One dirty lap after the other. My dirtyness-rate is increasing...
I think that if the miracle I've been waiting for doesn't happen soon, Steven might get his first win... But I'll manage SOMETHING.
EDIT: Finally got a clean, but slow, lap saved. Now, for the first time this week, I'm actually improving rather than just trying to set a base-time.
EDIT 2: Ran a blazing lap, should've been 2 seconds quicker than the previous one, and guess what? I messed up shifting for the final corner (1st gear? WTF?) and lost my whole lead (ghost was quicker)
EDIT 3: Stabilized with a clean 0'42.617 lap, but, apart from the T1 section which was pretty good (still 0.3 in there, though), I messed up a lot of corners. Was about 0.5 faster after the 1st-gear corner (I take it in 2nd), but messed up a corner and lost control. And Darren, I just ate my 5th!
EDIT 4: I read somewhere that on the (real-life) Nurb', the stage where one should stop lapping when he thinks "Just one more". I've been thinking that for the last 5 hours, and now it's 23:30. I think I should sue Cyril (and now, it seems, Colby) for making me stay up late...