GT5 Sounds! Seem Upgraded!

Gives me major goose pimples every time i hear it GT Pro.The sound from that BRM is like singing the perfect national anthem.
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Yep, GT has a VERY long way to come before it sounds anything like as good as it looks. The sounds are better than they've ever been in Prologue, but the accuracy is hit and miss, and it sounds dull and lifeless overall, compared to how alive and glorious real engines sound.

Even the best sounding cars in the game, I'd only rate as "acceptable", with the worst being upsettingly dreary and wrong.

This must be very hard to get right, so godspeed to them. Interesting info Griffith500 👍
Some cars sounds are great, but most of them are very subpar.

The M5 in GT4 sounded dead on, and there are other good examples like the GT-R, but what the sounds lack the most is identity. Real cars bleed, breathe, and sweat. In GT, cars simply do not.
I don't think the purists are going to be happy with GT5. The game which to my experience was the closest to real life was the original GTR, and many cars I actually hated to listen to, such as the Saleen. It was probably very accurate, but the extremely loud *CHUG! THONK! THONK!* when you let off the gas gave me a headache after a while, and I haven't really heard a similarly accurate game yet, even in other PC sims, though I haven't even bothered to open GTR2 yet.

Like most of us, I just want to race in the darn thing, and if people want to howl here on the boards about the tire or exhaust sounds, I won't see them because I'll be on a track somewhere in GT land.
I hope all the exhaust symphonies are the same as the real vehicles, because that is one reason why i drive them that is what makes the road & race cars feel alive on the track.Also car enthusiasts apply the driving style desired of the cars to compliment each vehicles handling in the bends.Get with it PD.
I don't mind if the street cars, are a little off in exhaust sound i live with that. What i can't live with are the race car sound! I have a dvd from My Classic Car, about Fords. One of the cars they drive is the GT 40, the sound from that car is to die for! Just wish PD would get off there butts, and make GT5 Race cars sound that good!!!!!!!!!!
I think i can live small cars and maybe cars that the majority have no interest in, it's the famous engine notes i hope they don't **** up like from Ferrari, Porsche, Maclaren, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Shelby, Ford & other very famous cars.
I remember back in 1997 that my favorite machine was the Viper because its burble was very identical to my '78 Trans Am 6.6. the system was connected to a Yamaha amp and 150 wats active subwoofer (freq responce 18-200hz) and the whole house was rattled by revving it in idle.
However, when I tried the new Viper in GT5P it didn't even come close to the GT1 R/T10. despite upgrading my amp:grumpy:, I am really disappointed of this degradation in acoustic quality.

Early GT games had volume higher when car was in idle to make it sound better.

Yeah, the idle of the cars in GT5P is crap. Also the cars are recorded by revving them on the spot, rather than putting the engine under load, hence why they sound so monotone. Sometimes i just wish GT games didn't have so many cars, and focus on the more popular cars to get everything right. More cars can be added later in the series.
The SLR in the trailer sounded totally off. In real life it sound like as Jeremy Clarkson said, "Thor gargling nails". Not some blown V6.

Exactly. The SLR sounds like a Spitfire in real life, in my opinion.

Now, some people on this forum are probably going to hate me for this (elitists :grumpy: ) but PD could learn a lot from Need for Speed.

I've been playing Underground 2 on my old Xbox again... fantastic game. But what really stands out are the sounds.

I'm sorry GT... but, jesus, your sounds are awful! :crazy:
Exactly. The SLR sounds like a Spitfire in real life, in my opinion.

Now, some people on this forum are probably going to hate me for this (elitists :grumpy: ) but PD could learn a lot from Need for Speed.

I've been playing Underground 2 on my old Xbox again... fantastic game. But what really stands out are the sounds.

I'm sorry GT... but, jesus, your sounds are awful! :crazy:

Lol, ROFL, never realised they were that bad. Shows just how much good sounds make to the atmosphere, in some ways i think they are more important than graphics.
Shows just how much good sounds make to the atmosphere, in some ways i think they are more important than graphics.

I couldn't agree more, I think a lot of people (maybe a few at PD as well) need to realise just what a difference improving the sounds could make to GT
All the cars in GT5P make this horrible whine. Why do they add effects that arn't even there on the real car?

Just two sounds i'd kill to here in GT5:drool:

Does any one think the sounds in prologue were placeholders, or do you think this is what we're gonna get?, because to me amazing sounds is half the fun, GT5 may have the best graphics but it's well and truly top trumped from an audio perspective. I can't begin to image how badly the game will be cussed by reviwers if GT5's sounds don't improve, the Forza boys will have a field day.
Would it really take 5 years to include all the original soundtracks ???.I hope they haven't been using a Roland keyboard ( no offence to Roland here ) to make up the exhaust notes for a section of them.
The unmodified Subaru STI Type R ( coupe' ) in GT4 is exactly how it sounds in real life so how did they get that right and not the others ?.The Lister Storm is sooo far away from the real sound it's untrue, it does sound good.The 787B in GT3 is the same as the real life racer too ( not as shocking but it is the same ).