GT5 - The calm after the storm, The road ahead - 2010

  • Thread starter Cobra_NZ


Well I have to say I am hopeful, now that the dust is settling, though it was more like a sand storm.:lol:

I genuinely believe in a very good damage model for GT5 and good collision physics with rollover. Mainly because if PD was prepared to face the wrath of millions of GT fans to improve this aspect of GT5 it makes sense they'll want do it the best they can. They know the face of the competition, FM3, or at least they will do in October so they know what they have to match or beat. If PD can do that I'm sold on GT5. By the way, this new damage,and rollover system better apply to all cars in the game.

There are a few other things that GT5 can't be without in my opinion:

-All cars can sustain realistic damage, with improved collision physics and rollover (covered this already)
-All car models of the same quality (either premium or standard, I'm assuming standard would be GT5P models, and premium would be car models like the one taking damage at Gamescom*)
-Tyre marks (the track and the car's connection with it feels sterile without them somehow)
-Aero upgrades: front splitters, front canards, rear diffusers and rear wings (of the same standard as the tuned version of the stock cars in Prologue and available for all cars, carbon fibre aero parts would also be a great addition)
-Ability to save multiplayer replays (no need to elaborate)
-Livery editor (paint any car in any colour, paint any wheel in any colour, add decals and vinyls, ability to customize or remove number plates, doesn't have to be as good as in FM3 but enough for players to appear as individuals when racing online or offline)
-Porsche license is a must (PD have to find a way around it, there is always a way)
-Drag racing (as gimmicky as it is, it's just fun)

*T10 have really set the bar with 400 interiors on all the cars in FM3, especially when the cockpits change as the car is upgraded with weight saving and race modifications. I would be hopeful that GT5 can emulate that as a minimum. However, if some car models have modelled engine bays, suspension, undercarriage and other mechanical parts, like the car model showcased at Gamescom, and some don't, it would just be wrong in my opinion. PD should put in the work and do all cars at that premium level, even if workload time will increase. I could live with 500 cars, rather than 1000 if that would mean a spring or summer 2010 GT5 release. I could even live with less cars on track if PD had to make that sacrifice to achieve a better GT5. For GT6, PD, could have a 2 year developing time and just add more cars and tracks, add more features, optimize game engine and obtain Porsche licence, if they can't for GT5.

EDIT: OK, there is another option with regards to the GT5 car models that may be more realistic. I only say this because I keep believing in more than PD seem to be able to deliver. PD could just keep all car models the same quality as GT5P, with interiors that stay the same, regardless of whether the car is upgraded with weight saving and race modifications. The kind of model fidelity we've seen at Gamescom could be done in on all cars in GT6, along with adding more cars, tracks, features and optimizations to the game engine. This strategy will hopefully allow PD to release GT5 in spring or summer 2010 and project a release for GT6 maybe 3 years later. During 2010 and 2011 PD could also add some DLC, patch, tweak and optimize GT5 to perfection. Both GT5 and GT6 would easily be best sellers, the pressure on PD and KY would not be so great and Sony would be happy to see a big increase in PS3 sales and large profits from the GT franchise.
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Nice ideas, but I doubt we'll see that. Between now and March, Polyphony will probably increase the number of vehicles that are "premium", but I don't think there's enough time for them to make them all premium. But the "normal" cars could become premium post-release through game patches.

And... I somehow doubt we'll see rollovers AND damage on all cars. One or the other, probably.
I really don't get this "If GT5 does not have XYZ, I am not getting it/its not good enough for me" mentality. Seriously? I guess I am one of the few people that would be happy just racing a huge library of cars on a huge library of tracks with realistic physics. I mean thats what I would do in real life if I had the opportunity.
Nice wishlist.

Personally I can live without 6 of your 8 must haves

Thanks.:) Can you please tell me which ones? What features would be a must have for you? What do others think?

Note: Please do not post specific cars or tracks, that's not what this thread is about. It's a general and realistic view. If the thread progresses, I will add your must have features for GT5 that we want, as they are posted.
Nice ideas, but I doubt we'll see that. Between now and March, Polyphony will probably increase the number of vehicles that are "premium", but I don't think there's enough time for them to make them all premium. But the "normal" cars could become premium post-release through game patches.

And... I somehow doubt we'll see rollovers AND damage on all cars. One or the other, probably.

I actually believe that all cars will have damage, rollover and improved collision physics in GT5, don't know why, just gut instinct. TGS was a big turnaound for KY and PD, this is how I read it, but of course, it's just my opinion.:)

But to your main point, I think there is a good chance you might be right, so I've added another scenario on my the main thread post.👍
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Why is 2010 in the thread title? The OP isnt from Japan.

Also, I know the 6 of the 8 features Earth can live without. It is obvious!
I can live with out any of them!! You maybe calm, but I'm still real pissed!!

Haha:lol: I feel your pain, well at least I felt it on the day. But what can you do? I got an XBOX360 so I'm playing FM3 demo and will be buying FM3 to play it while I wait. If you only got a PS3 buy NFSShift, not sure how good it is but it will do for a while...

RUF is better than nothing but there are so many Porsche cars I want to drive and not all have RUF variants...
GT5 doesn't 'really" need Porsche. RUF is good enough.
That's one of my points too. If PD has a chance to get Porsche, obviously they should. But if they can't, or it would cost a king's ransom, I can live with RUF.

I wouldn't definitely say that damage will or should be on all cars. I mean, they should if it's feasible - i.e. doesn't push the release into fall 2010 or again cost a mint's worth. But if they can make the game work with Ferrari Challenge level damage on street cars, while giving us Codemasters level damage on racers and tuners, I'd call it good.

Livery Editor for me is a must have. And not just because I'm an artistic fool, but because it's near essential for the online teams and racing leagues which will form. And as you say, racing body kits for race modification which really needs to return.

Well FW3 demo is done downloading, finally, time to see what the fuss is all about.
The game doesnt need any of those things and the only one I would really want is Aero Upgrades. I would rather have dynamic weather (or atleast a wet option for more tracks), day/night cycles and new (and interesting and fun to drive) race circuits.
My take:

There are a few other things that GT5 can't be without in my opinion:

-All cars can sustain realistic damage, with improved collision physics and rollover (covered this already) Agree
-All car models of the same quality (either premium or standard, I'm assuming standard would be GT5P models, and premium would be car models like the one taking damage at Gamescom*)Agree
-Tyre marks (the track and the car's connection with it feels sterile without them somehow) I honestly don't care about skid marks that much, but it really is something that should be in by now.
-Aero upgrades: front splitters, front canards, rear diffusers and rear wings (of the same standard as the tuned version of the stock cars in Prologue and available for all cars, carbon fibre aero parts would also be a great addition) I don't think this is a must (my time is limited so I don't get too deep into tuning most of the time), but it would be a huge plus
-Ability to save multiplayer replays (no need to elaborate) YES!
-Livery editor (paint any car in any colour, paint any wheel in any colour, add decals and vinyls, ability to customize or remove number plates, doesn't have to be as good as in FM3 but enough for players to appear as individuals when racing online or offline) I don't think there should be any excuses... it should be great. Doesn't have to be exactly the same as F3 but it better have some really shining points
-Porsche license is a must (PD have to find a way around it, there is always a way) I like porsche but with all the other cars, I won't miss it much... but if they can, then definitely do
-Drag racing (as gimmicky as it is, it's just fun) They should also toss in racing for slips!

I was never one to give PD a break on leaving things partial (premium/standard cars etc) after a 5 year dev cycle... now that they are not even releasing until early/mid next year I give them even less wiggle room.

Car graphics are obviously already SMOKING, backgrounds and tracks look great and perfect or not, I am sure the driving physics will be more than passable... but that's the core... at this point I fully expect bonuses and features fleshing out the game and they need to be done right.

I am on edge still on whether I think they can pull it off even with the 2010 ship date but I am hoping...

I think my PS3 money will be spent elsewhere this xmas, but as we get closer to GT5 release in 2010 if it's shaping up, I may start filling the piggy bank again!
I have a Jasper core Elite running in 1080p on a Sony Bravia 40" W series running at 100hz. No aliasing here and no glitches in the FM3 demo for me. If these things occur it's most likely the individual's hardware. After all, the XBOX360 before the Jasper core was just terrible.

Back on topic, let's talk about GT5, lets talk about the features they may be delaying the game to 2010 for and theories as to how it may pan out.
I have a Jasper core Elite running in "720p" on a Sony Bravia 40" W series running at 100hz. No aliasing here and no glitches in the FM3 demo for me. If these things occur it's most likely the individual's hardware. After all, the XBOX360 before the Jasper core was just terrible.

Back on topic, let's talk about GT5, lets talk about the features they may be delaying the game to 2010 for and theories as to how it may pan out.

Thanks Bank, NZ rocks!:)

Killborn230 seriously, the Elite has HDMI output and I've set the resolution at 1080p. I know FM3 runs in 720p native, not sure if the Bravia then upscales everything to 1080p as I've slected that resolution on XBOX360 dashboard but yes when I press the information button on my remote control it reads the screen is runing in 1080p.

You know, GT5 is my dream and where my heart is, regardless of what happends I'm always going to check up on the next GT. I think you'd all agree that in your heart you all want GT5 to be the best that it can be. We all want our own features for the game but we are also trying ot be realistic about what is achievable in the time available by PD, until spring or summer 2010.
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720p native, upcoverted to 1080p.

Saying there's no aliasing clearly demonstrates the fact that you don't have a gaming PC. Both 360 and PS3 have plenty of aliasing in all games.
720p native, upcoverted to 1080p.

Saying there's no aliasing clearly demonstrates the fact that you don't have a gaming PC. Both 360 and PS3 have plenty of aliasing in all games.

You assume too much.;) I play CODWAW in 1080p with maximum quality settings online with over 40 players and can run a full grid of GTR2 and GTLegends at maximum quality settings. Just never been a big fan of AA. I'm more interested in maximum resolution and smoothest frame rate. I always have AA turned off on my 8800GT2 512Mb XFX video card. I'd rather have the minimal aliasing rather than sacrifice any FPS. But that's just me.

FM3 aliasing is not that noticeable in my opinon, it may depend a lot on the type of XBOX360, the LCD screen and the resolution it's played at. Maybe the upscaler on my Bravia is very good, I can tell you that my sharpness is about half way at 15.

Ahh this is pissing me off, it's turning into PC and FM3 thread and every time I try to get back to GT5 nobody botheres.:(
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You assume too much.;) I play CODWAW in 1080p with maximum quality settings online with over 40 players and can run a full grid of GTR2 and GTLegends at maximum quality settings. Just never been a big fan of AA. I'm more interested in maximum resolution and smoothest frame rate. I always have AA turned off on my 8800GT2 512Mb XFX video card. I'd rather have the minimal aliasing rather than sacrifice any FPS. But that's just me.

Same here. I'd gladly trade AA for other graphical enhancements...
I've just read an IGN preview today and happy to hear about damage on all cars. I had a feeling about that.

EDIT: Something is worrying me. Does it sound like limited visual damage on most cars an full on others?
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I've just read an IGN preview today and happy to hear about damage on all cars. I had a feeling about that.

EDIT: Something is worrying me. Does it sound like limited visual damage on most cars an full on others?

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I've just read an IGN preview today and happy to hear about damage on all cars. I had a feeling about that.

EDIT: Something is worrying me. Does it sound like limited visual damage on most cars an full on others?

That's exactly what I get out of it.

Some cars (probably the same ones that have been planned to have damage up until now anywa) have full damage. The rest will get paint deep damage.

This stifles the argument "only some cars have damage in GT".

Take a deep breath though. I've read it once again, without the rose tinted glasses and it's not that good.

Damage on all cars yes, full damage no. For example, the damage on that Subaru at Gamescom hasn't really improved for TGS, but it may do for for the full game. Stock cars only have minor scratches and dents, no more.:(

Even more bad news, it looks like what we have seen at Gamescon and TGS was the final build of the game should it have been released in December 2009 as Sony first intended. That means that most of the features I'm hopeful and other features that fans think are there but aren't disclosed, were not in the GT5 that was supposed to be released in December 2009. Someone who claims to work in the industry confirms that the only reason the game was postponed until spring or summer 2010 is to improve damage, nothing else.

Will this mean that they're working on making the full damage better, as seen on that Subaru at Gamescom, and add full damage to stock cars too? Don't know, but it's not looking good for the other features desperately wanted by fans since GT, like tyre wear. I'm getting worried again.:nervous:
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That's exactly what I get out of it.

Some cars (probably the same ones that have been planned to have damage up until now anyway) have full damage. The rest will get paint deep damage.

This stifles the argument "only some cars have damage in GT".

Well it my stifle the argument but it's not really right is it? It will look pretty stupid if a car which can only sustain minor scratches and dents crashes into a car that can sustain full damage.:yuck:

If this is indeed what PD are planning, I'll have 2 choices. Buy the game and turn off damage on all cars, and I better be able to do that. Or, not buy the game in view that the features for GT5 are still really lacking when compared to competition.

Of course I hope we're both wrong in the way we are reading it and it will be full damage on all cars and a few more features thrown in, like tyre marks. I can dream can't I?

Off-Topic: Have you guys played DIRT 2? Wow, that game looks good, not my type of game but the collision physics and damage is just phenomenal.:drool:

EDIT: If GT5 has DIRT 2, caliber damage and collision physics on all cars plus all the features I've listed on the first page I'd litterally pay $500 for it, no questions asked.
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Even more bad news, it looks like what we have seen at Gamescon and TGS was the final build of the game should it have been released in December 2009 as Sony first intended. That means that most of the features I'm hopeful and other features that fans think are there but aren't disclosed, were not in the GT5 that was supposed to be released in December 2009. Someone who claims to work in the industry confirms that the only reason the game was postponed until spring or summer 2010 is to improve damage, nothing else.

If it was just simply damage, then that wouldn't have prevented them from showing off other elements of the game, doing walk-through through the new menus, showing off Home Garage, Photo Mode, etc., something here still just doesn't add up. :confused:
If it was just simply damage, then that wouldn't have prevented them from showing off other elements of the game, doing walk-through through the new menus, showing off Home Garage, Photo Mode, etc., something here still just doesn't add up. :confused:

Maybe I haven't explained myself properly. Regardless of the features that were listed for GT5, these were all due to be in the full GT5 game set for December 2009. But due to the backlash after revealing that only some cars will have damage and given the quality of the damage so far, the game has been postponed. They're so worried about the damage aspect, and delaying the game has caused so much turmoil in the GT fan base. Why on earth would they waste time on other features like tyre marks? Maybe Sony are putting their foot down and bringing the rains on this runaway developer, well PD have hardy ran anywhere, more like crawling in 5 years plus.

Anyway, if that's what's happening, Devedander might be right. Adding superficial damage on all cars while improving slightly on the full damage on the selected few, is a good way to say "Damage on all cars!" and get the game out as soon as possible to increase PS3 sales and make a profit on GT5... It's not a positive theory but a realistic one.

EDIT: Reading that thread on IGN makes me so sad to see GT5 murdered like that in the comments. The only people that can stand up for GT5 are the blind fanboys and the fans like me that grew up with GT, can't stop dreaming and wishing that it will deliver and will never give up on the game that started it all. The rest of the game buying world is just seeing GT's name dragged through the mud. Not really going to inspire them to buy it. Worst of all, KY and PD only have themselves to blame. So sad.:(
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