GT5 Install Time

the estimated timer on the install screen is inaccurate and you should not pay attention to it. when i installed it, it was stuck on 45 mins for a good 25 mins and then went right down to 10 seconds with no warning. took about 30 mins to complete the install
The ten minute time had to have been for a brand new out of the box slim with 250gb drive with no data defragmentation and space available on the outer tracks for the fastest write times. Install took more like an hour on my 75% full 80gb fat console.
Castrofobia, I emailed Playstation Consumer Services, and they got back to me with this:

'I recommend downloading a free demo that is about 1000MB. Once the download has completed, you can then delete the download and try playing your game once more.'

I tried it, to no avail. You should try it on your system though, who knows, perhaps you'll get lucky. The email also said to email them right back if it did not work, so I have done that, and I am waiting for further instructions. If there's any consolation in this nonsense, it's that we are not alone (there seems to be a really small number of people who have posted on a couple of forums about having this problem). Here's to us finding a solution.

I try that but it didn't work for me neither, i hope they fix this bug with the new update coming this month cause i don't want to start all over again.

This error will happen when your save game data reach 4165 KB

"insufficient free space on Hard Disk Drive (HDD). At least 32MB required. Please exit the game and free up some space. 0x00000015 [217]

To all gtplanet users:
Make a backup save file before this happens to you!!!
I call BS on those that had a faster install time than 30 mins on a 500gb or less hard drive.
Somebody said they installed the 8gb file in 7 mins? LOL not even a SSD can install that fast in the PS3 (which is limited to SATA I connection btw).

I just bought one of the fastest Hard Drive's thats a 2.5'' from Western Digital Scorpi Black WD7500BPKT.

Put that drive in my Launch PS3 and install time took under 30 mins. I don't know how you can possibly get any faster with a slower drive. I also rethermal pasted the CPU/GPU two months ago so it should be running in optimal condition.
Ok so ive been instaling for...... 2 and a half hours and im only at 50% on section 1 of 15 and its really makein me mad that its not faster but anyways is this at all normal and if not is there anything i can do to speed this up and dose anyone know if the other 14 sections install faster please help!!!
Ok so im pissed i went to bed last night and it was still instaling and i woke up thinking it would be ready........NOPE its been downloading update data for a little over 14 hours idk what to do its on update 10 of 15 and its halfway done HELP!!
I bought the game 2 or 3 days after it came out don't remember the stall time. But my game was old and tired so I went to buy the XL edition. Got home all pumped to play(totally forgot about the downloading) it took 1 hour and 15 minutes! what I don't understand is this game takes 7 years to install but loading takes years as well. I hate when I accidentally go back into a screen I was just in because now I got to wait another 4 days to get out of the tuning shop!
Yes i'm exaggerating its prolly about 40 seconds but it still takes way to long to do most things.