GT5 on blu-ray?

What's funny about BD players is that you can get a PS3 for 300 more and you get a system as well as a player, and PS3's BD players is supposed to be superior than that of a stand alone player. That's what my friend at Bestbuy says when he's selling to customers.

Yea, but not everyone plays games. If those who bought BD players, bought PS3 instead because of wat u said, we would be much closer to the 360 in number of sales :)
The argument that blu ray players are too expensive no longer hold any credit considering you can get a brand new BR player for less than $200 now 👍
I think they are still too expensive when compared to DVD players. The average consumer doesn't see the need to pay $10 more for a better image quality.
Well, after they watch a movie on HD, i think they will start to think on pay it !
Seriously, everything on HD is so much better. =X
Just think, if GT5 does fill up 50GB of Blu-Ray, You would need around 10 4.7GB DVDs or 5 DL DVDs to but it on the Xbox (although the hardware wouldnt be capable). Me thinks Microsoft made a balls up choosing DVD over Blu-Ray
There are limitations with bluray but size is not one of them. Developers now write data to entire disk even if they only use part of it. This "multi sector data writing" helps to speed you reading speed which is low on bluray compared to normal dual layer dvd.
I heard that's one of the limitations that developers used as an excuse to not make ps3 games.

Well problem could also be solved if ps3 had more memory but im happy with 1st party games. 3rd party games i usually play with 360 which usually has better version of the game.
... 3rd party games i usually play with 360 which usually has better version of the game.

Only up until 2008 now in 2009 multiplatform titles have actually surpassed the 360 versions atleast percantage wise according to metacritic while the period 2006-2008 i think it was the other way around altho it´s quite personal to which you prefer but it all comes down to developers actually starting to use each consoles strengths instead of as in previous years a straight port.

Also with the blueray and hdds in consoles today mean that space constraints is one of the devs minor issues today and i can see GT5 easily fill a blueray espescially if they don´t use compressed audio.
Yes, PS3 3rd party games have improved a lot but texture resolution and anti-aliasing is still a bit better on 360. However you never know this if you only have one console; there are no major problems on ps3 3rd party games anymore. Some kinds of games of course are not even possible on other console in same style/fashion.

Some games are better on ps3 but i still think this a minority. Burnout at least is better on ps3.
my whole point is that devs need to cater to each machines strengths to get the most out of it, it´s not what we think but what actual numbers say and those show that more than 50% of multi titles now score better in rewiews on ps3 which is a trend that started somewhere in 2008 and manifested fully during 2009.

As for cost being the reason they develop more properly for ps3 now is a bit wrong as it´s not becoming cheaper to dev but more and more expensive which is one of the reason we see so little true exclusives these days, it´s just not sensible anymore to be exclusive for 3rd parties one of the main reason i´d say is that devs have become alot more confident on how to code for the ps3 properly.