GT5 Spec 2.0 Physics Update - What to expect?

  • Thread starter Illopp00
I hope they'll fix the tire system and physics anyway. It's a mess right now.

I think the problem with the tires is that they feel like they have 50+psi in them. In other racing sims, if I lower the tire pressure it will give more grip but feel a little spongy, and higher tire pressure will offer less grip but it will feel like the car rolls easier.

It is hard to articulate through text, but the weight/balance of the cars in GT5 seems pretty good, but the feeling of the tires connecting to the road is all wrong.
I'm hoping for some new Super GT cars like Honda HSV-010. Possible?

Very possible.

From Kaz' twitter interview with Honda - June of 2010.

"We are making the HSV now but may not be in time for GT5" - KY


In GT5, you can't crash a car over a slope, a bump or curbs, or get stuck with a Ferrari (or any other low car) over them like it can often happen (I've seen this personally!) in real life.
Man I hope realistic gear changes are added.
True. It isn't possible to make tires chirp/skid by letting off the clutch too quickly when gear changing. Clutch control appears to be gimped in GT5, apparently purely for gameplay reasons.

By the way, I'd like an option to remove the "auto lift-off" aid when using a wheel (or otherwise a controller) without a clutch. The added human control (one would have to manually lift off the gas pedal when shifting up gears) would increase realism and would also reduce the performance gap with clutch users.
Even better, an option to make gear shifting speed on a clutchless wheel/DS3 controller proportional to how long one presses the shift button. This + the [optionally] removed auto lift-off aid would make gear changes more involved and fun.

But I guess this goes outside game physics. Also, I think the above would be a too radical idea for PD to implement. They're too scared to displease the sheeple to dare.

I thought people came to the conclusion that that was needed to keep the cars from reacting wrongly to the surface of the road somehow. I only skimmed the thread.

Reacting wrongly? What do you mean?
The only thing that does is preventing people from crashing for apparently (by not realizing that the car has long overhangs and/or a too low ride height for the bump/slope/obstacle/etc) no reason. That's not realistic however.


In GT5, you can't crash a car over a slope, a bump or curbs, or get stuck with a Ferrari (or any other low car) over them like it can often happen (I've seen this personally!) in real life.

I thought F40s had a feature that allowed the driver to bend the space-time continuum?
Reacting wrongly? What do you mean?
The only thing that does is preventing people from crashing for apparently (by not realizing that the car has long overhangs and/or a too low ride height for the bump/slope/obstacle/etc) no reason. That's not realistic however.
Yea that's what I was talking about. I just figured that because it could be the only way around that issue, there's nothing PD could do.

Kinda how the wheels don't spin realistically when you're going under 5 mph or however fast.
I'm not too fussed with online vs offline physics but I would want the ability to turn tyre wear on offline without the need for an endurance race. As far as hards vs softs, that needs to be fixed.
I'm curious to why PD hasn't made gaurdrails more destructible.

Like Dirt. You hit a gaurdrail and it deforms. I wonder if it is beyond their limitations or is it simply, they haven't done it yet because damage is something that they just don't wish to do (judging by damage on most cars) I also wonder if they just abandoned all of their time to tweek damage.

I suppose it has something to do with most of the track boundries are the gaurdrails, so I'm sure this plays into it as well.

I think guardrail destruction is below the tire smoke and skidmark priorities that the limitations PS3 enforces on PD. Come on meng.
Just a question what is body roll?

It's when the car's weight moves to either side of it while cornering. Or I could've been misinterpreted.

Hopefully the drafting gets updated to a realistic level, in addition to the expectations from other members.
It's when the car's weight moves to either side of it while cornering. Or I could've been misinterpreted.

Hopefully the drafting gets updated to a realistic level, in addition to the expectations from other members.

then your cars body tilts toward the outside of the corner and is youve got a soft suspension, goodbye stability :)
i just want some more realistic body roll/rollover... JUST that :)

Yeah, more accurate body roll would be nice. Right now there are the cars that are very accurate, the cars that are completely wrong and everything else falls into the gray area.
I hope that they make the online physics just like or very similar to the offline mode except in drift mode. I prefer drifting with online physics over offline physics.
It's when the car's weight moves to either side of it while cornering. Or I could've been misinterpreted.

Hopefully the drafting gets updated to a realistic level, in addition to the expectations from other members.

I think the biggest update needs to be geared toward making expectations more realistic. I'm not sure how pd is gonna patch that in though:sly: