GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I was thinking I would be able to share good news here, but something from Russia has put a stop to that. I came home just now, only to find out that the Russia story is now real and in full effect.

I did see that this thread was following my Twitter stream. So you are up to date on what I was able to find out and see. There is no NDA, so I will briefly share what I saw and go into detail later... I have a lot of notes to go through.

The presentation we saw still showed a release date of Nov. 3rd. After the presentation was over, I got to ask the Sony rep (who did seem to know A LOT about the game and series) a few specific questions 1-on-1. One of these was of course about the Russian rumor and he said he could not say anything about that. I suspect he either had an NDA he had to follow or he simply was not informed yet. For the rest they confirmed a bunch of features that will be in the game... A lot of this stuff we already know, but there maybe a little here and there that is new.

I am going to go through my info now and make a thread with everything I saw and asked, also some pics and vids. This topic can then be discussed further there. I dont want to spam this thread with topics from what I saw today. One thing I can confirm though and I find cool since tuning is my thing.... Cars can be painted different colors after purchase, if the livery can be edited was not known. Not sure if this was known already, but I found it cool... It was always annoying buying ten cars in different colors... :P

Check out my thread later on if you want to ask me anything or discuss.... Thanks! Oh yeah, I also had fun there as well! :D
marked subscribed and copied... yes i'm waiting for you !

Problem is people that they don't have clear date !

TBA worries me !

If OPM delay it's review to next issue then it could be anything christ !

THANK YOU MEDIA MOLECULE AND SONY ! For your delay now i must wait another month !


Media Molecule?
What did they do wrong?

(Besides delaying LBP 2.)
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e. People need to calm down, and take a deeper look into things first.

It would be easier if PD, Kaz or Sony or whoever would give us some solid info, like I don't know, tell us why its been delayed, bug, distribution, Kaz off whoring out the SLS or some fancy new GPS tracking gimmick that 2 people will get to use..........
Who else thinks all the people now "boycotting" this game will go ahead and buy it anyway. I'm calling MW2 Boycott V 2.0 on this one.

It's a no brainer yes, it's delayed because of bug testing, I guess most intelligent life forms on this planet assumed that. What I'm saying is we didn't need a lot of those new features I couldn't care less for NASCAR or ****** karts that take up valuable time in the development process.

He may be a visionary and all that but KY sure has management issues.
Somebody knows when our members (Blitz 186 or so was one of them), who attended the GT5 events yesterday and today in Belgium and Holland, will release the new info they have?

I was thinking ...

Tread'd, and GREAT you're doing a new thread with good news, will distract us from all ths madness.
Who else thinks all the people now "boycotting" this game will go ahead and buy it anyway. I'm calling MW2 Boycott V 2.0 on this one.


This is just the initial anger over the delay. Once the release starts creeping up again they'll get excited. But they're understandably upset right now.
Ransom note to Kazunori Yamauchi:
Release the Lists of all cars and tracks in Gran Turismo 5, along with a demo on PSN, or my game money goes on Hot Pursuit!

Just joking...wait will be worth it! :)
I was thinking I would be able to share good news here, but something from Russia has put a stop to that. I came home just now, only to find out that the Russia story is now real and in full effect.

I did see that this thread was following my Twitter stream. So you are up to date on what I was able to find out and see. There is no NDA, so I will briefly share what I saw and go into detail later... I have a lot of notes to go through.

The presentation we saw still showed a release date of Nov. 3rd. After the presentation was over, I got to ask the Sony rep (who did seem to know A LOT about the game and series) a few specific questions 1-on-1. One of these was of course about the Russian rumor and he said he could not say anything about that. I suspect he either had an NDA he had to follow or he simply was not informed yet. For the rest they confirmed a bunch of features that will be in the game... A lot of this stuff we already know, but there maybe a little here and there that is new.

I am going to go through my info now and make a thread with everything I saw and asked, also some pics and vids. This topic can then be discussed further there. I dont want to spam this thread with topics from what I saw today. One thing I can confirm though and I find cool since tuning is my thing.... Cars can be painted different colors after purchase, if the livery can be edited was not known. Not sure if this was known already, but I found it cool... It was always annoying buying ten cars in different colors... :P

Check out my thread later on if you want to ask me anything or discuss.... Thanks! Oh yeah, I also had fun there as well! :D

Looking forward to sharing your impressions. Plus it will be a nice change from the main current discussion.
Ransom note to Kazunori Yamauchi:
Release the Lists of all cars and tracks in Gran Turismo 5, along with a demo on PSN, or my game money goes on Hot Pursuit!


I'm looking for specific cars in GT5, if i'm not sure these cars are in the game, i'm going to sell my ps3/gtprologue/g25....( know what :indiff:)
I pre ordered the game last night. I thought I had held off long enough and better pre order before it was too late, but it turns out I was wrong.

I was never going to get black ops in the first place, but now that GT5 isn't coming in to consume my time, I mind as well get it to see how the 3D looks. I'm sure the game will suck as much as MW2, but atleast there is zombies again and they don't camp.
This is just the initial anger over the delay. Once the release starts creeping up again they'll get excited. But they're understandably upset right now.

I would say being upset about a push back in a release date is reasonable, but throwing a strop like the majority of posts in the last 2 hours is just acting like a spoiled child.

Sorry, I'm not directing that above bit at you Solid, I just find it funny/saddening that people act like this.

As long as it doesn't get pushed back as much as LittleBigPlanet 2, I'll be more than happy.

Anyway, I'll hopefully see some of you guys online come the new release date, G27 in hand!

I am going to go through my info now and make a thread with everything I saw and asked, also some pics and vids. This topic can then be discussed further there. I dont want to spam this thread with topics from what I saw today. One thing I can confirm though and I find cool since tuning is my thing.... Cars can be painted different colors after purchase, if the livery can be edited was not known. Not sure if this was known already, but I found it cool... It was always annoying buying ten cars in different colors... :P

Check out my thread later on if you want to ask me anything or discuss.... Thanks! Oh yeah, I also had fun there as well! :D

Really looking forward to your thread. Glad you had fun!

This is to funny :lol: I really cant believe sony did this all I remember them saying at the E3 was Nov 2 this is the release date no more delays. Oh well what can you do? I really believe this is a markiting issue shame on you Sony.:ouch:
Exactly, people need to remember that the game has been rated by several ratings boards so far. What that means is that Sony has sent them a feature complete version of the game. In other words, if PD adds anything to the game after that then they would have to have it rated again, which isn't something that seems likely. This delay points more toward bugs needing to be cleaned up and not toward them trying to add additional content.
I'm just glad people like you post in this thread.
:lol: This is hilarious!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It really is. These last few pages have been really entertaining. My brother called me up to tell me the news. I couldn't wait to see the melt down in this site. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I haven't even taken a peek at the Neogaf thread. I better get some popcorn ready. "pre-order canceled" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the entertainment guys.
I wish the official sites would take down their old release dates. I figure this is either, PD trying to get the game past Sony testing before it goes old and/or Sony being stupid and trying to earn a little more money from it. Either way it sucks. But, since there hasn't been an official "it's gone Gold" statement, I would assume it didn't make it past certification. Which I think is a little crazy since PD's been saying they're working on polishing up the game...and if it's that finished, what bug was bad enough to get it kicked back? In the end, I solely blame Sony for the delay.
Gt5 delayed again (with no new release date) yeah it says this holiday season but they have changed the release twice so that means nothing.
Microsoft and Forza's developers will be Rolling on the floor with laughter.

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