GT5: Prologue menu translations

  • Thread starter super_fla
Many of us without the uber skills are going as far as we can in Professional Mode, and then going back in Arcade Mode to get the rest of our Golds - and in some cases, silvers. :P

If the Online Menu isn't translated here yet, I'm going to head over to NeoGaf to see if I can find anything.
I got the game today and trying to get on to gt tv and news but it wont let me as its in japanese i dont know whazt its saying so can someone please tranlate them for me thank you also to add i do have the internet on my ps3. thanks

I click on gt tv and get this below

then it loads

and then it stops and an error message comes up?

also where the top gear track at!!!!!!!!
The last message means it has some network problems (don't know exact translation of it), sometimes it takes a few attempts, they should have a resume function.

Top gear track is in full GT5.
I got the game today and trying to get on to gt tv and news but it wont let me as its in japanese i dont know whazt its saying so can someone please tranlate them for me thank you also to add i do have the internet on my ps3. thanks

I click on gt tv and get this below

then it loads

and then it stops and an error message comes up?

also where the top gear track at!!!!!!!!
I was getting the same errors message while trying to pull down the update yesterday as well. I guess the network was a bit overloaded.
Can anyone tell me what the boundaries for each online level are.

From what I see there are 3 different levels

I was in one of the online time trial events that had just the HELMET icon which I assume is intermediate level, this was in pro mode.However I have been in other events with just the HELMET icon but the physics were in normal mode.💡 So I am confused about what variables make up each level .

They really are the worst display icons ever! On a small ish TV you ca even see them! They should have just used letters to distinguish class of car and level of skill..

The little yellow and green chevron symbol is the indicator in Japan for student/beginner drivers. You have it right that the levels are indicated like that. But why they segregate some the way they do, like higher levels with standard physics? You got me there.
That's great!
I'm looking forward to the eligible cars being listed, that way I don't have to guess!!
Yes, these were posts worthy of a free one year's Premium account. ;)

Well, after all it was extremely cool...
Thanks for that post!

You know there should be a thread made just for those race descriptions like that with pictures, it would be extremely useful till GT5's release!

Can I get a translation of this error message please?


It won't let me go online even though I'm signed in to the PSN.
It brings up this screen when I first start the game & when I try to go online.
I can do everything off line just can't get on line.
It means that the game was unable to connect to server.
Wow I hope Polyphony did not block anything ... :( :(

But first two kanji at the top mean kakunin - confirmation - hmm strange...(unless thats the way of writing down the error message)

Maskrider - thank you so much for your posts - if you could add one more thing for time trials - best times... :) Or at least the one for Supercars on Suzuki with S3 tires - that one I can do at home with demo ;)
I got on by signing in within the game instead of the XMB.
It's worked fine since then.

Thanks for the translation!
I have just found these three camera modes - the 'Controls' translations just say what is active in that highlighted button/stick (not what the drop downs for that button contain)...anyway.

All these can be used in replays as well.

1, RIGHT CAMERA VIEW (Digital): Highlight a suitable button and select the 3rd option from the bottom - all views

2, LEFT CAMERA VIEW (Digital): Same as above but select 4th option (notice the characters look the same though?) - all views

3, DRIVER LOOK LEFT/RIGHT VIEW (Analogue): Highlight a suitable stick function and select the 2nd option from the bottom (notice it auto assigns the opposite throw of the stick) - only for 'Bumper' and 'Inside' views.

Well thats a bit more worked out!!