GT5 shooting for a holiday 2009 release.

  • Thread starter paskowitz
That interview was good only 4 times a year he goes home...:eek: This part of the interview made me laugh AW: Do you have 10 times that number KY: We have 20 that number. When GT5 comes out its going to be Great!
This interview is by far the most encouraging. I remember KY laughing at a 2010 release date, but presently, that is very probable, and most probable than anything. I am optimistic, though. It makes sense to keep GT5's release date on the low; It will provide one HELL of an announcement, a true X-mas present.
I think we're going to get notice of the date like a week in advance. It will, however be VERY hard to keep EVERY SINGLE Wal-Mart store quiet :P
I just wish they would release a date, any date, just so I can go to GameStop and finally put some damn money down on a pre-order.
I think that it is likely that the things we have come to know and expect from the GT series are about to change drastically with DLC. We need to at least consider the option that the PS3 may be a much longer lasting system than PS2, and that GT5 may be our last option on this system, especially if you put stock in Amar's post eluding to buying an all access pass vs. paying for each update. I figure that there are probably features being implemented that we can't imagine to make room for features or updates that will change what we've come to know as the GT process. It may be that TT is released as an add-on to the GT5 core game.
Got damn you guys really bear up (google translation)(or brave) when I read your comments,GT5 end 2010 :S

I never was so so much interested in any GT series before GT5 but this is killing me... I need my mind before GT5P back... so I don´t carry about GT5 till it comes out in fall 2011 :) (the longer it takes the better it will be :ouch: maybe they got to bring it in 2020 then it will be much better)

I played GT1,GT2,GT3 and GT4 but after I played it,I completely forgot it and then I see on an advertise "oh GT4 is out,nice I got to buy it"...

So I got to focus back on SCC or PC sims and got to forgot this GT5 till it comes out...
So I read the Interview (thank you BrainGow=Bairn)

Have they updated it? Or has nobody seen this? Or what does this mean?

AW: When is Gran Turismo 5 coming?

KY: We made the announcement today that [the handheld game player PSP GO] is coming out Oct. 1 with Gran Turismo 5 on it. We will give the release date of the Gran Turismo 5 soon.

What does he mean with "with Gran Turismo 5 on it?"