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  • Thread starter gamelle71
Yes I know they are to prevent shoplifting. But as you say , why would they send the package before the game ? So I think this confirms that it is a production problem. So they scheduled to ship the game and the covers but only could ship the cover. Most retailers have the game in few days before the release date.

I merely meant that they don't ship the packages before the discs for all I know as I don't see the point of shipping the package and disc separately but then I'm not a logistic expert either ( would seem more logical to me to separate the discs from the packaging in the shops by the shop employees to prevent shoplifting ).
But maybe they are sent separately and even when that's the case ( no pun intended ) I don't think there's any indication they already have the packages ( which probably have already been made by the bucketload ) right now unless someone can prove they do.
So it doesn't confirm anything in my view.
I know this questions probably been asked but...

Since ANY car is GT PSP can be transferred into GT5, that confirms that all 800 or so cars in GT PSP will be in GT5, right?????????????????????????

thanks for your time!👍

I'd hope not.
We've known this for months. Deal with it. :rolleyes:
I'm expressing my opinion. Deal with it. :rolleyes:

Why would you hope not? Do you dislike the car selection?
I dislike padding so shamelessly overdone that PD is basically lying about the car count in the game. Particularly when PD basically resorts to completely making up cars and saying they are real life cars, all just to pursue a number on the back of the box (which is exactly what was done in GTPSP, and looks to be what is happening in GT5, sadly).
GT5 should be held to a higher quality standard than GTPSP was, and subtracting the hundred or so needless copies that GTPSP had when transferring the cars over to GT5 would go a long way towards doing that. There are better solutions (such as getting rid of most of the duplicates, but actually fixing the rest of the duplicates that are simply incorrectly modeled), but I don't see that happening.
So today and tomorrow are the days where we should know a release date, right? Humm.. It sounds to me like other empty promise from Sony... :nervous::scared::(
I'm expressing my opinion. Deal with it. :rolleyes:

I dislike padding so shamelessly overdone that PD is basically lying about the car count in the game. Particularly when PD basically resorts to completely making up cars and saying they are real life cars, all just to pursue a number on the back of the box (which is exactly what was done in GTPSP, and looks to be what is happening in GT5, sadly).
GT5 should be held to a higher quality standard than GTPSP was, and subtracting the hundred or so needless copies that GTPSP had when transferring the cars over to GT5 would go a long way towards doing that. There are better solutions (such as getting rid of most of the duplicates, but actually fixing the rest of the duplicates that are simply incorrectly modeled), but I don't see that happening.
Yeah, PD seems to have put a focus on car quantity. There are even quite a few duplicates in Prologue and there are not that many cars. However, the game overall looks like it will also not be lacking in the quality department(if it ever reaches retail that is)
It's tweeter EU playstation

"Yes, the GT5 European has also been delayed, we are sorry to say. We expect to confirm a new release date before the end of the month. "
Am I the only one who doesn't see the "end of october" statement anymore?

Did they erase it from both US and EU blogs??:dunce:

EDIT: even the message on Twitter is gone!/PlayStationEU/status/27250357927

We’ll have more information for you in the near future

This is pretty scary when you know what "near future" means for polyphony
So today and tomorrow are the days where we should know a release date, right? Humm.. It sounds to me like other empty promise from Sony... :nervous::scared::(

Actually, like all major corporations, Sony was careful with their word choice in their statement. Instead of saying "we will announce a new release date by the end of October" they said, "we expect to announce a new release date by the end of October". But yes, Sony is full of 🤬.
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Am I the only one who doesn't see the "end of october" statement anymore?

Did they erase it from both US and EU blogs??:dunce:

EDIT: even the message on Twitter is gone!/PlayStationEU/status/27250357927

That "before the end of the month" comment was never on the blogs. It was only posted on the European Twitter page and it's still there as some have already pointed out.
Am I the only one who doesn't see the "end of october" statement anymore?

Did they erase it from both US and EU blogs??:dunce:

Not sure mate, didn't read them their myself. Were they definitely there?

If it's true what you say then indeed they never forgot about their fanbase if they remembered to erase the statements.

Last year just before Christmas the Japanese date was announced. Hyping people up for GT and maybe in the process sell the odd PS3.
I think it was January the bomb then hit, cancelled.

Fastforward to this year.
Promises of GT, release around holiday season or thereabouts.
Probably me being cynical but are they milking the GT cow each year, trying to sell PS3's.

Actually, like all major corporations, Sony was careful with their word choice in their statement. Instead of saying "we will announce a new release date by the end of October" they said, "we expect to announce a new release date by the end of October". But yes, Sony is full of 🤬.

Yeah you're right! Then we only have to pray and wait the game to come this year...:ouch:
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You loose data if there is an physical issue with the disk, CRC just tells you there is something wrong with the data. So, unless you have redundant data on disk it will cause issues. There is just no way around it.

Yes, you are right. And it is just a coincidence that all the texture reading errors we have seen in videos happend at the first part of the Nord Schleife (and one or two at Rome). Just a coincidence that these happen to be the most demanding tracks we have seen so far.
Hmm GT5 has no fantasy cars right? So why fantasy tracks? I wish GT5 would have more real life tracks. Yeah the fantasy tracks are really good but anyway I like it much more to race on real existing tracks...

But I think PD thinks so too because we really got more real life tracks in GT5 than in any other GT... Ok that´s logic :D
Last year just before Christmas the Japanese date was announced. Hyping people up for GT and maybe in the process sell the odd PS3.
I think it was January the bomb then hit, cancelled.

Fastforward to this year.
Promises of GT, release around holiday season or thereabouts.
Probably me being cynical but are they milking the GT cow each year, trying to sell PS3's.


I've got to say the cynic in me agrees with you! Just like with the PSP version, Sony continually use the franchise as a carrot on a stick to entice more console sales, they did it with the PSP and they've been doing it since the PS3 was announced.

I almost bit with the November date, it seemed certain, but in the back of my mind I kept hearing 'GT PSP, GT PSP' and held off - Sony if you want my money show me the goods!!!!!
Well at SEMA we know we will get a new build at least.

I don't think there will be a release date.

What's with all the teasing Sony is doing with the promotions. It's like telling a 5 year old "I've got some candy, but you can't have it. Nah nah.".
I can't wait to see last year's Mustang. That said, has anyone else noticed that all the cars chosen thus far have followed a pattern?

2003 Buick
2004 HPA R32
2005 Papadakis S2000
2006 AM Corvette
2007 HPA TT
2008 JR Rocha G37
2009 Mustang

It's been (1) American, (2) German, and (3) Japanese, in that order, twice in a row, and the Mustang re-started that trend. That said, I hope Kaz stumbles upon a hot-rodded '32 Ford roadster there.

Also, I hope that they remember to list HPA as Canadian this time around . . .
So, assuming that the packaging there is real, which i think it is, could they work in a factory that puts the disc's and cases together?

Because if the boxes are all ready, then surely they must have been expecting the disc's to be ready as well. So HOPEFULLY not as long of a wait for the full game as some people are thinking.

thats it! youve done it, SONy forgot to put the discs in all the cases!

Mass recall!