GT5 sells over 5.5 Million in 12 days.

  • Thread starter Unknown?
While it's certainly impressive I would definitely remember that this shows how well the hype and marketing sold as the game has (by most peoples points of view) not lived up to that hype and marketing in many ways.

This is on top of the fact the longevity of the game is coming into question with many people now hitting the grinding wall only a week or two into the game.

As with any major series, this generations sales representm ore the sucess of the previous generation than anything... Madden could turn to sheer garbage (more than it has ;) and it would take two or three generations before people stopped buying it because they realized what the product was doing.

GT5 is selling largely on momentum right now, I have to say that if PD doesn't do a lot to shape up the game over the next few months GT6 may be the first iteration we see really suffer sales.

I personally have shown the game to several people who like racing games and games in general and all have been shocked and dissapointed and decided not to buy.

My friends list on PSN which was largely GT5 for a few days has dwindled back to the normal spatterings it usually is...

And I even not at level 20 yet have started to feel the grinding wall kick in and become frustrated with the lack of decent online.

We'll see... one thing is for sure... PD and Sony can't argue money issues for any future fixes or GT6... they got our money... I hope they really do something with it...
That makes sense if PD was planning on making one game and move on. This game sells future GT games just like GT1 sold GT2. Businesses run based on FUTURE forecast. Stock prices based on what's going to happen in the future. PD making GT5 better, they sell mo GT6 and 7 and 8.

I think SCEI board members will simply come to the conclusion that GT franchise fans will buy up whatever cr@p they get serverd up and the result will really be less complete contnet in the future pushed on us in a more accelerated fashion.

The bottomline for the executives is that even with the title being late, incomplete and full of glaring issues they still sold every single copy.

So now I put on my businbessmans hat, who in their right mind would waste R&D dollars and other precious capital tweaking/fixing something that already sells well.

With these sales we the GT franchise community have simply guaranteed ourselves substandard quality GT games for ever ;)

The less money they spend on us the more profit they make - its a no brainer :lol:
It's not hate and I think my opinion is valid. The game was released to consumer unfinished, yet the unaware consumer paid full price.

I like the game, just not the fact that I needed to patch it the day it was released. This new release it now patch it later phase that developers are going through is going to damage the industry.

unfortunately I must agree, the game feels unfinished, the game is unfinished... It seems like Kaz needed another year to finish it but Sony had enough and want to release it... So I think Mr. Yamauchi will complete the game with updates...

So he already implemented things wich must be already in the game on release... Mechanical damage and some other stuff...
That makes sense if PD was planning on making one game and move on. This game sells future GT games just like GT1 sold GT2. Businesses run based on FUTURE forecast. Stock prices based on what's going to happen in the future. PD making GT5 better, they sell mo GT6 and 7 and 8.

Using that logic why have we not seen the REAL issues of GT3 and GT4 addressed yet?

The bottomline is they realise they do not need to toss away R&D dolalrs on those issues because even WITH those issues GT games sell.

IOW, we the GT franchise fans are our own worst enemies.

The bottomline is no business is going to throw away dollars on unneeded R&D if the product already sells well.

Profit = Income - Expenses.

Why increase Expenses more than eeded?

I suppose the ultimate test of how GT5 is received is how many fill the pre-owned sections of game stores in half a years time.

Is GTA IV the most (or at least one of the most) popular title(s) in that section at the moment?
Using that logic why have we not seen the REAL issues of GT3 and GT4 addressed yet?

The bottomline is they realise they do not need to toss away R&D dolalrs on those issues because even WITH those issues GT games sell.

IOW, we the GT franchise fans are our own worst enemies.

The bottomline is no business is going to throw away dollars on unneeded R&D if the product already sells well.

Profit = Income - Expenses.

Why increase Expenses more than eeded?


What real issues?

So is this the reason why GT5's budget was through the roof, when GT4 and GT3 sold REALLY well?
GT6 better be consistent, the most consistent GT ever, if it is to continue this trend.

With the half-fulfilling GT5, more people will be skeptical of the next game and will think twice into investing their money. To only support their decision of buying the game, the game WILL have to deliver so reviews can come out positive.
GT6 better be consistent, the most consistent GT ever, if it is to continue this trend.

With the half-fulfilling GT5, more people will be skeptical of the next game and will think twice into investing their money. To only support their decision of buying the game, the game WILL have to deliver so reviews can come out positive.

I for one will not be preordering GT6. Based on these sales figures they will oversupply the next launch - and if the current trend is anything to go by, it will be available used within a week. 2 local Game Stops each have 3 used GT5's on the shelf already. That was a bit of a surprise to me.
I for one will not be preordering GT6. Based on these sales figures they will oversupply the next launch - and if the current trend is anything to go by, it will be available used within a week. 2 local Game Stops each have 3 used GT5's on the shelf already. That was a bit of a surprise to me.

Really because the gamestop I work at doesn't have any. Neither does any other gamestop anywhere near my store. I think you're full of hot air dude. I had a guy come in today asking if we had any used copies, we said no. He asked if anyone else did, we looked it up, and said no. He bought a new copy, we now have only two copies left.
I refuse to believe people in Houston are like that... that's where I come from! :lol:

I may be wrong to do so but I have little doubt that GT6 will not disappoint like GT5 did - it's backbone is already ready, it just needs the meat and guts to be a good game.
While it's certainly impressive I would definitely remember that this shows how well the hype and marketing sold as the game has (by most peoples points of view) not lived up to that hype and marketing in many ways.

This is on top of the fact the longevity of the game is coming into question with many people now hitting the grinding wall only a week or two into the game.

As with any major series, this generations sales representm ore the sucess of the previous generation than anything... Madden could turn to sheer garbage (more than it has ;) and it would take two or three generations before people stopped buying it because they realized what the product was doing.

GT5 is selling largely on momentum right now, I have to say that if PD doesn't do a lot to shape up the game over the next few months GT6 may be the first iteration we see really suffer sales.

I personally have shown the game to several people who like racing games and games in general and all have been shocked and dissapointed and decided not to buy.

My friends list on PSN which was largely GT5 for a few days has dwindled back to the normal spatterings it usually is...

And I even not at level 20 yet have started to feel the grinding wall kick in and become frustrated with the lack of decent online.

We'll see... one thing is for sure... PD and Sony can't argue money issues for any future fixes or GT6... they got our money... I hope they really do something with it...


Haven't had this much fun with a GT game since the original one, offline mode's totally worthless and conceptually obsolete however racing online with friends in organized leagues is so much fun that this feature alone will prolly make me play this til 2014 or so.