well spent, seemed easier than keeping both files on the computer, and sticking them on my maxdrive then PS2 everytime i wanted to play..but that is another option if you dont want to dish out for another memorycard.
... and what's so sacred about the 4 black cars? they look nice but their coloured brethren are faster and also buyable (see below).

To me, at least, the black 787B and the hideous 787B are equally quick.
Cool combo, I can't seem to keep it from pushing though... :scared:

Board Updated

I am going to be away on an excursion with no Internet access until at least Thursday so this will be my last Board Update for a while. So if Small_Fryz, jump_ace, Luxy or Kolyana see'll need to update the board while I'm gone.

See you all later in the week 👍
You could always use a supersave if you wanted. I saves a lot of time and effort trying to find cars and save up money 👍
Nah, I'm completely against that. I guess mostly because I only have one mem card, and I like to win each car myself and know that I have earned it. Or maybe I'm just plain lazy and hate to connect my ps2 to the computer through the X-port. :odd:

... and what's so sacred about the 4 black cars? they look nice but their coloured brethren are faster and also buyable (see below).
It's hard to get if you screw up (takes long). I got personal satisfaction from having been able to get them. And who cares if the other ones are faster? Does that make them any more fun to drive? Think of them as collectibles if you think they are useless since the colored ones are faster. I also know it doesn't take long to make good cash, but I don't have time to waste on that... I barely have any time to do weekly races period.
ugh, no time to work on improving

looks like I'll be bringing up the rear in Div2 unless my second half is THAT strong... which is doubtful :(
up to a 21.040! whoo-hoo! probly gonna submit this, after my MASSIVE .150 gain!! this is a new record for me, a total gain of .162 from lap 10 to lap 150!
maybe my 2nd half's better.....
I've never gained so little, in all my 4 weeks of more have at it!👍 I don't wanna lose to Div 2 guys again

Oh well, I'm done. Time Submitted.
Suppose I should give this a run. Be back with splits in a couple of hours. Watch this space!

'Bout 30 min.
Submitted, better than i thought i might do actually, so watch my final time look a bit crap! lol Whenever i have hope, i come last, whenever i don't, i come last :D

Ahh well, s'all fun and i love it here :)
Submitted. Even though my time was from a week ago. I had maybe 2-3 other little sessions, but just could never get back to where I was before, oh well.

Just have to wait and see how it all turns out.
Dangit! Had to go to a friend's house last night and missed my chance at this race! Darn. Now I'm off to work. Dangit! I wanted to do a few laps!
Didn't have any time this week to do much of anything... Piss poor performance by me -- 22.1xx for my split time. Yuck!

Anyway... Time submitted.