GT5 Install Time

Ok, so the optional install for me has been stuck at around 1/10 of the way up and hasn't moved in 30 mins... I don't even see it moving, and when i press circle to cancel nothing happens. Should i be worried?
I guess I got lucky. I got to the 20 minutes remaining and left it while I ate dinner. When I got back, over an hour later, it was ready to go. I am sure I would have been like a lot of you had I been waiting for it to finish.
Ok I am now pissed. I have tried this several times already and has frozen in the same spot. Progress bar doesnt move. I have waited atleast 30 mins everytime and nothing happens. I know the install is optional but i already made room for it and I dont like loading times. I'm going to try deleting game data and see if that works, but that requires me to reinstall vers 1.01

Update: So, i've deleted the game data, and reinstalled vers 1.01, and i ignored the first pop up for me to install data. I immediatly go to my settings in the menu and went to utilities and deleted my installed game files. Then I clicked install data. I am now waiting for it too finish... It now seems to be working. I am now past the part where it stopped initially and instead of 3 mins it now says 30 mins remaining
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instead of a straight install, it looks like that it "installs" each race/license test as its loading, if you cant wait for the 40-min to an hour you can always put up with a 20sec load before each race
All ya that have "bar not moving problem" I had same thing and **** installed in about 1hr 20min,if u think game is stuck just look at hd led light for few minutes on ur ps3 if u see hd light on and flash every now and then than the game is installing,if its not lit or lit without any changes for 5 minutes than game is stuck.This is a sure way to tell.
All ya that have "bar not moving problem" I had same thing and **** installed in about 1hr 20min,if u think game is stuck just look at hd led light for few minutes on ur ps3 if u see hd light on and flash every now and then than the game is installing,if its not lit or lit without any changes for 5 minutes than game is stuck.This is a sure way to tell.

i didnt check and i waited over an hour on one try and nothing happened so fixed it by deleting my game data and again in the game and then i clicked install game data
When I put my game in, it didnt ask for an install or anything. I just started playing. Can someone please explain to me why this is required? Also, during the game on the bottom right hand corner it sometimes says installing?

Also how much free space will I need?

Thanks in advance
When I put my game in, it didnt ask for an install or anything. I just started playing. Can someone please explain to me why this is required? Also, during the game on the bottom right hand corner it sometimes says installing?

Also how much free space will I need?

Thanks in advance

It will install what it needs as it goes along. However, you can go into the options menu and install everything to make the loading screens pass more quickly.

Try doing a search of the GT5 forum for total installed size while you wait for an answer in here. I couldn't give you one until I repaired my Ps3.
Also, during the game on the bottom right hand corner it sometimes says installing?
Even after you've installed the full game, as you're loading each track for the first time it continues to install them so next time it will load faster.
Also how much free space will I need?
Bank on around 10Gb.
I have a problem. I keep trying to install it to my HDD but it will usually reach about halfway and then gives up. I tried yesterday and it reached the end of the bar and then would not finish for about 3 hours! I gave up and i still haven't managed to get it working and actually race! Can anyone help me?

P.S. If I decide to not install it, it reaches the main menu and freezes and goes from black screen to a picture of the main screen so I can't just skip the installation :(
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I have the


Accessing Game Data
Please do not turn off the system
while the HDD access indicator is flashing

Should I wait

Is this normal install

None of my installs took as long as the purported 50 minutes and that's part of the issue.

The first install said something like 20 minutes but I switched inputs to watch television while it was going on. Then when I got into the game I saw the option to install a bunch of other files to speed the game up and that's the one that said it could take 50 minutes, but apparently only ended up taking 13 according to the timer.

Funny thing is, when I told the game to calculate the total size of all installed files, the number was exactly as it had been before I tried to the 50-minute install. Is this just a glitch that's causing the game to not calculate the new value properly or what? It's about 6.4 gigs before and after.
Well I have another question. Are there 2 different installs? Because theres one in the options menu is that the sane one that comes up at the start if the game. I did it first thin so I'm not sure if it keeps popping up or not?
I played my copy without an install before work and got the B license, did a few races, etc.

When I got home tonight and downladed teh 130mb patch and installed fully I couldnt boot it up. Anyone else get this problem?

"Insufficient free space on HDD. At least 32MB required. Please exit the game and free up some space.

0x00000001 [2-1] "

I have deleted a lot of stuff to make damn sure there is like 5GB free and nothing is working. I google researched and apparently Ratchett and Clank gave the same msg a while ago, all you had to do was download/delete a file approx. equivalent to the required space it wanted and this fixed the problem. I have tried adding music worth of 32MB, deleting my game data and starting fresh, nothing works. The game gets to that GT logo page where it tells you how to access teh online gameplay terms and conditions before giving me the error message.

I'm getting REALLY frustrated, does anyone have any ideas? I tried to open a new/more relevant thread for this but I do not have permissions on this forum yet.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advice,

Hey mr. Tom, ive the same problem, I played it without internet hooked in the ps3, and wondered why there were no damage on the cars and the awfull loading time, so I hooked it up and downloaded the patch (133mbs) after that it said I could install the game worth for about 8gbs and it should load faster, i skipt that since i had a friend visiting and i got that error message 32mb, so i installed the game and I still get the same message, Is there a way to delete the install and try again? Or did you Tom get it to work otherwise?
Hey mr. Tom, ive the same problem, I played it without internet hooked in the ps3, and wondered why there were no damage on the cars and the awfull loading time, so I hooked it up and downloaded the patch (133mbs) after that it said I could install the game worth for about 8gbs and it should load faster, i skipt that since i had a friend visiting and i got that error message 32mb, so i installed the game and I still get the same message, Is there a way to delete the install and try again? Or did you Tom get it to work otherwise?

I'm having the exact same problem. Can't figure out how to remedy the issue.
help - I've tried loading overnight, letting it install for 24hr+ and it always seems to hang up with the "1 second remaining" which it never gets past. So, I have to cancel in order to race the game.

Also, I completed all the A Domestic test, but can not get the A-level International Test 1 to load. Since the first test in A International license won't load, I can NOT go on and try to complete any of the other A International test.

Any thoughts / solutions? Waiting it out has not worked for me, I think my machine hangs up. Could that be exacerbated by the number of times that I cancelled the
"stalled" intall?

Is any of this resolved by installed an external SSD or large external Hard drive?

Thanks for your help. We are using a PS3 that we bought new in late OCT, it has a 160GB memory.
Revampt, Shtylez, namornhoj and ja95sc3, I am having the exact same problem (I have had the game since launch, have played it with minimal frustration, but this problem suddenly arose last night when I tried to boot the game up). Have any of you found a solution for this 'insufficient memory, 32 MB' problem? After having experimented a little with my game data file and game save, I have found that it seems to be my save file that's the problem, as deleting your save file from the PS3 hard drive (after you've backed it up elsewhere) will allow the game to boot up normally. It's almost as if the save file is corrupt, without my playstation actually telling me it's a corrupt file. I really hope I'll be able to play that file again someday, as I had invested a lot of time in it, so any help that anybody can give me would be more than appreciated. I will post back here if I somehow find a solution.

I have the same problem, mine says:

"insufficient free space on Hard Disk Drive (HDD). At least 32MB required. Please exit the game and free up some space. 0x00000015 [217]

It wont let me play unless i free some space, but i got 110gb of 180gb. Can some one help me?
Castrofobia, I emailed Playstation Consumer Services, and they got back to me with this:

'I recommend downloading a free demo that is about 1000MB. Once the download has completed, you can then delete the download and try playing your game once more.'

I tried it, to no avail. You should try it on your system though, who knows, perhaps you'll get lucky. The email also said to email them right back if it did not work, so I have done that, and I am waiting for further instructions. If there's any consolation in this nonsense, it's that we are not alone (there seems to be a really small number of people who have posted on a couple of forums about having this problem). Here's to us finding a solution.
I'm gonna try dowloading a demo and deleting it to see if that works, I hope it works so I don't loose all my progress. i'll write back if it works!!!