GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Thanks everyone. As for the GT-R on Toscana, I didn't press any buttons. I think its all timed on the course. Forgot to mention the horn works by pressing L3.

Is there a reason I can't see my original post? I wanted to edit the MPH to 100+ MPH
Yep it's all timed.
Your original post is at page 1417
the only thing that is not very good is the not-damage in replays...but i hope that in the final product they are going to put it!but it's not to important...

Well now I´m more than satisfied with all we get till now and I can´t wait to play the game... But this would dissapoint me really if there is no damage in the replays in the full game :yuck:
I'm in stiches @ the Nascar video. Montoya goes crazy :lol: Other then that, I'm impressed with what I saw in it. Also was amazed at the collision physics with the road cars at Indy. They actually took off the ground when they were hit at just the right angle. And is it just me or do the collision sounds seem, for lack of a better word, meatier?
And is it just me or do the collision sounds seem, for lack of a better word, meatier?

Over the past couple of weeks footage ,I have noticed it has a lot more of a bang to it. It does seem they are changing some noise ,but until we get GT5 in front of our own screen at home we don't know how much of a change they have made.

Great link!! unfortunately is in spanish...but i'll translate the most important things.

1)Cars will not maintain damage after a race...which means you won't have to repair them. (damage is only affected in a race and after that the car will fix itself)

2) We will be able to race up to 32 Go karts in one circuit!!! and their physics were specifically made for those cars.

3)Track editor was, at first, going to be a full-fledge system but they decided to drop it since it was too complex and it would often take hours to make a circuit (maybe for gt6?)

4) B-Spec mode is "spectacular" and players will be able to make decisions like: "driving style: normal, calm, risky", etc...and the ability to see everything happen in real time!
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The collision sounds have been improved since Prologue but they are still extremely lacking. It sounds nothing like a car hitting another object... Games like Burnout and FM3 have the right idea with collision sounds.
I agree with Conquerer...

having tested the demo last night at a local store, the collision between two cars sounded like "ThuuB ThuuB" more like bumper cars at the fair.....

i wish the sound would be more metallic?? rougher, edgier...

The "Thuub Thuub" is a bit too soft...
I was about 10m from a car that literally hit another car at 10mph and even that had more... force, shall we say, than the GT effect.

It's a hard thing to accurately recreate though.... I couldn't even desribe the sound, let alone begin to recreate it.
Hearing, or even being in an accident sounds horrific. A car pulled out in front of me causing me to T-bone it. The sound of all that metal crunching in less than a second will make you $#it yourself. I didn't actually do that though lol. The sounds are no where comparable to real life. I say if they can replicate the sound of an accident it might scare everyone into driving safer, not a bad idea either. Everyone drive safe, don't abuse your car on local roads, take it to the track.
3)Track editor was, at first, going to be a full-fledge system but they decided to drop it since it was too complex and it would often take hours to make a circuit (maybe for gt6?)
I think they mean they drop a full-fledge, very complex track editor not the simple one that they are showed!
Um, were basing this stuff off a demo guys. Who knows how old this thing is? They have how many cars on track? If it's not 16 then I'm inclined to think it's an older build. In the game they'll more than likely have an option for damage severity. I would say you should be able to switch it off or have other settings with it, maybe like NFS-Shift to just visual or full damage. Who knows. But I think an old demo is what is being brought to the stores. Maybe Tokyo game show will give us more details and information and videos to speculate on. How long now is it till it starts?
Um, were basing this stuff off a demo guys. Who knows how old this thing is? They have how many cars on track? If it's not 16 then I'm inclined to think it's an older build. In the game they'll more than likely have an option for damage severity. I would say you should be able to switch it off or have other settings with it, maybe like NFS-Shift to just visual or full damage. Who knows. But I think an old demo is what is being brought to the stores. Maybe Tokyo game show will give us more details and information and videos to speculate on. How long now is it till it starts?

8 days until TGS i believe :)
I real life it does sound a bit more "crunchie" and hollow if that makes any sense.
When I was hit, it was more of a loud bang. But, that's all I remember.

Should note I was the passenger, so I got a good front row seat during this. :indiff:
When I was hit, it was more of a loud bang. But, that's all I remember.

Think it also depends on whether you're being hit or the one hitting and all sorts of other factors ( speed, point of impact, etc.).
Anticipation probably counts for the impact experienced as well, I've only had one accident years ago ( knocking wood ) and although it wasn't my fault ( witnesses confirming it and the driver hit acknowledged her mistake too ) I can still clearly and vividly remember each second and what appeared to be minutes when I braked and couldn't avoid the crossing car, so I mentally was "prepared" or at least could expect what would unfortunately ensue which probably couldn't be said of the people I hit ( who were okay, although both cars were totalled ) so the loud bang you described might be also similar to what they experienced as opposed to the sound I was hearing which sounded more like crumbling metal and plastic.
Everybody walked away slightly shaken and obviously shocked but safe and unhurt, hope you're fine too after that crash.