GT5 sells over 5.5 Million in 12 days.

  • Thread starter Unknown?
Forza leaderboards show a little over 2.7 million gamertags who have played while connected to the internet. It is a little missleading though as many people have more than one gamertag while others may have bought the game used, rented it or borrowed it from a friend.

And that stat is little misleading because of all the people who haven't connected over XBL, who knows how many others have never played online.

That's funny, because everything about the article specifically states these are the sales numbers.

The retailers have to buy the games from the publisher, Sony. Then the retailers sell to consumers. If Sony, the publisher, is reporting 'selling' 5.5 million copies, that probably means they really just sold 5.5 million copies to retailers. Who knows how many thousands upon thousands of copies are sitting in Amazon's warehouses.
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Very impressive sales indeed. People who were saying that it wont outsell Gt5 prolouge will now eat their word whole.

OFF-TOPIC: I went over to Gaf and people were freaking out over the NPD sales result of gt5 (400k in 3 days) someone who has a gaf account should make a thread over there to shut them up. :)
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I like this, Europe - the spiritual home of Gran Turismo!

These figures should go some way to alert KY that future Gran Turismos should be European based, and not Japanese based. 👍
Absolutely, I hope at least for a DLC of classic european cars to be released, kaz we deserve that....
I dont know why people are complaining, its a stunning game and you probably get more content than all the Need For Speeds combined.
Not bad, the half of the game has japanese cars and the game sells only 500.000 in Japan...

3.600.000 sales in the EU and such less european cars...

The good thing is, the game was released worldwide and not japan first and 1 year later the rest...

5.5 mil x $60US = $330 million! I know that's not completely accurate but still - roughly a third of a billion dollars. I hope PD keeps churning out new GT's for us for many years to come.

Yeah and they can make much much more money with DLC... Microsoft is milking their customers as hell...
I think SCEI board members will simply come to the conclusion that GT franchise fans will buy up whatever cr@p they get serverd up and the result will really be less complete contnet in the future pushed on us in a more accelerated fashion.

The bottomline for the executives is that even with the title being late, incomplete and full of glaring issues they still sold every single copy.

So now I put on my businbessmans hat, who in their right mind would waste R&D dollars and other precious capital tweaking/fixing something that already sells well.

With these sales we the GT franchise community have simply guaranteed ourselves substandard quality GT games for ever ;)

The less money they spend on us the more profit they make - its a no brainer :lol:
wow, 5.5 million people got ripped off.

At least you have a name that fits.

I think SCEI board members will simply come to the conclusion that GT franchise fans will buy up whatever cr@p they get serverd up and the result will really be less complete contnet in the future pushed on us in a more accelerated fashion.

The bottomline for the executives is that even with the title being late, incomplete and full of glaring issues they still sold every single copy.

So now I put on my businbessmans hat, who in their right mind would waste R&D dollars and other precious capital tweaking/fixing something that already sells well.

With these sales we the GT franchise community have simply guaranteed ourselves substandard quality GT games for ever ;)

The less money they spend on us the more profit they make - its a no brainer :lol:

I'm sorry, but Sony is not like Activision.
The retailers have to buy the games from the publisher, Sony. Then the retailers sell to consumers. If Sony, the publisher, is reporting 'selling' 5.5 million copies, that probably means they really just sold 5.5 million copies to retailers. Who knows how many thousands upon thousands of copies are sitting in Amazon's warehouses.

I'm aware of that, but it's generally specified in articles when they're referring to shipped copies rather than sold copies. As this article makes no such mention, to put word in their mouths would be a strange thing to do.
If you hate Gran Turismo so much, why do you visit this website?

Grow up and get on with your life...
Nice attidude. Keep posting like that and you will get warnings! ;) I thinks it you that needs to grow up.

First of all, I don't hate GT.
Second, it was kind of a joke. If you don't see that, it's you that has to leave this website.

Check you PM, because you will receive one from me.
And what has that got to do with anything? Britney Spears has sold a ton more records than other artists, but I wouldn't listen to that drivel. The movie Transformers made a ton of money and that's 2 hours of my live I want back. Quantity has nothing to do with quality. Not saying GT5 isn't quality, but to compare to another title based on sales numbers only is folly.

FYI, Sony typically reports sales numbers as sold to merchants. Actual sell-through numbers to the public will be a portion of that. Not that I trust how VGChartz does their numbers, but they are reporting 2.9 million sales, which is a far cry from 5.5 million. Kind of makes you think, eh? To be off that much by one org or some serious over-reporting by another.

In the official article( it says sell-in so it is shipped but I say so what? Every publisher does that! Every sells figure you see for Black Ops is SHIPPED, every sells figure you see for Halo is SHIPPED, every sells figure you see from any popular game/publisher is SHIPPED. What makes GT so different that its sells need to be disputed?

Btw, VGChartz has been off by the millions before. They have no way of accurately tracking Europe at all because it doesn't have a unified service like NPD in North America. Plus all their data is guesses and this article states that it's including more than just November sells with Latin America(which NPD does not track).

All the sells for the previous GT games in Sony's chart go by the same standard as GT5 so whether it's shipped or sold, it still did better than Prologue and slightly over half the amount of GT1 and GT4 in only 12 days.
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For the Game to sell that many on a single Console is great, little suprised it did'nt get to the 7million mark though.Am sure it will get past the 10million mark by middle of next year.
For the Game to sell that many on a single Console is great, little suprised it did'nt get to the 7million mark though.Am sure it will get past the 10million mark by middle of next year.

By these numbers it will definitely sell as well as previous GT games.
Even though it is 100% 'sold to retail' which means 'shipped', It doesn't really matter, GT5 sales will be epic anyway...

Even conservative estimates from various first week sales reports in various countries add up to ~2 Million and it's going to be higher then that for the first 1-2 weeks.. 5 Million will no doubt be acheived by Christmas or in Q1 2011, I don't think anyone would bet against GT5 not absolutely getting 6-9 Million within the first 12 months..

I know the NPD for November of 400K doesn't seem brilliant, but honestly, they must have had a handful of days, and the real numbers for NPD will show in Decembers results.
Just like everyone else's numbers, as said before, thank you for stating the redundant. ;)

This is mind boggling! I think the high numbers we were guessing were 3 million by New Years, which I believe was mine. If this trend continues, which is likely, GT5 is going to blow the doors off of GT3's numbers in one-third the time.

On the first page, magburner mentioned that Europe is the spiritual home of Gran Turismo. Since this is true, and has been for years, I'm hoping Kaz and the team work to patch in some Euro-centric content over the next year like BTCC and DTM.
Keep the hating out, please.

GT5 will sell past 10 million. Will it sell past GT3, probably.

It's not hate and I think my opinion is valid. The game was released to consumer unfinished, yet the unaware consumer paid full price.

I like the game, just not the fact that I needed to patch it the day it was released. This new release it now patch it later phase that developers are going through is going to damage the industry.
Who knows how many thousands upon thousands of copies are sitting in Amazon's warehouses.
It says on that it is temporarily sold out! So you'll have to buy from a different seller on Amazon.
Kick ass! Europe sales are pretty impressive too, I wonder if this will shift more PS3 systems, I sure it will. Good sales like this should mean lots of dlc :)
Sony didn't state if it's shipped, or sold. This is the numbers from PD, which are usually sold. So I'd be confused if they used shipped this ONE time.