GT5 on blu-ray?

United States
Will GT5 be compressed somewhat to fit the entire disk, or be let loose like MGS4 did with it's audio data?

I read up on blu-ray on wikipedia and was astounded by the amount of data a single layered disk can hold. Gt5 will most probably be dual-layered, and that's a lot more of space to fill.
It could be even on up to 8 layers.
The PS3 can read every BD, it only needs a firmware update.
I doubt they need to compress lots of stuff.
The more you produce, the cheaper it gets.
But yeah, they wont use 4 or 8 layer discs, i doubt they would even need it, i just wanted to say that disc space really isnt a problem on the PS3.
I hope the Blu-Ray will be full with HD Videos like in Prologue... can´t get enough from watching them... (My internet connection is very slow so I can´t download some HD Videos... and I also got no Blu-Ray movie till now :D so the Prologue Videos impressed me)

EDIT: Maybe the GT5 special edition will be come on an 4-8 layer BD and the normal cheaper GT5 version with a normal BD... I would buy the special edition even if there is only a bonus on Disc with HD videos...
Yeah, the track presentations are really nice in FullHD.^^
And BD also could expand things like the museum feature etc. even further. which makes the whole package even more awesome.
Well, we can't let this thread go without some good ol' MS/Forza bashing... :sly:

In all seriousness, with GT5 coming on Blu-Ray, and FM3 coming on two DVD's, I think we're beginning to see the advantage that Sony has by putting BD and HDD in every PS3.

Going forward, it's going to be easy for PD to keep expanding on Gran Turismo on Blu-Ray, whereas it's going to be much harder for Turn 10, because not every 360 has a hard drive to install onto, and putting it on 3 DVD's is going to be a little ridiculous. Plus, even if GT5 does come on two BD discs, which has to be highly unlikely, every PS3 has a hard drive to install onto anyway.

If 400 cars and 100 tracks are taking up 2 DVD's now, heaven knows how Turn 10 are going to expand to 500, 600 cars and more tracks going forward.

With the widely accepted view that this generation is going to on for a long time, I fail to believe that GT5 and FM3 are going to be the only iterations on current hardware.
Funny how Microsoft chose DVD instead.

They had no choice, to launch early all they had to ship was DVD drives, they would have had to wait many months to get presumably HD-DVD hardware ready, and if they had launched with/after the PS3 at the same price level (assuming HD-DVD would be as expensive as BR to manufacture), it would have been instant curtains for the 360.

The DVD drive, even in hindsight has meant they can sustain a lower price point, and the 'negatives' are not really manifesting themselves in any meaningful way, with the install to hard drive update, it seems they've bought some more time (and ensure you really do need a hard drive to get the most from the 360)

As for GT5 on BR, I hope them jam pack it with either extra video or other 'goodies'.. Hopefully we'll find out soon.. :)

Let's not bash anything here...I don't want it to turn into that "Definitive Thread" a couple threads down.

But yeah, I have no idea they didn't even use HD-DVD as the standard format for games. It's like filling up a Ferrari on regular at Wal-mart (Which I have personally seen :dunce:).
Little offtopic - but i really count of some instalation option which gives faster load times and can "save some life" of ours BD drives.
Installation would be cool, but then Sony would worry about game sharing and copying instead of buying, so a partial install would probably be used.
A Dual Layer 50GB Disc will do the job and if not which i find really hard to believe then they can install some data to the HD.
Installation would be cool, but then Sony would worry about game sharing and copying instead of buying, so a partial install would probably be used.
They could just make it so it's like a computer and you have to have the disc to boot it.
But then it wouldnt make a lot of sense, the BD streaming is very fast and good (see Killzone2 for example and Uncharted 2 also wont need an install afaik).
Isn't needing a cd to boot the game same as partial installation, like on the PS3 for some games (GTA4, MGS4). I'm under the impression that not all the data is installed onto the hard drive as a measure to make sure that the cd is there to complete the data and prevent sharing.
do the math....1 layer is 25 GB. So 8 layers should be 200 GB...that's a lot

There's supposed to be a 16 layered 400 GB disk made by Toshiba I believe,,,it could be someone else though.
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Its not only multiple discs, its also tons of compression especially in audio and cutscenes, seriously, BD has only advantages except that the drives are still more expensive, like with every new format.
Having a 400 GB disk would be cool and all, but making a game to fully exploit this generation's graphic technologies to fill that much data would be expensive, time consuming, and not really worth it.

If GT5 needs, and god forbid, 400GB...then we won't see the game till PS4.

I don't think 400Gb will ever be filled out by the average consumer to when it comes to re-writable disks.

Not that I don't mind seeing a GT6 with a 16 layer BD disk.

It's Pioneer, not Toshiba BTW. What will they think of next?
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It's Pioneer, not Toshiba BTW. What will they think of next?

They'll think of HVDs, that's what :P

"The Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) is an optical disc technology that, in the future, may hold up to 6TB (terabytes) of information, although the current maximum is 500GB."

Though don't get all excited, we won't see them in shops for almost decade...

But honestly, i'd be kind of surprised if GT5 even needed 50GB of space... For example, the largest full install of a PC game (from a regular 9GB DL-DVD) i've ever seen is 25GB, so if the largest of PC games can fit on 9GB, i don't think GT5 will need a full 50GB ;)

Thanks for the heads up.


I think GT5 will fill up 50GB. It'll be uncompressed audio data, much like MGS4 did. Maybe the cars will sound a lot better now. :dopey:
And that HVD thing sounds like Star Wars stuff...:scared:
Its not only multiple discs, its also tons of compression especially in audio and cutscenes, seriously, BD has only advantages except that the drives are still more expensive, like with every new format.

The argument that blu ray players are too expensive no longer hold any credit considering you can get a brand new BR player for less than $200 now 👍
What's funny about BD players is that you can get a PS3 for 300 more and you get a system as well as a player, and PS3's BD players is supposed to be superior than that of a stand alone player. That's what my friend at Bestbuy says when he's selling to customers.