GT4 WRS Week 81: "Nitrous family fun at Fuji"

Finally submitted! It was a very fun race, most fun I''ve raced in yet! I haven't raced it in a while though, like a few days ago. I could have given one last effort to beat my time, but I honestly didn't feel like it. But, the race was still great, I just didn't have the time or energy to continue what I had already done.
Hello everybody and good time of day!
Well, finally I've done it... I've done it like this:

Lap one:
T1: 0:24:748
T2: 0:42:838
T3: 0:59:027

Lap two:
T1: 0:20:800
T2: 0:38:732
T3: 0:55:364

Lost half a second on my both T3s... :ouch:

Best wishes to everyone... John Charger.
Finally done. n2o at 35 gearing at 12, no driving aids. front wheel distribution at 10.

T1 23.977
T2 42.478
T3 58.510

Lap 2
T1 21.988
T2 40.315
T3 56.414

Time submitted. It was pretty fun this week. I like 4wd.
Finally got round to giving it another shot...

Lap 1
T1 24.182
T2 43.304
T3 59.619

Lap 2
T1 21.021
T2 40.130
T3 56.610

Not had anywhere near enough time on this fantastic combo this week, only done about eight races in total I think. :( Keep up the good work Colby. 👍

Time submitted.

Has anyone noticed that every post after and including mine has 'finally' in it? Kinda scary reading all these posts...
"Finally...! Well, finally I've... Finally done... Finally got round to..."
Argh, too many!
Finally got to try this out... yikes this car is wicked fast LOL and Fun awesome combo no times yet but will see I just like trying them out and see what I can do ;) I'll run out of time this week but that's ok ;) --- Randy
Splits from my submitted time. Too bad though, I'm a second slower on my 2nd lap than I am my fastest hot lap, oh well.

t1- 24.537
t2- 42.936
t3 - 58.992

t1- 21.731
t2- 39.906
t3- 55.935

total: 1'54.927
:ouch:I forgot to get my times before I went to my aunt's, I ask my sister to get my times
for but if see doesn't I guess I won't be sending in a time this week:(. And I like this car alot:(:(:(.
FINALLY going to sit down for a time for this week's race. I really just want to submit something. Life has been pretty nuts lately, and among my helping others with their cars, MINE has had some issues of it's own! Argh.

Anyway, originally bought this car and started setting it up, but never got to actually doing any races. Then I turned it off a couple days later without saving it. Oops! So now I have to hop back into it, re purchase the mods, and then get to racing. I'll see if I can get a quick setup from here and get something done in less than an hour. I'm supposed to be asleep already! :P
So much for less than an hour. Not with this combo! Not with last week's combo either.

Between the general lack of brake markers and the hardness of the tires(that didn't allow even using the rubber on the track for braking), I couldn't get the hang of it. Submitted first clean race, after more than an hour of playing. Luckily, it was also my fastest race. Granted, I didn't finish a lot of the other ones. Meh. On with next week! Hopefully it'll be more "lack of time" friendly.