GT5 Demo?

  • Thread starter Peter
The demo would be nice, just in case the local shop sells out on launch day. My school and work situation does not leave me anytime to go and wait for the delivery on launch day like I did for gt4 (even though I prepayed).
Give us the demo - one track, few cars. AND update the Prologue with this content + Physics update.

Actually this kind of update alone would keep me busy till the release.
You're right, not JUST for fun, it's because of a lifelong affinity for cars of all kinds, it's because i live in Canada where sports cars barely get their tires warmed up before snow falls again, it's because i'm not Seinfeld or Leno and i don't have an extensive collection of dream cars. It's because i'm 3000km away from Laguna Seca and about 5000km away from Suzuka. It's because its a visual and sonic feast.

I don't play JUST for fun, i play because i can't do alot of those things in REAL life.
But that doesn't mean i don't have fun.

JUST a game? I personally don't believe that.

Bravo to you, honestly. 👍👍

I'd consider it kind of weird if a lot of us didn't feel this way as well.
Uhmmm...yeah, i'm one of the bunch that says "Isn't GT5Prologue supposed to be the demo?". Its got some tracks, some cars, some new features that we'll see in GT5...thats a demo to me, all is left is waiting for the actual game (something that is taking ages:ouch:).
If they do come out with a Demo for GT5, it would have to be with the final GT5 physics and not the same physics as GT5P because then there would be no point. It would be nice to see what kind of changes they've made in the Physics and AI department for the final game compared to GT5P.

I'm really hoping the AI will be improved greatly as in awareness of your presence. I still think it needs to be improved greatly in that department from watching the Gamescom build with the AI cars slamming into the Subaru when it spins out on the track even with lots of time to react.
seriously, if you want a demo go and play prologue.

Seriously, if you have nothing to add to a thread don't post in it and seriously don't bump old threads with usless posts. If there is a demo you wouldn't be forced to play it, so why do want to deny others the chance to play a demo, if it was to be released. Adding to that a potential demo would probably be a lot different to prologue and before you say it GT5p is NOT a demo.
Perhaps something to show off what they've done so far?

2 cars, 2 tracks, time trial. No (or limited) tuning.

Merc SLS on the Nurburgring, Subaru WRC on some rally track.

Then release it ASAP for great justice.
Yeah right......GT5 Demo??.........The Playstation Store cant even give us Demo's before the games come out. There have been so many games that have come out and then a month later its either @ the playstation store or not. It would be nice t have a Demo of Supercars, Rally, and whatever else anyone can think of. Its late and I'm tired right now. Make it two or three laps for each of them and thats it.

One can onl hope and dream.....!!
I think he's talking about some of Sony's exclusives. I don't recall seeing a Supercar Challenge demo, and they've only recently just put out a LittleBigPlanet demo. On the other hand they had the star wars demo out for ages, as with motorstorm, GRID, etc. I can't remember the MGS demo not being on the store somewhere, so it's not all bad.

But I've thought of another car. 458 Italia.

So that and the SLS at the nurburgring.
I think he's talking about some of Sony's exclusives. .

Well any game really. In the past we could play all Demo's from a disc that we were all able to play when PSONE and PS2 were going strong. It did not matter if they were playstation exclusives or not. XBOX got SBK09 on demo and i have yet to see it at the Playstation Store. Anyway Playstation dont do alot of things which are too many to mention so i wont.
I for one strongly doupt that PD will release a demo on GT5 . Since its much easier and more pratical to let you down load GT5P for free instead . Just my opinion so those who have never seen or heard or couldn't afford or didn't want to buy GT5P can now have access to it for free.
hows that fair to everyone who paid top draw or platinum for it..

there not going to give it away
Oh my god -I've just updated my PS3 vis a system update and when I looked in the PS store it had GT Demo with a picture of that new Merc SLS AMG on it.

I clicked on the icon and then the screen went back to the main menu and then when I went back in the Icon was not there!!!

I then woke up - it was all a dream.
Oh my god -I've just updated my PS3 vis a system update and when I looked in the PS store it had GT Demo with a picture of that new Merc SLS AMG on it.

I clicked on the icon and then the screen went back to the main menu and then when I went back in the Icon was not there!!!

I then woke up - it was all a dream.

When I read the first two sentences I felt a mix of feelings - half of me wanted to shout "Liar!", another wanted to believe. Then I read the ending and now I just want to slap you. Good one.
Now I am second guessing myself. Does the GTHD demo have the same menu UI as GT5p?

GTHD was out in November/December 2006, available as a free dl at PS3? launch.

The GT5P demo was released at the time of Tokyo car show 2007 - end of October, I think - roughly a month before the Japanese release of the game. Some of the drivable cars, 6 or 7 in total, were unveiled during the auto show (Impreza and GTR). The only available track - for races only - was Suzuka, making what the perfect definition of a demo.

This is an old and maybe boring discussion but I find it hard to see GT's prologue games as demos: they have more cars than most full games out there, and differ in content to the next game in line.
GT4 Prologue had a proper content, focusing on licences - as many will remember - and many of its featured never made it to GT4. And though GT5 prologue was updated several times, GT5 will surely be a very different game. The time span between the release of the games - a year in the case of GT4P and GT4, about 2 this next generation's - also makes it hard to see the prologues as actual demonstration of games with new/updated engines and features.
As an example, after seing crash damage at the GC, how can you point someone GT5P's way when it doesn´t include any such thing?

I wouldn't be too surprised if we got a demo after TGS, something along the line of the GC demo.
Here's just hoping such a demo would be global.

I have a Japanese, European, and US PSN account. No matter where it is, I will get it. :)

A demo would be great. I have plans to go over to a buddies house tomorrow and try out Forza3. I would love to call him and cancel because I got a GT5 demo to to try, and try, and try, and try again endlessly for hours.
Well, now that GT5 is six months away, I'm half hoping for a demo, in a sense. I'm hoping it gets patched into Prologue so it actually works with the 70 cars in the game and six existing tracks. Getting a small number of new cars and Tokyo with a possible second added track would be nice, as well as an upgrade to the online system to implement some of those features for GT5.
What demo? you have the demo

it is called gt5p!

It is Prologue, many people said it here. It's one year old and certainly does not represent what the game can do now. Demo with new physics, sounds, damage, two brand new tracks and twenty new cars would be fantastic.

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