GT4 WRS Week 85: Official Results

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Staff Emeritus
Well although the range of competitive cars was not as large as perhaps hoped it still looks like the racing was tight and interesting, some very swift driving guys 👍 Congrats to all the podium placers and those that managed to negotiate Seattle's tricky layout. Particular mention of the two deserved promotions this week, Kyle for his outstanding overall win from Division 2 and Gingiba for his repeated dominance of Division 3. Pending a clean replay boys, it's promotion time :cheers: Onto Autumn Ring we go...

Week 85 Results:
Any non-rally Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution OR Subaru Impreza WRX @ Seattle Circuit (Normal)


(WRS PhotoMode Winner is...Ren-Tec 👍)

® indicates that a replay has been provided and needs to be checked.
shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Important notice:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Unofficial" and will become "Official" when all posted replays have been checked. After 7 days, any racers achieving a Gold time who do not provide a replay will have their lap disqualified.

Please Note: I will update this post during the week to include any posted replays and also keep track of which replays have been checked (and who by).

Division 1:
  1. 1:34.925 - Hugo Boss #Evo 8 MR#
    (checked by SuperT) Video of lap (Courtesy of Sphinx)
    1:35.500 ----- Gold
  2. 1:35.687 - shockwaveracing #Evo 8 RS#
    (checked by MisterWeary)
  3. 1:36.111 - Casio #Evo 8 MR#
  4. 1:36.449 - Ren-Tec #Evo MR GSR#
    (checked by MisterWeary)
  5. 1:36.843 - Kent #Impreza Spec C#
  6. 1:37.621 - zdenko #Evo 8 MR#
    1:38.000 ----- Bronze
  7. 1:39.454 - MisterWeary #Impreza Wagon#
    (checked by SuperT)
Division 2:
  1. 1:34.886 - KLR142 #Impreza Spec C#
    (checked by CRXnut) Video of lap (Courtesy of Sphinx)
  2. 1:36.384 - CRXnut #Evo 8 RS#
    (checked by AngelCreator, arora)
    1:36.500 ----- Gold
  3. 1:36.665 - NIGHT MICHAEL
  4. 1:36.676 - AngelCreator #Impreza Spec C#
    (checked by arora)
  5. 1:36.973 - 2078TM
  6. 1:37.794 - TPapp
  7. 1:37.795 - SuperT #Impreza Spec C#
    (checked by MisterWeary)
  8. 1:38.755 - Azuremen #Impreza Coupe#
    (checked by AngelCreator)
  9. 1:38.865 - arora #Impreza Spec C#
    (checked by CRXnut)
    1:39.000 ----- Bronze
  10. 1:40.987 - rickybobbyjr #Impreza Wagon#
Division 3:
  1. 1:37.870 - Gingiba #impreza Spec C#
    (checked by SuperT) Video of lap (Courtesy of Sphinx)
  2. 1:39.267 - GTrackd02
    (checked by CRXnut)
    1:39.500 ----- Gold
  3. 1:40.582 - Yellerbelly
  4. 1:41.051 - DJ Baker
  5. 1:42.774 - OldDriverDan
  6. 1:42.971 - Bigracer #Evo 8 MR#
    (checked by SuperT)
    1:43.500 ----- Bronze
  7. 1:46.155 - ranhammerR34 #Impreze STi '02#
Quick guide to replay checking:
  1. check the race summary, check that the tyres are SS/SS or harder and that the power is less than or equal to 350 hp
  2. firstly, check the replay from the farthest top view (press R1 twice as soon as the race starts then X if you need to switch to the outside camera)
  3. secondly, check the replay from the same view but in reverse (press L1)
  4. if you suspect more than two wheels leave the track, freeze the replay ('Select' button) to enter photomode
  5. if you suspect contact with a wall, check the data logger for any sudden spike in the cars speed under full throttle


  • 85 shockwaveracing.max
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crazy results -
a div2 player fastest of the lot
two well deserved promos
me a silver for a lousy lap
a div3 newbie faster than me in his first week

congrats to all mentioned.
well done division winners, especially kyle with a sensational time for his 1st overall win and surely a promotion to D1... the MR was definitely the car to use this week, i had a quick 10 lap bash in it and managed a 1'35.3 with a bit of time to spare, but i stuck with the Evo VIII RS for the week coz i liked it in a sadistic kind of way...

and here's my replay...

and no Brad you aren't that good... :P


  • WRS85.max
    24.5 KB · Views: 8
Uh-Yeah! It's peanut-butter-jelly time, It's peanut-butter-jelly time!

*Shush! It's not checked yet!*

Congrats Kyle for that excellent time! Congrats to the usual D1 suspect, but Kyle, this is truly an outstanding win. Too bad I'm PAL... And nice time there, GTTrackD02. You kept me on my toes this week...
And Kyle: I guess that makes you a prophet, too. Remember this?
Maybe mostly in the hands of someone more smooth though. Who knows, but I don't really think that a 1'14 is out of sight? MAYBE!? Don't know for sure.

Maybe I'll make this the week I jump to D1.
All I know is I hope there are at least two promotions by the end of this week! I'm looking at you buddy! ;)
Let's do it! 👍

Replay(s) attached. Both are Subie SpeC, on Seattle. One is the submitted 1'37.870, the other is the almost-submitted-but-'edgy' 1'37.4, which I almost submitted. Good thing I consulted Colby about it, since the suspected touch on the corner after T1 could've killed my promotion. I could've gotten 6th in D2 with it, my T1-T2 was just brilliant (Compared to my standarts), and the finish was almost perfected (for me). :(


  • 51719_4932_GRAN_TURIS.max
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  • 51719_11947_GRAN_TURIS.max
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checking out metar now so dont bother - it's taken care of.

EDIT checked metar's replay and it's clean as a whistle so 👍 and goodbye since you're out of div3 now :scared:
you could've been even faster if you negotiated the first bend differently, and the lefter before the middle straight could have been even faster also - but look who's talking :)
i want to check out kyle but since he's ntsc i regretfully can't. maybe olddriverdan can show his willingness here?


  • bigracer wrs 85 evo 8 seattle.max
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If you could re-upload the correct lap so I can post it in the main thread that would be awesome!

Oh and here's my replay, it's craptastic but I liked the wagon :D


  • Wk85_Weary_01`39.454.max
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Woah Metar, you're catching up...congrats!

And a big Congrats to everyone else as well, I don't know how you managed laps in the 1'34s, I only got to 40. :scared:
If you could re-upload the correct lap so I can post it in the main thread that would be awesome!

There you go. I'm pretty interested how you got such a lap in a Subie Wagon...


  • 51719_5766_GRAN_TURIS.max
    21.5 KB · Views: 7
Sweet, Kyle! You managed to just get in front of me at the finish line :crazy: Congrats on the well deserved overall win, you really went for it and got rewarded 👍 And congrats with the promotion as well!

Same counts for Metar, you really deserve to be in Division 2. Enjoy your stay over there :cheers:

Also nice to see some new names doing well. I hope you guys stay for a while :)

And Colby, isn't it an idea to put the cars everybody used behind their names?


  • Hugo WRS 85.max
    23.6 KB · Views: 7
Wow, congrats Kyle (and all other divisional winners). I can't wait to see that replay. Good luck in D1.
Metar, welcome to D2.
A quick question. I am not clear on the replay requirement - do all the runs above require it? (I came in fifth (silver) in D2) or just the gold times?

I don't have a max drive and want to avoid running out to the store to buy one unless I have to. :ouch:

And congrats to the winners 👍
replays are only needed if you get gold.
so no this week.
if you do get gold and dont sent in, you get dq'd but that's no shame.
by the time you're that good you'll go and buy a maxdrive, no worries!
Wow, quite a few super laps this week. Congrats to KLR142 and Gingiba for well desirved promotions.

:cheers: to all the tops.


  • wrs wk 85 ntsc.max
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YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👍 👍 👍!

Thanks guys! Definitely put my heart into it hardcore the two days I ran this. DEFINITELY. Super fun, I'd be lying if I voted this combo anything less than a 5 for me, so I'm lying in the Poll, just so you all know.

AWESOME race Colby! I'd like to say thanks to Kent for insisting on it so often, I never knew I'd enjoy it so much. Granted, being GT Mode and on Seattle helped a decent amout. :cheers:

Also, thanks to Hugo for being there and suggesting using 2nd through 5th. I was originally using 3rd through 6th, but that setup was only fast if I got lucky enough to have a CERTAIN amount of wheelspin coming out of the slower corners. When I started playing last night I decided I needed to change. The original reason why I didn't swap to 2nd through 5th(well, I tried it for a couple laps) is because I like to have the differential settings all at 5, if and whenever possible, as that allows the car to turn easier. Well, the proper thing this week was to actually stiffen up the LSD. And allow you to actually put down power where you normally wouldn't. HA! What an idea?! :lol:

Andrew, I'm actually in the Subaru, I picked that car out from the start, wasn't originally expecting it to be the fastest either.

All you PAL guys, I'm hoping to have VIDEO of both this lap and my other lap that was quite obnoxious up until T2, where from then on it was utter crap. I think I did nick a wall though before then also. But it's pretty nuts anyway. I'd also like to get a replay up that's just be dicking around in this awesome beast. Calling upon the arrival of boost in 2nd gear to kick the car sideways in a 4wheel drift, sooooooooooo awesome. I loved this week!!!

MAX replay(s) AND SETTINGS will be up late tonight, gotta go to work for now!

Once again, thanks to everyone, and CONGRATS to Hugo for the win in D1, I know if you put your heart into it you'd still kill me, and to Metar of course. :cheers: You did it man! Well done!

Oh, and CRXnut, good job cleaning up the house for D2. 👍
I'll be posting Kyle's replay soon and I'll post it here for u guys :) Congrats Kyle, u rock! WOOT, P-Town Rulz! and, fyi, ever since Kyle was chasing Hugo's tie in Seattle and got GTTimes a 6th place I thought he was D1 material, much deserved man.

Well, what a week this has turned out to be? Some great times up there guys.

Congrats to everyone for making the finish line this week...I managed a half sensible (for me) clean lap fairly early on but had some very frustrating pinball sessions too. :ouch:

Special mention to the promotee's this week.

Way to go Kyle! Leaving D2 with a bang and very faint cloud of tyre smoke? 👍

And Gingiba. Guess I'd better watch my back 'eh?👍

Another time I feel worthy of a mention this week is Casio's...How the hell did you manage that? You were either off your face or filling it for the past week? :eek:

Replay coming soon...Just been handed a plate of sweet n sour chicken. :D

Yeah, KLR/Kyle, nice going. And those settings were snazzy, though I did some more tweaking of my own, namely the LSD, camber, and sway bars.

But I was also in the WRX Type R, so not nearly as fast, considering the HP in the settings menu was like 354 and replay was 348. Not quite the big margain like the Spec C or Evo MR thingy.

Colby, my suggestion is you have us go by settings HP, rather than replay, cause it varies so much in the replay.
Heeeyyyyy did better than I thought. Congrats to the winners especially Kyle as he killed it this week. Looks like Div 1 is gonna have some more competition and so is Div 2. What a good week of racing, looking forward to more of those.

Also, we Div 2'ers need to keep an eye on 2078TM. That guy is fast.
I personally didn't enjoy this week much but I'm glad others did, some excellent racing that's for sure.

@Hugo: You are right, I think the cars should go up next to the times, unfortunately the program I'm using to generate results isn't quite that flexible (yet) but I will add the cars during the day of everyone who sent it in their results PM and anyone who mentions it in this thread 👍

@Azuremen: I agree with you too, I just wasn't sure how to police that sort of thing with the bucket-load of car possibilities this week. Next time we have a GT Mode multi-car option or power limit I'll be sure to use settings power 👍

Nice work gang!
I almost forgot...Thanks to Kent for the set up. I changed it quite a bit in the end but it almost instantly took a large chunk of time off my lap. 👍 :cheers:

Same with Hugo's for me. The Evo setup chopped 2 seconds off on my first lap. Your Subie setup chopped the remaining times off, even though my final setup was softer, with different LSD and Dampers.
Right, checked the following drivers' replay's...

Hugo Boss, MisterWeary, Gingiba and Bigracer. All clean and correct. 👍

I tried doing your's too shockwaveracing but the replay number matched another on my card, sorry mate. :(

@ Colby...I was only a tenth behind you in the wagon??? :D

Well, I knew I shoulda worked a bit harder...
Nice time Gingiba!.... I submitted when i knew I coulda got another .750 out of it at least... oh well.... I thought I had it...:lol:
Will add the replay after I get over to the ps-2 in a bit... :)

Ok here's my NTSC replay data :)
There's a couple of close but its all clean as far as i could tell...


  • 97328_6564_GRAN_TURIS.max
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Another time I feel worthy of a mention this week is Casio's...How the hell did you manage that? You were either off your face or filling it for the past week? :eek:

Colby will back me up. I did that time in 15 minutes before I had to go out and fill my face :lol:. Although on the weekend I did take a little bit of time to find some good settings. That AYC is a wonderful thing!

Congrats to Kyle and Metar on their promotions 👍. Although I will have to try harder this week to smack off that grin I'm sure Kyle has all over this face :lol: Welcome to the world of D1 bud :sly:
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Kyle well done and what a lap 👍

Metar good job and have fun up there in D2 :)

Mike well done to you too, i thought i had you with my last splits.

A big 👍 to Hugo and Chris (GTrackd02)

ps,my lap will be up soon
I wish I could have raced.:( O well. I'll be racing in week 86.
Watch out div3! Here I come!!:mischievous:MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:lol:

Good job every one. and Great racing.:D
I don't have time to chat just yet, but here's my replay. I'll be back to post some more stuff late tonight.


  • KLR142 WK85.max
    21.4 KB · Views: 8
I can't find your email address Jerome, so just take the replay from this page.

This replay is of the dirty/crazy lap, I think it was a 1'14.2xx.


  • 97328_4128_GRAN_TURIS.max
    21 KB · Views: 7
Kyle - your replay is clean 👍
GTrack - clean 👍
Arora - clean 👍

and here is mine (NTSC, EVO 8 RS)


  • CRXnut_week85.max
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