GT4 WRS Week 67 : "Touring Corollado"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Possibly new splits for me. I've watched the lap many times but it's close on like 10 corners :crazy: Not one of them though looks like a "wall" touch. This is the toughest week yet in my opinion:

T1: 1`12.765
T2: 1`43.377

Oh...and if you've never seen Zoky (GTmaniac) drive, then you NEED to check his winning lap out from BC5 here. It is I-N-S-A-N-E !!!!!!!!!!!!! (It's a 10mb .avi file)

Board Updated
Y'all beat me, but I'll get a podium if no other Div3 racer turns up!

There are some guys in Div3 who have times but don't put up splits (myself included), so expect at least two other Div3 guys to submit.

I'll be DQed! Horray!
Hey, me too!

Nuevo Splitos (mad Spanglish skilz)


Hey, does anybody know how the bright orange plastic fences keep the 1100 kg car going 40 mph from falling into the Grand Canyon?
I can't get a clean lap so I'm not going to even try keeping up this week. I did try really hard though:( I got so mad I almost through my brothers steering wheel:crazy: So I'm not going to try anymore.
My time has been submitted, and so far after see ing Mr. Wearys board. Ill take a win for DIV 2!!
was nted to have another go but this combo is the opposite of inticing, its almost crying out "hi, i'm the worst possible gt4 combo immaginable' will submit a time soon
hope we get to poll with an option for 'worst combo ever'.
still no offense to cyril, it's a good thing to keep varying as much as possible. whatever combo he picks, there will always be guys enjoying it ...
now BRING ON 68!!!
I'll see if I get time to run it again.

Musn't. Be. Last. Never.

It'll win the "Most useless effort of the week". I've improved my total laptime by a total of 15 seconds, only to get a silver, bronze, or get DQed (what's that? DisQualified?). I'm gonna shave some extra 5-10 seconds off my current time. I know I can.

BTW: Am I the only one who loves this combo? It's not the best, but sliding is fun. And I always get the impression that rally-cars "talk". They give much more feedback...
Am I the only one who loves this combo? It's not the best, but sliding is fun. And I always get the impression that rally-cars "talk". They give much more feedback...
I usually don't like rally combos at all, but I must admit that I like this one too. Perhaps due to the low power that makes the car fun to drive.
But it's true that it's hard to run a clean lap on this long track.
I usually don't like rally combos at all, but I must admit that I like this one too. Perhaps due to the low power that makes the car fun to drive.
But it's true that it's hard to run a clean lap on this long track.

I simply under-push too much, so I mostly get clean but slow laps.

Which, incidentally, may explain why my newest T2 is 0.058 seconds slower than SuperT, and the T1 0.025 seconds. But my total laptime improved much more, thanks to the great strategy "Don't fall asleep on the brakes during hairpins" (Abbreviate it!). Happens on Costa di Amalfie too..

T1: 1'19.479
T2: 1'53.155

That's it. I can't get on the PS2 tomorrow, even though I know there's potential in the first half of the track. And on the hairpins.
5 more laps :
T1 = 1'16.799
T2 = 1'47.989

Edit :
Forget it, there's a 3mph speed drop in the data logger.

2 more laps :
T1 = 1'16.041
T2 = 1'47.596
Oh...and if you've never seen Zoky (GTmaniac) drive, then you NEED to check his winning lap out from BC5 here. It is I-N-S-A-N-E !!!!!!!!!!!!! (It's a 10mb .avi file)

its not just the best hotlap by gtmaniac, IMO that lap is the best lap ever! unbelievable:tup:
Definitely. That much control... I didn't think such slides were possible :P. I always get understeer when trying to get that right.
Ran my last laps today,

I was hoping to get closer to Ben but I didn't got under 1'15 in T1.

BTW: Offcourse I'll send a replay as well. No matter how slwo it'll be :lol:
Time submitted.

T1: 1'15.108
T2: 1'46.905

Those splits that I posted earlier were faster but after T2 it all went wrong, again :lol:
Board Updated

My time has been submitted too. I've had my lap checked by two people and they were satisfied it was okay so I'm confident enough to submit it. But by golly it's close in sections :crazy:
Submitted,didn't improve as I didn't try this race from my last and only session.:nervous: :indiff:

And thanks for those nice words on my BC5 rally race lap,it's very nice to hear that now.:cheers:

And good luck to everyone in this one!👍
Misterweary my dear you have seen nothing compared to me. I have seen your replay as you know. Here is how close I came at one point-


New splits for my lap to be submitted.


At first I thought, 'What the?? What a ****** combo.' Now I think that it was pretty good. Nice one Cyril 👍

Any way good luck peoples!
βen, if you don't watch out, you'll land in Div1 pretty soon...

I thought that too, untill I realized how responsive this car is, and how much feedback it gives.
20 minutes left before deadline, and 13 times are in.
If you have a time you haven't submitted so far, a podium is still possible.
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