GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Maybe at the Sony's booth we can have a small preview of the circuit...

Yes, that's exactly why I asked, I'm expecting the second stage track of the time trial to probably be shown. Let's hope it's Spa!
Drifting in GT5p if not easy is pretty doable, while in the TT I would need a ton of nerves to even try to drift.
Maybe it's because it's more realistic than Prologue? Perhaps if you know how to control a drift in real life, it's easier in the TT demo than in Prologue?

I have no idea though, as I don't have a wheel. :)
Drifting in GT5p if not easy is pretty doable, while in the TT I would need a ton of nerves to even try to drift.

Really? You must have a wheel then, because with a DS3 I am on full throttle quicker, and the back NEVER wants to get straight, I was often just drifting corner to corner since straightening it out seemed useless on those tight hairpins
Yes, please don't compare driving with a pad to reality beacause last time I sat in my car there was a big round donut in front of me.
And drifting IRL is much much easier than TT. I have friends that tend to do it very often. They tried the TT at my home and said it was impossilbly hard and unrealistic.
I myself know how easy it is to catch the back end in my car when it slips on a slippery road.
In the demo either have it in control or you're spinning, there's no in between which you need to maintain the drift.
I'm going to be there this time with the proper video camera so I can record **** properly! Can't wait. I really hope they're going to show Spa :)
I'm going to be there this time with the proper video camera so I can record **** properly! Can't wait. I really hope they're going to show Spa :)

I'll be there too recording with my Nokia E90 hope It'll do the job correctly.
Damn, can't wait to see if it's Spa!
Yes, please don't compare driving with a pad to reality beacause last time I sat in my car there was a big round donut in front of me.
And drifting IRL is much much easier than TT. I have friends that tend to do it very often. They tried the TT at my home and said it was impossilbly hard and unrealistic.
I myself know how easy it is to catch the back end in my car when it slips on a slippery road.
In the demo either have it in control or you're spinning, there's no in between which you need to maintain the drift.

Don't forget that not all cars are created equal in their ease of drifting. ;)
But in your defense, I would have assumed that the stock 370Z on TT would have been on the easier side.
I'm finding it really easy to control drifts in a Tuned 370z, all assissts off, with a DS3, much much easier than prologue...
Remember the spa sticker on the PD travel case?
I'm pretty confident it will be in...
but you never know, maybe they keep it for GT6, you never know with PD
Remember the spa sticker on the PD travel case?
I'm pretty confident it will be in...
but you never know, maybe they keep it for GT6, you never know with PD
That's what I think is the biggest disapointment in all this. KY said GT6 will come for the PS3 as well, right? Does he think we are made of money or something!? It's 2010 for christ sake, KY! Why don't you evolve and give us DLC updates instead of a new game!? The technology is right there for you, god damn it!!! :crazy:

Sorry for loosing it, but this is really bugging me...

i wonder whether wrc stages will be in gt5 or not.
Me too.

Finnish Rally anyone? :drool:
That's what I think is the biggest disapointment in all this. KY said GT6 will come for the PS3 as well, right? Does he think we are made of money or something!? It's 2010 for christ sake, KY! Why don't you evolve and give us DLC updates instead of a new game!? The technology is right there for you, god damn it!!! :crazy:

Sorry for loosing it, but this is really bugging me...

No thanks, I want GT6, not DLC pack #23..

Which will probably end up costing the same by the end but sell much less than a full retail release.
Why don't you evolve and give us DLC updates instead of a new game!? The technology is right there for you, god damn it!!! :crazy:

Sorry for loosing it, but this is really bugging me...
DLC will cost you more money than a full game and have less content.
DLC will cost you more money than a full game and have less content.
So you know how much content GT6 will have?

Also I think it's impossible to make GT6 look better than GT5 without loosing frame rate, so what's the point of a new game? Improved physics? No, they can be updated for free as in GT5 Prologue.

I'd gladly pay $30 for a downloadable pack containing 20 new tracks and 50 new cars, instead of buying a new game. This will also keep the same people and friends in the online races. Because, perhaps not everyone who is getting GT5 will bother to get GT6?
So you know how much content GT6 will have?
I don't really need to as the profit motive behind paid for DLC is the fact that the consumers pay more per content in DLC than in full games.

It is quite possible that Yamauchi will fight Sony on this and it won't be the case, but even the most generous with DLC game producers/developers this generation of consoles, Criterion games, went on to charge as much as $10 for pass-the-controller add-on game modes or reworked versions of cars already in the game. So, if this didn't prove to be the case it would be unprecedented.

Also I think it's impossible to make GT6 look better than GT5 without loosing frame rate, so what's the point of a new game? Improved physics? No, they can be updated for free as in GT5 Prologue.
Honestly, if Yamauchi feels there is a need for GT6 I am scared of what he has up his sleeve, or what GT5 will lack.

This will also keep the same people and friends in the online races. Because, perhaps not everyone who is getting GT5 will bother to get GT6?
That really depends on how serious of a fan they are. The people I look forward to racing in GT5 are the ones that will likely be buying GT6 at launch.
Hehe:)I won't long for GT6 when GT5 is not yet there.. haha
I Just hope Gt5 comes soon and I'm MORE THAN 100% sure GT5 will keep me more than busy until GT6...