GT5 Track textures (56K WARNING)

  • Thread starter ST-2
X what?

Ok folks! I just wanted to get your opinions on GT5's track textures. I'll be completely honest here, looking at the above image, I have to say that Forza 2 do have some pretty damn good track textures, particularly the tarmac and trees. Anyway, thoughts? I'd like to see an improvement for GT5 because it all looks abit plastic like imo. Odd considering how good the cars look compared to Forza 2.
I think the grass and asphalt textures in GT5P are very good, whereas FM2's textures are very flat. However, Turn 10 did do a good job showing tire marks and braking points on the track - something PD seemed to ignore.

Changing the subject a bit, notice the picture of GT5P in the sixth row. The trees on the left are practically black. Compare that to real life and FM2 where the lighting is much less defined. They really need to address this issue in the full game.
Changing the subject a bit, notice the picture of GT5P in the sixth row. The trees on the left are practically black. Compare that to real life and FM2 where the lighting is much less defined. They really need to address this issue in the full game.

Here we go with the trees again... :) But seriously the times of day are different between the two. The sun is lighting the trees from the right in the real image while the in game images has the sun on the left so that side of the tree is in the shadows.
Here we go with the trees again... :)

It's not about the trees, its about the lighting. But let's not get off topic.

EDIT: There's a new part of your post I didn't see before. Anyway, you're right, both are at different times of the day but even in real life the trees on the right aren't completely black, they are still visible.
I honestly think that GT5P textures and lighting effects are far superior, the forza screenshots remind me of Flight simulator 2004 graphics wise, well that's forza 2 you say anyway.
I'm gonna get the game in the middle, once I can drive. I will need a passport to unlock Suzuka, though.

EDIT: I must say that both game's graphics are amazingly accurate to the real life Suzuka.
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I do think that GT is a little light on textures compared to real life in places, and T10 is a little over textured to real life..

I think I'd prefer something in the middle, and get rid of the 'glossy' track look that sometimes occurs, other then that, it's a track, some fine detail of cracks etc may help a little, but going too far is un-necessary IMO.
@ Zer0: Even the trees (as well as all the other objects in the video) are visible right up until nighttime.

Nice music, by the way :lol:

They need to fix it, one way or another. They look totally black, except for some small bits of green. Neither in real life or in Forza 2 do the shadows turn something green into pure darkness.
T10 just does way too much on all the tracks. Look at the real life pictures and compare with Forza 2. GT5P is a lot more accurate even though it may be lacking a very little bit. T10 is similar with the brake glowing. Every car does it even after light braking which is ridiculous. Talk about going overboard.
The trouble with GT5P (and I assume GT5) is that there is just too much at the extremes. Either too dark, or too light. Plus, not enough texture variation. Don't get me wrong, I'll be buying GT5 day one, but as a series...I just feel it's GT3 all over again - pretty much the same just in higher resolution. Not necessarily a bad thing, but other race series seem to make more progress.
Ok folks! I just wanted to get your opinions on GT5's track textures. I'll be completely honest here, looking at the above image, I have to say that Forza 2 do have some pretty damn good track textures, particularly the tarmac and trees. Anyway, thoughts? I'd like to see an improvement for GT5 because it all looks abit plastic like imo. Odd considering how good the cars look compared to Forza 2.

But the shots are from Prologue not GT5. On tracks like HSR & Eiger, there's a slight but noticeable improvement but that could be from the fact that those are completely new track.
I think the GT5 textures will be alot better in gt5 than gt5p, fromwatching the audi video on gtplanets youtube channel you can see the difference in textures from gt5p and gt5

At around 5.04 you see the nur on his screen and the shadows and textures look alot better than the other shots, there is also one at the end too
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The grass looks like it's dying in Forza's compared to GT5P's. It could be that they modeled the track right before winter kicked in.
I think the track textures in the full version of Gran Turismo 5 will be even better - not that the textures in GT5P are in any way lacking. :sly:

Turn 10 adds too many skid-marks on the tracks - look at the comparison between the three images in the very first row - GT5P has the track texture perfect - Forza 2 has WAY too many skid-marks and oil stains. They were trying to overcompensate for realism when it didn't even have to be done.

I agree, some skid marks on the track show use and wear - but I think that Polyphony Digital is trying to show us a new, ready-fr-us-to-race track - not one that has been used thousands of times.

I still wouldn't mind a few skid-marks here and there. :sly:
GT5 looks way more real over Forza.. Forza looks like a cartoon.. Aslo did you see TOKYO and LONDON detail? Unbelievable!
I thoght as far as accuracy of the track, didn't turn 10 tout how they went and measured each track carefully with GPS instruments to get it just right?

As for the extremes of color, HDR is something that is being used more lately to give things a more realistic (less cartoony) look. It used to be that all shades were kept in the normal spectrum and so you never really had any crushed blacks or blown out whites... well it turns out crushed blacks and blown out whites are actually realistic.

And HDRi is usually what's used in good raytracing as it captures dynamic range beyound a normal exposure.

Forza 3 will be implimenting an HDR effect (most noteable when something bright blows out or something dark is completely lost in shadow) while Forza 2 didn't, so keep that in mind while looking at these forza 2 track shows.

That said, looking at the comparisons (at this size anyway) I am actually quite impressed with how well Forza2 shots hold up...
Zero's last post on page 1 is proof positive that GT5P's lighting is very good.
I cant see where anyone would complain or even want improvement in that area.

As for the tracks, they both look good (Forza and GT5P)
I thoght as far as accuracy of the track, didn't turn 10 tout how they went and measured each track carefully with GPS instruments to get it just right?

As for the extremes of color, HDR is something that is being used more lately to give things a more realistic (less cartoony) look. It used to be that all shades were kept in the normal spectrum and so you never really had any crushed blacks or blown out whites... well it turns out crushed blacks and blown out whites are actually realistic.

And HDRi is usually what's used in good raytracing as it captures dynamic range beyound a normal exposure.

Forza 3 will be implimenting an HDR effect (most noteable when something bright blows out or something dark is completely lost in shadow) while Forza 2 didn't, so keep that in mind while looking at these forza 2 track shows.

That said, looking at the comparisons (at this size anyway) I am actually quite impressed with how well Forza2 shots hold up...
ever gona make a post that somehow doesn't involve something being wrong with GT or Forza being better ?
I can honestly give a flying flip on exact details of the stupid trees. You better be looking at the track and not the trees when your racing. PD is doing a fine job. 👍
The tracks on Forza 2 not accurate at all. Well you can see it in the pictures, Corners are just different from real life. GT nails it in my opinion.

real life - GT= barely noticeable
real life - Forza= different, and everybody sees instantly it's a video game.
ever gona make a post that somehow doesn't involve something being wrong with GT or Forza being better ?

Ummm... where did I say this is something wrong with GT or Forza is better?

I was explaining why the Forza 2 tracks have that cartoony look and saying that Forza 3 should be up to par on this front since they will be using an HDR effect...

GT5 already uses that effect (we can see it here) so I don't think that is saying anything bad about GT5...

Second post mentioned how accurate the tracks are in GT5 and I was just recalling that Turn 10 I think went to great lengths to get accuracy as well.

So in short:

I brought up forza only because the OP is comparing forza to GT anyway.

I didn't say anything bad about GT.

I didn't say Forza is better.

Your paranoia that someone will say something bad about your precious GT or like Forza more is causing you to see things that aren't there.
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I really have no objections about Prologue track textures.

The tarmac looks very similar to the real roads (with new asphalt, that's the point) when I travel. When you stop, the Prologue car, can even look the gravel, and the skidmarks on the corners really looks lineal and darker, and have more grip. And what is more important, don't have problems of pop-in (Forza 2 sadly have them, it wouldn't be the first time the track dissapears in front my nose or tarmac details).

The piano strip and the grass/sand on the way outs, the same.

Someone could think that they must be more "dirty", but you know how thinks Kazunori, he speaks about pieces of art and other similar things ;)
to be honest, comparing the 3 photos Forza looks way ott with the tire marks compared with the real life photos! While GT5p is a bit too far the other direction.
While I'd agree the GT5 could do with slightly better tire mark simulation, I'd be disappointed if they take it as far ott as Forza.
Ummm... where did I say this is something wrong with GT or Forza is better?

I was explaining why the Forza 2 tracks have that cartoony look and saying that Forza 3 should be up to par on this front since they will be using an HDR effect...

GT5 already uses that effect (we can see it here) so I don't think that is saying anything bad about GT5...

Second post mentioned how accurate the tracks are in GT5 and I was just recalling that Turn 10 I think went to great lengths to get accuracy as well.

So in short:

I brought up forza only because the OP is comparing forza to GT anyway.

I didn't say anything bad about GT.

I didn't say Forza is better.

Your paranoia that someone will say something bad about your precious GT or like Forza more is causing you to see things that aren't there.

I have both consoles i have played forza and gt, it just gets tiresome watching the same couple of people posting here just to always put GT down.

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