GT5 damage persistence?

  • Thread starter Lain

Should damage be persistent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 116 81.7%
  • No

    Votes: 26 18.3%

  • Total voters
It would be interesting going back to your home garage, seeing your crumpled car rotating around, no longer the beauty that it was.
What I don't know is the modeling used for the car shown in the garage the same as in game, I think in GT4 the in game cars where
low polygon count versions of the car shown in the garage.

Another words, has PD modeled the damaged parts for the car that would be shown in the garage also?.

I voted yes because it will increase the feeling of ownership.

If you tear up a car in a race and it is still tore up after the race it feels like its the same car. Totally different story if its repaired automatically.

Drivers become connected with cars they race even giving them names. Maybe someday GT5 will make you feel that close with your virtual car.

As for how it should be implemented the amount of damage you inflict on your car should of course reflect how much the car is worth. Busting off the door on a civic should not cost the same as busting off a door on a Ferrari. If you do not have enough to pay for the damages then you pay 10% percent of your total credits.

I agree 100%.

It would be interesting going back to your home garage, seeing your crumpled car rotating around, no longer the beauty that it was.
What I don't know is the modeling used for the car shown in the garage the same as in game, I think in GT4 the in game cars where
low polygon count versions of the car shown in the garage.

Another words, has PD modeled the damaged parts for the car that would be shown in the garage also?.

I believe the modeling is the same.
I voted yes as I feel that persistent damage will add to the realism. If the damage of the vehicle is not fix after the round, the vehicle should be travelling slower than normal in the next round. But if the repair cost is too high, it will somehow make the game less exciting and purchasing your next car will take ages.
I voted yes because it will increase the feeling of ownership.

If you tear up a car in a race and it is still tore up after the race it feels like its the same car. Totally different story if its repaired automatically.

Drivers become connected with cars they race even giving them names. Maybe someday GT5 will make you feel that close with your virtual car.

Thats exactly what I think, it could add so much more depth & realism to the game.
Absolutely, 100% yes.

I loved how it was done in NFS: Porsche 2000 (in my eyes the best NFS so far). It was often not cheap at all to repair your car - if you've bumped your opponents a bit harder a few times in some more expensive cars (highly tuned Turbos, maybe some racecars) the money needed for repair sometimes could exceed the earnings from the race (although it was hard to not earn money from whole tournament's winnings, so it wasn't extremely hard). Also you still could race your banged up car and decide to repair after few races, sometimes avoiding the cost of repairing the bumper 3 or 4 times. This, combined with mileage, gave you a really impressive feeling of connection with your vehicles. So bring it on, make it challenging (just not a pain in the neck).

God, I feel such nostalgia when thinking about this game. I'd feint after seeing that GT has all those amazing features...
Depends on the AI, most racing games the AI races the line and sticks to it like glue whether or not you are in front of them or not, I certainly do not want my car getting hit because the AI stays on it's course. Now if the AI was programmed for clean passes, that would be awesome.
Not to mention, if you're racing in a championship the AI's damage should also remain.
It would be interesting going back to your home garage, seeing your crumpled car rotating around, no longer the beauty that it was.
I made a post about three years ago when we were speculating about damage and I was coming around to the idea. I didn't call it "persistent," but I joked about the idea that car damage remained until you spent the funds to repair it. That way if I totaled my car, I could have it as a ruined trophy in my garage if I wanted it. :lol:

But as El Drifto says, make it an option so repairs are done automatically if you choose. By the way, around 9 to 1 like the idea?! Amazing, I didn't expect that.
I didn't even think about that. It'd be kinda cool being able to take your beaten-up cars online, for fun.



It should be!

It can be go so far that you got to buy a new car if the actual car is too damaged or repaired too often... Or how often can you repair a Ferrari that crashed with 180 mph into a wall? Never...

Ok thats to much for a game but it would be not ok to crash your ferrari 20 times with full speed into a wall and repair it after that for 1000 credits each time...
I voted no, I would like to be able to turn the system on, select one of my cars and drive it. I don't want to have to worry about whether my car is damaged or not if I just want to do some hot laps. Yes, I want damage but would rather just have it taken out of winnings after a race.

Plus, what if you total your only car and don't have anough to fix it?

Recently by the tone of these boards people want everything except the driving part of the self proclaimed "driving simulator". Maybe they should change it to "The Real Racing Finance Manager". What's next, someone wanting transportation to/from the track to be taken out of credits.
If you mean By Granturismo 5 having Pay per hit damage, that was present in Need for speed pro street then i'm going to have to take my vote back.
I really detest games where you have to pay for damage, This goes especially well for street racing syndicate.
I voted no, I would like to be able to turn the system on, select one of my cars and drive it. I don't want to have to worry about whether my car is damaged or not if I just want to do some hot laps. Yes, I want damage but would rather just have it taken out of winnings after a race.

Plus, what if you total your only car and don't have anough to fix it?

Recently by the tone of these boards people want everything except the driving part of the self proclaimed "driving simulator". Maybe they should change it to "The Real Racing Finance Manager". What's next, someone wanting transportation to/from the track to be taken out of credits.

It's just another thing that adds to the feeling of ownership, like the car wash.

And hell, it could just be for visible damage. The mechanical damage could get fixed after a race, either completely or at least to a point where the car is usable.
Nope, persistance damage is a terrible idea. So you get nudged from behind, wreck your car, and are foced to pay for repairs? Don't go saying repairs would be free either, because that would make persistant damage totally and utterly pointless...which it is anyway.
It's just another thing that adds to the feeling of ownership, like the car wash.

And hell, it could just be for visible damage. The mechanical damage could get fixed after a race, either completely or at least to a point where the car is usable.

That could work.

I don't think the whole thing about totalling your cars would work in GT. You don't get emergency repair markers like in Need for Speed, so if you total your first car, with no money, you've had it. If damage is persistant, i think it should just be cosmetic, with maybe some aerodynamic penalties. But the engine etc. should stick work fine.

I don't want to bend the axle and such like in GTA4 either, lets keep it simple.
Plus, what if you total your only car and don't have anough to fix it?

Well, there is a "restart" button for a reason :). And I already brought NFS: Porsche Unleashed in this discussion - look at how it was done here.

To answer hotlapping concerns - damage done in arcade/quick race/practice etc. shouldn't be persistent, just the damage done in career racing.
Well, there is a "restart" button for a reason :). And I already brought NFS: Porsche Unleashed in this discussion - look at how it was done here.

To answer hotlapping concerns - damage done in arcade/quick race/practice etc. shouldn't be persistent, just the damage done in career racing.

I remember playing Need for speed 4. I remember it had damage like you said, where your prize money would barely cover the damage. I absolutely hated that feature, because it auto-repaired. You could race, win and get a prize money of zero.

Repairs must be optional. Taking a look at past GT games, the startgame is difficult because you buy a crap car with your pathetic starting amount, usually only enough to buy a used car. Then you race, you get something like 500cr for winning, and you have to do the tournament 2-3 times before you can afford a better car. If damage were to be persistant and auto-repaired, it would take around twice as long i reckon.

I refer you to my other point about damage being like tyre wear in previous GTs, only after the beginner races should it come into play.
-No permanent damage in arcade or practice modes
-Permanent damage in GT mode but not for beginner races
-Cars can be rendered undrivable (e.g. 100mph crash into wall, flip)
-If you destroy a car, you will no longer be able to drive it (but your stats for it will still be available)
-Repairs (if cosmetic) are optional
-Mechanical repairs are required

Only makes sense with more advanced AI so that AI's try to avoid doing stupid things like crashing into you.
But imagine,you do a crash... you finish the race... and wow your car is magically completely new after the race... thats bullcrap I think...

Auto repair is no good option... it should be selectable if you wan´t to repair the scratches and get a new car colour or not...
If we have to have damage, I don't want to have to be piling up money to fix it. Just have the car be fixed for the next race. I just want to race, not do a bunch of stupid housekeeping stuff.
If I wanted that kind of gameplay crap, I'd play Need for Speed.
It is a difficult choice really, damage is going to be in the game whether we like it or not.

I think its silly that the damage should be repaired with no consequence at the end of the race. Others think it is equally silly to have to pay for repairs.

There isn't really any middle ground, because if you have persistant damage that is non-repairable, that would suck even more. And having persistant damage that is repairable at no cost, that eliminates the whole point of it being persistant.

Lets just let PD decide.
If we have to have damage, I don't want to have to be piling up money to fix it. Just have the car be fixed for the next race. I just want to race, not do a bunch of stupid housekeeping stuff.
If I wanted that kind of gameplay crap, I'd play Need for Speed.

I'd rather pay credits. That should keep all the punters from punting for sure.
Could be cool to have to win a certain championship under budget. You start with a set amount of credits and can win more, but if you run out its game over for your championship.

You buy tires & fix damge etc.
I think the reality is, if your car is damaged severe enough, most people will just restart the race over.
Doing it again until they get little to no damage. Something that you can't do in the real world.
Personally the I think the purpose of damage being emplemented is how it affects your performance in a race event.

Another words, no one would probably ever pay for a totaled car, since they could easily restart the race again.


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