GT5 Memes (NO profanity/stupidity/obvious re-use/flooding)

  • Thread starter zegrated
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I can't seem to post memes here, can someone help me?

Urm from what I know, you need Insert Image, one of the options in the ribbon thing when you post. Obviously from there you need to paste the link of the image, which is where an Imgur account becomes helpful. Hope this helps.
-> ...
^ :drool:👍

We all love London really.



Making these Meme things.

First I have a base form that I copy from each post.

The "ooo" just space them out.
I put a little title - often to explain or set up the joke.

Then the guts the line (I've added XX so you can see the line - remove the "XX" and the img tag should insert the named picture)



Is the link to the quickmeme site... and the page that relates to this picture

when you start to make a few pictures... the only thing you need to remember and alter is the 6 digit code at the end... in this case... "3urzbq"

quickmeme itself is pretty easy to upload your own picture then you are away...

I'd say "Go Advanced" before you post just to see it is right... and it is the right meme/ picture.

The Punishing Politician.


So sorry, this is terrible - just imagine Hillary is taking questions about race tracks that are on GT6 - And she mishears the question
Sorry for sounding like a noob but what is screen cap and how do you do it?

1:You add the captions on QuickMemes (screen caps)
2: save your image to desktop.
3: add your image to
4: Copy direct link
5: Paste link to "photo link" when making a post.
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/38592953.jpg
Finally got it in.

I just simply used meme generator :D.
Fail to see whats memworthy of that? :confused:
Hundreds of hours playing GT5, millions of dollars spent buying cars. Only to be gifted a.....horn(s). Which is plural for horns when I actually only received 1 horn.

The Count - He loves GT5.



Introducing - The Tesla refuelling brigade!



Used Car Dealership - Not enough credits?


Darkcraft. I ain't chasin' no wabbits.



Remove both xx above, to insert the image.
Alter the last 6 digit code (3utc0p in the above case.) to insert a different image.

hope that helps.

Yellowbird - Get the London look.

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